
Small Donations Continue to Fuel Democrats

April Presidential Reports: Small Donations Continue to Fuel Democrats; McCain Has His Best Month; Clinton's Debts Rise to $19.5 Million
According to monthly reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on May 20, the three remaining presidential candidates raised $76 million in April, only slightly less than the $78 million they raised in March. For the third month in a row, more than half of Senator Barack Obama's and Senator Hillary Clinton's primary contributions – 65% and 59% respectively – came in amounts of $200 or less. Another 16% of Obama's funds and 21% of Clinton's came in amounts of $1,000 or more. For Senator John McCain, the percentages were reversed. Although April was McCain's best fundraising month, only 24% of the $18.5 million he raised came in amounts of $200 or less; 63% were in amounts of $1,000 or more. Cumulatively from January 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008: Obama has raised 47% of his funds in amounts of $200 or less, Clinton 33% and McCain 23%; during the same period Obama has raised 34% cumulatively in amounts of $1,000 or more, Clinton 51% and McCain 63%.

Summary Table - Remaining Candidates
* Clinton's debt includes $10 million to herself.

Clinton's Debts

There has been some interest among reporters recently about Sen. Clinton's debt. The debt reported to the Federal Election Commission was $19,480,893 as of April 30. This included $10,000,000 in loans the candidate made to the campaign and the remainder in debts to others, most of whom were vendors.

Since the "Millionaire's Amendment" to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, everything above $250,000 in candidate self-loans must be repaid by the date of the relevant election, or else be converted to gifts. The election, in this case, will be the date on which a party's presidential candidate is nominated.

Sen. Clinton's debts to her vendors were about $840,000 less than they were at the end of March. The largest vendor debts were to the political consulting firms of Penn, Schoen and Berland ($4.8 million); MSHC Partners ($956,409) and Grunwald Communications ($695,379). She is continuing to purchase services and make payments to these vendors. Penn, Schoen and Berland billed the campaign for $3.3 million during the month of April and received $3.1 million in payments; Grunwald Communications billed $860,767 and received $693,867; MSHC Partners billed $44,725 in April and received payments of the same amount. The remaining $3 million in debt is owed to a total of more than 150 creditors.


Table 1: Presidential Candidates' Fundraising Activity, April 1 - 30, 2008 (Active Candidates).

Table 2: Presidential Candidates' Fundraising Activity, Jan. 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008 (All Candidates).

Table 3: Presidential Candidates' Primary Money Raised and Spent, Jan. 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008 (Active Candidates).

Table 4: Past Presidential Candidates' Fundraising: January 1, 2003 - April 30, 2004 and January 1, 1999 - April 30, 2000 (All Candidates).

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