
Unions Picket DNC Headquarters

The Donna Brazile attempted coup of the Democratic party is meeting unexpected stiff resistance from union members in two states that the DNC doesn't care about. Politico is reporting that union members from Florida and Michigan are picketing outside of DNC headquarters today. This is the first of what may become a routine daily activity from disenfranchised voters.
They're complaining that the DNC's refusal to seat Florida delegates will prevent dozens of union members who are delegates from attending the convention, and they want DNC Chairman Howard Dean to resolve the dispute.
And being realistic, the unions are comparing the DNC 48 state strategy to something union members everywhere fully understand: A Lock Out.
"We're getting locked out," said Williams as he and the other union members picketed the DNC. Williams estimated that as many as a dozen building trade union members, and 30 union members overall, would be part of the Florida contingent to the Democratic convention.
The only trouble I see with this analogy is that it is the DNC that has gone on strike. They are no longer working for all Americans. The DNC message is clear: When it comes to expanding Democratic prosperity nationwide, Florida and Michigan need not apply.

After the meeting with DNC Executive Director Tom McMahon and Political Director David Boundy, several of the picketers said they appreciated the time and attention, but remained unsatisfied with what they were being told.
Mike Williams, president of the Florida Building & Construction Trades Council, was similarly disappointed.
"Their response was basically that they are still in the mode of trying to get something done," said Williams." "Frankly they did not have any more to tell us than the feel-good press releases of (DNC Chairman Howard) Dean and the congressional delegation."
Attend a All Expense Paid Rally on April 30th 2008
A private individual is funding a protest to be held April 30 in Washington, DC.

All expenses will be paid for including hotel, transportation, and meals.

We need 50 people per bus - the busses will leave from any location in which we can get 50 people 

The buses will leave April 28th and the protest will be in front of the DNC on April 30th - the busses will leave from Washington April 30th - you will be back in town May 1 -

I know many of you work but this is very important and again ALL EXPENSES ARE BEING PAID FOR!

If you can attend, please send Jim Hanrahan an email. 

Please pass this on to others and ask them to respond to Jim Hanrahan via email at or call him at 888.599.1586

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