
Bogdanoff's Latest "Stealth Tactic"

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Christian Chiari at 954-803-4844
Bogdanoff's Latest "Stealth Tactic" Puts Insurance Companies before Taxpayers
Latest in Series of Sneaky Moves Smacks of Payback to Biggest Donor
Ft. Lauderdale—Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff has once again demonstrated that she favors a government in the dark on behalf of special interests and ideologues over open government on behalf of the people. This time her champion is none other than the insurance industry and its desire to do away with personal injury protection insurance (also known as PIP).
As highlighted in an editorial in today's edition of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel , Rep. Bogdanoff's latest maneuver, designed to stall any attempts to renew the state's no-fault insurance law, will result in increased insurance company profits at the expense of taxpayer dollars.
"For months now, I have been talking about Rep. Bogdanoff's preference for government in the dark on behalf of the special interests," Christian Chiari, Democratic challenger to Rep. Bogdanoff in Florida's 91 st House District said, "And I am encouraged by the fact that such abuse of our government will not go unnoticed or unchallenged.
"I would call this a Bogdanoff 'triple play,'" Chiari said. "She is managing to help big insurance, hurt average Floridians and pursue her policy of government in the dark all at the same time. For her and her insurance company friends, it's a good day. For the rest of us it's trouble. "
Chiari said that Bogdanoff's latest trick demonstrates her allegiance to the insurance industry and echoed the sentiments of the Sentinel editorial which blasted Bogdanoff for "carrying water for the special interests."
"This is a deceitful legislative tactic that seeks simply to ensure the death of no-fault insurance and personal injury protection insurance in the state," Chiari said. "There is no genuine solution being put forward here. It's just a sneaky way to give the insurance companies what they want.
"It's shameful and tragic that with so many other legislative priorities Rep. Bogdanoff chooses to spend her time further obstructing the legislative process," Chiari said.
Chiari said that with the 2008 election a year and a half away that it is important for her constituents to keep Rep. Bogdanoff in check.
"The bottom line is that we know Representative Bogdanoff is for a government in the dark on behalf of the insurance industry," Chiari said. "And no matter what happens she still has another year and another session. And I intend to work night and day to make sure that is all she has."

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