
Broward School Board opposes referendum to cut property taxes

Broward School Board members have taken an official position on the upcoming state constitutional amendment to cut property taxes.

They oppose it — strongly.

To send that message, School Board members have ordered their staff to draft a resolution, as well as mount a campaign, to dissuade voters from approving the tax cuts.

School Board members say if voters in January approve a proposition to "supersize" their homestead exemption, thereby excluding much of a home's value from taxation, it would have a "devastating effect" on public education.

The message to the community, School Board members told their staff, must be powerful.

"I think it ought to say, 'It will have a devastating effect on the school district,'" Board Member Maureen Dinnen urged. "No wimp language."

"We'll put some biting language," assured Superintendent Jim Notter.

"Shock value," added Maggie Zalamea, the district's director of government relations.

Under the proposed amendment, 75 percent of the first $200,000 of a home's value would be exempt from taxation. Currently, $25,000 of a home's value is exempt.

That "super exemption" has districts across the state worried. School officials say massive cuts would be required. State officials project public schools would be hit with a $2 billion drop in property tax revenue the first year and more than $7 billion over five years.

In Broward County, officials predict a $145 million drop during the first year alone. The district has an annual budget of more than $4 billion.

Broward school officials already have cut $60 million from this year's budget because of a sluggish economy that has strained state coffers — a large part of the district's funding.

Some of the effects of this year's cuts: fewer bus stops, more hiring freezes and reduced individual school budgets.

"I'm getting e-mails from parents complaining about how the buses are crowded," said Board Member Stephanie Kraft. "And I'm e-mailing them back and saying 'what you're seeing are the first impacts of the budget cuts."

She added: "Until they feel it firsthand, it doesn't impact them. I'm telling everyone that."

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