
Hutchinson Makes It Offical

Hutchinson to run for Fort Lauderdale mayor

The run to replace Mayor Jim Naugle has officially begun. Cindi Hutchinson, a city hutchinson150.jpg
commissioner since 2000, said she will run for the open mayor's seat in 2009.
Hutchinson is term-limited out of her district commissioner seat, where she has represented southwest Fort Lauderdale.
She said she isn't going to start actively campaigning yet. The election is 16 months off.
But she said she's enjoyed her time as a commissioner.
"I've met some really wonderful people. And what a wonderful experience working with the public. I've always been a service-oriented person. I really like my job. As much as it's challenging and hard at times, I think the difficulty is you can't make everybody happy. I mean you want to. It's just my nature.''
Hutchinson was self-employed as an office cleaner but said she wasn't making money at it anymore, because of the demands of the commission job. She shut down her business at the end of December last year, she said. Now she works full-time as a commissioner, but is employed by her church, St. Jerome Catholic Church in Fort Lauderdale, doing odds and ends.
In October, she switched parties, from Republican to Democrat.

"I have just not felt aligned with the Republican Party,'' she said. (She switched from Democrat to Republican back in 1999, but said she doesn't remember what prompted that.) "I have always been pro-choice and I'm not happy with their stance on the war. I met a lot of nice people in that party but it didn't feel right for Cindi anymore.''
Hutchinson was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale.
The mayor's job pays $35,000 plus $500 a month for expenses. Candidates must be 21 and have lived in the city for six months. Seats can be held for three consecutive three-year terms before the term limit is reached. The race is non-partisan.

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