
An emergency meeting

Florida Republicans had an emergency meeting about the Foley resignation at the U.S. Capitol late Friday afternoon, with Gov. Jeb Bush taking part by speakerphone.
Rep. C.W. Bill Young said the delegation agreed that House Republican leadership had done the right thing "by moving quickly and basically telling him, 'resign or you're out.'"
The conversation turned to the difficult question of how to get a Republican replacement, Young said. Foley's name will remain on the ballot, but the party will choose a replacement nominee. The difficult spot for Republicans is that they will still have to tell voters to vote for Foley.
Young said the members at the meeting were concerned they could lose the seat to the Democrats because Foley's name will still be on the ballot.
"Based on the charges that Mr. Foley is facing, I don’t’ think anybody would want to be assocated with that kind of a charge," he said.
Young said the governor "was basically explaining state law and mentioning what the options would be. He was just as upset as we all are."
Someone at the meeting said there are 36 pages of incriminating emails, according to Young.
Young said the meeting ended and, "We concluded by all walking out of the room, shaking our heads."

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