
The HATE Birgade Is Coming To Town

UPDATE 09-17-07 10 AM Giuliani will be in town a few hours before the debate, Folger said, “It’s saying ‘In your face. I’m here in town, but I don’t care enough about your values to actually show up.’ “ Giuliani’s campaign said the former New York mayor can’t participate in every group’s debate and is generally sticking to forums organized by major TV networks. Thompson last week was asked in Celebration about the Values Voters event and said he was limiting debate appearances because he doesn’t see the benefit of standing on stage like a “trained seal” with a line of other candidates. ----------------------------------

The Hater Votes Presidential Debate:

Debate will be held today, September 17th, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Debate organizer Janet Folger said, "As long as I can remember I've been hearing complaints about the liberal media. I've heard about their power and undue influence. For too long the pundits have made their proclamations and people have fallen into lock step. But, not anymore."

Questions will come from 40 of the top far right wing hate groups in the U.S. including: Paul Weyrich, founder and President of the Free Congress Foundation, Phyllis Schlafly, founder and President of Eagle Forum, Don Wildmon, founder and Chairman of the American Family Association, Judge Roy Moore, with the Foundation for Moral Law, Rick Scarborough, Vision America, and Mat Staver of Liberty Council.

Earlier this month, Vision America President Rick Scarborough derided Democratic candidates who attended a forum sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign and Logo TV by writing, "What's next? The Cross Dresser Debates? Or perhaps the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lovers Association) Debates? Or here's one for the ages -- The Bestiality Debates."

Now, Scarborough has revealed that he will take time away from his 70-week electoral "crusade" to join Phyllis Schlafly, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Janet Folger in interrogating at least 7 Republican candidates at the so-called "Values Voter Debate" today in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, leading those of us following the parade of GOP contenders wooing the Religious Right to ask: What's next?
Writes Scarborough:
It's time for the candidates to be asked whether homosexuality is a sin. It's time for them to declare whether the killing of the unborn is ever right. It's time for them to answer whether their Justice Department would prosecute preaching biblical truths as hate crimes.

Earlier this month, Vision America President Rick Scarborough derided Democratic candidates who attended a forum sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign and Logo TV by writing, "What's next? The Cross Dresser Debates? Or perhaps the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lovers Association) Debates? Or here's one for the ages -- The Bestiality Debates."
Now, Scarborough has revealed that he will take time away from his 70-week electoral "crusade" to join Phyllis Schlafly, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Janet Folger in interrogating at least 4 Republican candidates at the so-called "Values Voter Debate" next month in Florida, leading those of us following the parade of GOP contenders wooing the Religious Right to ask: What's next?
Writes Scarborough:
It's time for the candidates to be asked whether homosexuality is a sin. It's time for them to declare whether the killing of the unborn is ever right. It's time for them to answer whether their Justice Department would prosecute preaching biblical truths as hate crimes.
For candidates nervous about appearing before these far-right haters, Scarborough has provided a crib sheet of potential questions he may ask:
Do you believe Islam is a religion of peace?
Do you believe that homosexuality is a sin?
Would you pardon border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Juan Compean?
Do you believe that tax payer's educational money should follow the child?
Do you believe the Ten Commandments should be posted on public property?
Do you believe a pastor should have the freedom of speech to endorse or oppose a candidate for public office from his pulpit?

Will your Justice Department refuse to prosecute any pastor who preaches that homosexuality is a sin and is then accused of a hate crime?

Do you believe the court had a right to withhold food and water from Terri Schiavo which resulted in her death by dehydration/starvation?

Cross potsted at

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