
Crist: PIP Insurance Can Wait

So Can KidCare 

Talk of another special legislative session in the fall, the third one this year, surfaced in the Capitol on Tuesday. Gov. Charlie Crist said he did not support legislators distracted by two other unresolved issues, the expiration of minimum mandatory personal injury (PIP) car insurance and changes to the KidCare health insurance program, in the special session starting today.
"It's important that we stay focused on this historic tax cut," Crist said. He said the other issues are more properly addressed in "September or October."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:54 AM

    It's natural for all insurance users to think a lot before applying for PIP insurance.

    Some of the insurance applicants are truly confused whether to go for PIP insurance when they already have health insurance in place. Perhaps it's time for them to understand that health insurance won't pay them for their wage loss following an accident. Under such circumstances they may take shelter under their PIP insurance policy.
