
Linda Bird Campaign Kick off Party


Campaign Kick Off  Party


Special Guests


The Honorable Steve Geller - Senate Democratic Leader
The Honorable Dave Aronberg                  The Honorable Jeremy Ring
The Honorable Joe Gibbons                            The Honorable Elaine Schwartz
The Honorable Nan Rich           The Honorable Skip Campbell



Thursday, July 31st at 6:00 PM -  8:00 PM



L'Hermitage Building One
3100 North Ocean Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
General Area: End of Oakland Park Blvd, east of

Carpool please. Park in valet, or street side parking across A1A. 


Join us as we launch this successful campaign and take back the Florida Senate! 
 RSVP for the list at the Door
If you have not signed up yet, please do so now.  Please email   with your full name, address, and phone number for the list at the door to attend this event.


Linda Hofmann



McCain Does NOT Support The Troops

A McCain TV spot falsely insinuates that Obama canceled his visit because "the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras."
A new McCain ad says Obama "made time to go to the gym, but canceled a visit with wounded troops. Seems the Pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras."

McCain's facts are literally true, but his insinuation – that the visit was canceled because of the press ban or the desire for gym time – is false. In fact, Obama visited wounded troops earlier – without cameras or press – both in the U.S. and Iraq. And his gym workouts are a daily routine.

The Obama campaign canceled the visit with wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, Obama says, when he learned that the Pentagon would not allow him to bring along a retired Air Force major general who is serving as a foreign policy adviser to the campaign. Obama says that "triggered then a concern that maybe our visit was going to be perceived as political."
The McCain ad repeats the claim that Obama has not held "a single hearing on Afghanistan."  The ad also repeats the misleading statement that Obama "voted against funding our troops."  Obama voted in favor of funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan all but once since he was sworn in.

 McCain's campaign repeated its allegation again, issuing a statement in the name of retired Army helicopter pilot and McCain campaign surrogate Michael J. Durant, saying Obama's visit "was canceled after it became clear that campaign staff, and the traveling press corps, would not be allowed to accompany Senator Obama."

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Linda Bird for Senate District 25 Campaign Kick Off Party

Linda Bird for Senate District 25

Campaign Kick Off  Party


Special Guests

Senator Nan Rich and Senator Skip Campbell


Thursday, July 31st  at 6:00 PM -  8:00 PM


L'Hermitage Building One
3100 North Ocean Blvd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

General Area: End of Oakland Park Blvd, east of
Carpool please. Park in valet, or street side parking across A1A. 


Join us as we launch this successful campaign and take back the Florida Senate! 
 RSVP for the list at the Door
If you have not signed up yet, please do so now.  Please email   with your full name, address, and phone number for the list at the door to attend this event.


Linda Hofmann

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Linda Bird , Democrat for State Senate, District 25.

Linda Bird for Senate Campaign| 6278 N. Federal Hwy., Ste 210 | Fort Lauderdale | FL | 33308
Phone 954 638 6505

Call CBS News
Call CBS News   
Tell CBS News that they need to broadcast the complete John McCain interview from the July 22 Evening News, and that they need to inform their viewers, on the air and online, about their policy on editing interviews.
CBS Email Addresses and Phone Numbers
CBS Evening News
212 975-3691 and 202 457-4385
fax 212 975-1893
fax 212-975-1998

E-mail: E-mail form

Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment,
CBS Television
51 West 52 Street,
New York, NY 10019
Tel: (212) 975-4321
When contacting the media, please be polite and professional. Express your specific concerns regarding that particular news report or commentary, and be sure to indicate exactly what you would like the media outlet to do differently in the future.

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Gov. Tim Pawlenty's former Spokesman busted for soliciting prostitute

Potential McCain Veep pick, Tim Pawlenty spokesman arrested.
He served as a spokesman for Gov. Tim Pawlenty's campaign in 2002 and for the Bush-Cheney campaign in Minnesota in 2004," the report continues. "Most recently, Hong was a point person for presidential candidate Mike Huckabee," though the paper notes that according to a spokesperson for the Minnesota GOP, he is not currently working for any state candidate.
Hong had no comment when reached by phone, the paper says. Pioneer Press reports

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Barack Obama in Berlin

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CBS Covers Up MCcain's Major Gaffe

Gaffes Happen may soon become the official McCain campaign teeshirt. They should be careful what they wish for as McCain will be getting more news coverage than they might care for with his latest gaffe.
Politicians put their foot in their mouth on a regular basis. Sometimes it may be the result of long hours on the campaign trail, sometimes because they simply can't keep their facts straight and sometimes because they can't keep their lies straight. Sometimes it's simply because they do not understand the facts.
Couric/McCain Interview:
Countdown with Keith Olbermann reports:

Senator John McCain... Now staking his candidacy entirely on the surge. Entirely on his claim that he believed in the need for a surge of U-S forces in Iraq ... even before President Bush did. Tonight has proven that he does not understand one of the fundamental facts about it.


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Campaign Training On Amendment 2

November is fast approaching and Floridians are facing sweeping attacks on their civil liberties and human rights. We have never faced such a far-reaching collection of proposed constitutional amendments. One threatens to take away basic rights of straight and gay unmarried couples (proposed Amendment #2) and two others (Amendments #7 & #9) would eliminate Florida's strong commitment to separation of church & state and religious freedom language, and require government funding of religious programs.

In the coming months you will hear more from us on these proposed constitutional amendments and how you can help defeat them

Today we are taking a brief look at proposed Constitutional Amendment #2. The time for you to act is now!

Volunteer to help defeat Amendment 2
This amendment, on which
Governor Charlie Crist has been
quoted saying "It's not an issue
that moves me … I am more of a
live and let live kind of guy," is
one of utmost importance to all
Floridians, whether straight or

In July, you have an exclusive opportunity to get directly involved with the ACLU's work to protect the rights of all Floridians.  We will be touring the state to provide speaker training on proposed Amendment 2, the so-called "marriage protection" amendment.

This far-reaching proposed amendment puts government where it does not belong -- in the role of regulating the personal relationships of adults. It would also change Florida's constitution, an action that should not be taken lightly and should be reserved only for improving governmental policies, something this amendment does not do.

The proposed amendment, dubbed the "marriage protection amendment" by its supporters, goes beyond the existing ban on gay marriage in Florida and threatens existing basic rights of unmarried heterosexual domestic partner couples, including seniors. Among the key rights that will be vulnerable are:
    1. Employee healthcare plans offered by
        public employers to domestic partners; and
    2. The authority of one domestic partner to make
        medical decisions for the other in the event
        of an emergency.
According to census figures, 89% of all registered domestic partners in Florida are heterosexual couples. Firefighters, teachers, librarians, bus drivers and other government employees will lose their right to health care for their domestic partners -- these are your neighbors and family members.

Many organizations and citizens' rights groups have united to oppose this amendment, and we need your help to spread the word in your community about the harmful effects (including the unintended consequences) this amendment would have, if passed.

Join us in July to learn more about the harmful effects of the proposed amendment and become an official ACLU speaker in our "Vote No on 2" campaign. Register for the training or to volunteer for the campaign by choosing the appropriate contact below, or by filling out our form online today.

Here is a list of the dates and cities we will be visiting; we hope you can join us! (Dates and locations are subject to change; please contact us for more information.)
  • South Florida - Tuesday, July 29th from 7-9 PM at City Hall/Commission Chambers of Wilton Manors, 524 NE 21st Court, Wilton manors, FL 33305. Please RSVP to Kileen Marshall at
Register today for the city nearest you, or write us at for more information if you cannot attend.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you at one of the trainings!

Pd. Pol. Adv. sponsored and paid for by the
Committee to Protect Employee Health Benefits
4500 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 340, Miami, FL 33137

Linda Bird To Challange Sen Jeff Atwater

Democratic leaders in Broward and Palm Beach counties have formally picked political activist and Broward realtor Linda Bird for a place on the November ballot, in hopes of unseating Republican incumbent and incoming Senate President Jeff Atwater, according to a statement released Sunday night by the Florida Democratic Party.
Earlier this month, Democratic leaders announced that Bird was the preferred candidate to take over for former Democratic challenger Walter "Skip" Campbell, who abandoned his high-profile challenge to Atwater, a North Palm Beach Republican, for health reasons.
And now that members of the Democratic Executive Committees in both counties have officially approved Bird's candidacy, her name will be submitted to the Department of State so it can be placed on the November ballot.
In the race to challenge presumed incoming Senate President Jeff Atwater, the Palm Beach and Broward County Democratic Executive Committees tonight have endorsed the candidacy of prominent community leader and established South Florida businesswoman Lind Bird.
Bird, a Realtor who was recently inducted into the Broward County Women's Hall of Fame, will step forward to fill the void left by the departure of former Senator Skip Campbell, who abandoned his bid for the Senate last week due to health reasons. 
Now that Bird has been approved by the two County Executive Committees, her name will be submitted to the Department of State to be placed on the ballot.
"I look forward to hitting the campaign trail and listening to the needs of the good people of Palm Beach and Broward Counties," said Bird. "Voters are frustrated with the typical politics-as-usual that we've seen from Tallahassee insiders. Florida is at a crossroads and voters are eager for change.  I will be the candidate of change." 
While Jeff Atwater is part of the Tallahassee establishment, Linda Bird is a fresh candidate who will bring a much-needed bipartisan approach to addressing Florida's challenges.  While this election will be her first run for office, Bird brings decades of South Florida experience to the voters of Senate District 25. As owner of Bird Realty for 22-years, Linda has an impeccable record in the community and has helped countless Florida families realize the American dream of home ownership. 
Additionally, Linda has been heavily involved in community activities.  She was instrumental in establishing The Friends of OUR House, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to assisting children from broken homes, and currently serves as the President of its Board of Directors.  Recently, Linda was recognized by the American Cancer Society as Woman of the Year.
"Florida Democrats are excited about Linda's candidacy," declared Senator Al Lawson, who as Democratic Leader-Designate will oversee this year's senate elections.  "Linda is a strong candidate who will win in November. 
"I've had the privilege of working with Linda in the past, and she is a hard-working, driven individual who will elevate this race to new heights," added Senator Nan Rich, who worked with Linda in past campaigns.  "Linda fights for the issues important to South Florida like caring for our children and maintaining our quality of life. I look forward to joining Linda on the campaign trail so she may in turn join us in the Florida Senate."
Lawson concluded, "While I have disagreed with him on policy and feel he's led Florida in the wrong direction, I have always personally liked Jeff Atwater.  That's why I will miss him next year."

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GLBT Floridians Can Say No 2 Taking Away Rights,

By Stephen Gaskill

Florida's GLBT voters will face a divisive and unnecessary attack on their
lives at the ballot box this November: Amendment 2, the Florida Marriage
Protection Amendment.  In just 37 words, this vaguely-written amendment
to the Florida Constitution could take away rights, benefits and
protections from couples in committed relationships.  And that's not just  
election-year hyperbole.

Amendment 2 is also called the "gay marriage ban."  But the reality is
that same-sex marriage is already illegal in Florida under at least four
separate laws dating back a decade.  So whether or not Amendment 2 is
approved by the voters, same-sex marriage will remain illegal in the
Sunshine State.  But while Florida's GLBT community is in the crosshairs in
this campaign, the state's unmarried heterosexual couples have just as
much to lose.

That's because the amendment language goes much further than defining marriage as only
between "one man and one woman," as many of these types of amendments claim (California's, for
instance).  The Florida amendment reads: "Inasmuch as marriage is the legal union of only one man
and one woman as husband and wife, no other legal union that is treated as marriage or the
substantial equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."

The last phrase is the problem -- "no other union that is treated as marriage or the substantial
equivalent thereof shall be valid or recognized."   What exactly does that mean?  

Does that mean civil unions?  Domestic partnerships?  Other legal arrangements between
unmarried couples?  No one knows.  The amendment's supporters claim not to know. Even the
amendment's authors claim not to know.

With so many unknowns, why would Florida voters approve Amendment 2?

Raising those doubts and pointing out the potential consequences of Amendment 2 is the job of
Florida Red and Blue, the bipartisan statewide organization running the Say No 2 campaign.  Based
in Miami, Florida Red and Blue has raised more than $2.5 million in cash and in-kind contributions for
Say No 2.  (That amount will increase when the latest quarterly figures are released in mid-July.)   

Since last summer, Florida Red and Blue has been educating Floridians that they could lose shared
health care benefits, pension benefits, and even hospital visitation rights if Amendment 2 passes.
The Say No 2 campaign has gained traction, with more than 200 organizations and political leaders
signing on.  Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, Florida CFO Alex Sink,
the Florida AFL-CIO, the Florida Professional Firefighters, and the League of Women Voters are just a
few of the powerful and persuasive allies Say No 2 has.  (You can read the whole list at www.SayNo2.

Only one state has ever defeated a "marriage protection" amendment – Arizona in 2006.  That
campaign is the model for Say No 2:  A heavy emphasis on research…strong bipartisan support in a
broad-based coalition…and a media campaign that focuses on the consequences on those
impacted by the amendment, especially senior couples who can't or don't want to marry.

While supporters of Amendment 2 claim that Red and Blue's approach is disingenuous – they say
that there's no precedent for taking away benefits and that Red and Blue is just scaring seniors for
an electoral victory – the reality is that Michigan recently played out Florida's worst case scenario.

Michigan voters passed a marriage amendment with language similar to Florida's in 2004.  This
spring, the Michigan Supreme Court, in a widely-publicized interpretation of the amendment, ruled
that domestic partnerships for unmarried couples are, in the amendment's language, a "similar
union" to marriage, and therefore sharing benefits is invalid under the voter-passed constitutional
amendment.  The result: people are having their health care benefits taken away, just as opponents
of the amendment claimed.  

We cannot repeat that scenario here.

The Say No 2 campaign is working throughout our community to educate voters about this
dangerous amendment.  California is grabbing the headlines, but Florida is the largest swing state in
the country.  If Red and Blue is successful in defeating Amendment 2, it could finally be the death
knell for these harmful, hateful and wasteful constitutional amendment drives.


Stephen Gaskill is a Fort Lauderdale-based Democratic political campaign consultant.  

Stephen Gaskill is a senior communications strategist and political consultant with more than 20
years of experience designing and implementing media outreach programs for political candidates,
government agencies, advocacy groups, major corporations, trade associations and ad hoc
coalitions.  Based in South Florida after a long career in Washington DC, Stephen is an independent
consultant with a variety of client interests, and has served as national spokesperson on a wide
range of issues and causes.  He is a veteran of Democratic politics, and held senior positions in the
last four presidential campaigns.  

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Victory Fund- House Party

Victory in Miami
It's unbelievable to imagine: Florida has never elected an openly gay legislator. However, now we have an opportunity to make history! When you come out to help support Mark LaFontaine in his bid for the state House of Representatives, you will help the Florida LGBT community secure representation in the state legislature.
Presenting Hosts
Joseph L. Falk & Mark Scott
Host Committee
Michael Albetta
Chip Arndt
Mark Baker
Jerry Chasen
David da Silva Cornell
Kirk Fordham
Commissioner Scott Galvin
Christopher Gates
Michael Gongora
Patricia Gonzalez
Simon Kaminetsky
Marc Levin
Richard Milstein
Carmen Ortiz-Butcher, MD
CJ Ortiz de Valderrama
Heddy Pena
Stratton Pollitzer
Joe T. Porter
Bruce Presley
Paul Rubenstein
Nadine Smith
Juan Talavera
Become a sponsor or RSVP today!
For more information, please contact Tim Meinke at or 202-842-7301
Date: Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: At the home of Joseph L. Falk
1770 Micanopy Avenue , Miami , FL 33133
Sponsorship Levels:
  • $100 Individual Ticket
  • $250 Host
  • $500 Sponsor
Help send Mark to Tallahassee and give Florida its first openly LGBT state legislator!

JAG officer wants Bush tried for war crimes

U.S. officer wants Bush tried for war crimes --Joe Abodeely joins ranks with Vincent Bugliosi By Mark Yannone 13 Jul 2008 From the KPHX radio station in Phoenix, Arizona, Colonel Joe Abodeely told his worldwide radio audience on Saturday exactly how and why he expects George W. Bush to be prosecuted for the war crimes he committed as president  of the United States.

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Obama Slipping In The Polls

According to Rasmussen Reports, Obama is slipping in support. For most of the past month-and-a-half, Obama has led McCain by approximately five percentage points. It remains to be seen whether this recent tightening of the race reflects real change or is merely statistical noise. Check out their weekly review—What They Told Us—to see what was on voters' minds this past week.

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Florida Democratic Summit

The event will feature guest speakers from across Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties and a number of other events to help energize South Florida for the upcoming elections in August and November.
Sponsored by Florida College Democrats. Speakers will include:
Janet Reno, former Attorney General of the United States
US Senator Bill Nelson
State Senator Ted Deutch
and many others
For complete details -- including directions -- see:
Summary of the Agenda
Time: 3:00 to 4:00pm - opening ceremony
Time: 4:00 to 5:00pm
First Town Hall Series ? Attendees will choose one seminar from the following
Barry Kaye Auditorium ? Energy & Infrastructure: Keeping America Running
Majestic Palm Room ? Crossroads in our Healthcare System
Senate Chambers ? The Housing Crisis
Grand Palm Room ? The Situation in the Middle East
Sago Palm ? Saving Florida's Education System
Silver Palm Room ? Storage/Preparations Room
Time: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Featured Town Hall: Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Location: The Barry Kaye Auditorium (alt. Grand Palm if low attendance)
Description: The Coalition of Immokalee Workers
This section of the summit will only include a single town hall meeting which will feature the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. This will be the featured town hall event for the 2008 summit.
Time: 6:30 to 7:30pm closing ceremony

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Does the gun ruling hurt the NRA?

Here, on the 4th of July weekend  we celebrate the successful armed rebellion by America's founders, is the thought question of the day.
For years, anti-gun activists and others have whispered that the National Rifle Association, the most powerful gun lobby in the nation and one of the most powerful Washington lobbies on any issue, has really never wanted the Supreme Court to define the Second Amendment.
Why? Well, the theory went that a ruling such as the one the court handed down last week in District of Columbia v. Heller could dent the group where it hurts the most: fundraising.
After all, the NRA became the powerhouse that it is today largely because of the basic proposition it offered the American voter: The government wants to take your guns away.
Continue reading "Supreme Court gun ruling could backfire" » 

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Top Military Official Sounds Like Obama

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen says:
"I don't have troops I can reach for, brigades I can reach to send into Afghanistan until I have a reduced requirement in Iraq." (Video)

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Seminole Gaming Deal Squashed

The state Supreme Court has ruled against Gov. Charlie Crist in the Seminole gaming contract, saying he had no authority "to change or amend state law."
The 46-page ruling is here. The decision comes at page 31.
"We always felt the constitutional issues were pretty clear," House Speaker Marco Rubio, R-Miami, told the Buzz. Rubio brought the suit against Crist last year. "Obviously this is a little complex now because the games are in the casinos already. No one really knows what happens next."

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Barack Obama 46%, John McCain 44%

PPP surveys over the last two weeks have shown Obama with leads in the swing states of Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, and now Florida.
"It's a long way until November, but Barack Obama would be looking at an Electoral College landslide if the election was today," said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. "Our polls in Florida and Michigan over the last two weeks have also served as confirmation that controversy over the seating of the two states' delegations at the convention is not causing the Democratic Party any long term issues."

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Democrats 200 Republicans 174 Leaners 146 Toss-Up 18

State By State Balance of Power
ID (4)
DE (3)
DC (3)
HI (4)
OK (7)
IN (11)
WY (3)
RI (4)
VT (3)
ND (3)

For My Prediction Go Here:

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