
What Tallahassee Is Up to


HouseFlorida House of Representatives
Among the many bills on today's Special Order Calendar are:
HB 289 by Rep. Antiere Flores, which would prohibit community college and university professors from accepting kickbacks from textbook publishers in exchange for selecting their book and require the posting of the required textbook list on the Internet at least 30 days before the start of the semester (so students can shop around for their book);
Two bills relating to petition gathering for citizen initiatives: HB 559 by Rep. Don Brown would allow private property owners the right to determine whether or not petition gatherers could obtain signatures on their property and HB 7009 by Rep. Dean Cannon revises the regulations for the petition gathering process, including requiring the name and address of the petition gatherer to be on the form, requiring those who are paid to wear a badge saying they are being paid and prohibiting the payment of gatherers on a per-signature basis;
HB 323 by Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera would provide a tax rebate for the Florida Marlins to build a new stadium and for the Miami Dolphins to retrofit Dolphin Stadium to undo the baseball renovations (Note: A similar bill is effectively dead in the Senate); and
HB 1497 by Rep. Trey Traviesa which requires a 24-hour waiting period before undergoing an abortion and provides that minors seeking to waive the parental notification requirement will have a guardian ad litem appointed for them;

SenateFlorida Senate
Today's Senate Special Order Calendar includes SB 2334 by Sen. Steven Geller would allow video lottery terminals at parimutuel facilities;
SB 752 by Sens. Geller and Mike Fasano would revise the rules for parimutuel cardrooms, allowing video poker machines and high stakes poker tournaments;
SB 134 by Sen. Larcenia Bullard would allow cardrooms to offer gambling on dominoes;
SB 998 by Sen. Mike Bennett would remove the local cable franchise process and replace it with a statewide process, a provision requiring service in low-income areas was stricken from the bill at its last committee stop;
SB 960 by Sen. Lee Constantine would change the date of Florida's presidential preference primary to the last Tuesday in January and require the use of optical scan voting equipment; the bill is controversial now because of additional election provisions added on in its last committee;
SB 900 by Sen. Bill Posey allows voters who sign an initiative petition to official revoke their signature at a later date, it was similar to HB 7009, but much of the language was removed in committee;
SB 1920 by Sen. Fasano would allow private property owners the right to determine whether or not petition gatherers could obtain signatures on their property; and
SB 1710 by Sen. Steven Oelrich would allow the University of Florida, Florida State University, and the University of South Florida to assess a 'differential tuition' to bolster undergraduate teaching;



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