
Nicole Sandler Fired From WINZ 940

UPDATE: Keeping intouch with Nicloe Sandler

Niclole's Bog And Podcasts

Under re-construction

or email

Nicole sent you a message.

Re: A Job

Hi Ron,

If you look at the WINZ website, you'll find I'm no longer on the homepage, and there's a big box in the middle saying that Imus will now be heard from 5-9am weekday mornings.

I was let go when I got off the air this morning.


Contact Program Director


  1. Nicole,

    This is "Alex from Fort Lauderdale" I'm assuming you remember me, I've called in a few times. I'm on my way home this morning and I'm wondering whether I got warped into a different dimension - instead of hearing your voice, I'm hearing this waste of air time called "imus?" - then I called the station and they said they "no longer carry the nicole sandler show" - it's a damn outrage - I of course I have no clue why you were fired, but as a single Mom I somehow can't imagine that you said anything to jeopardize your position. What makes more sense to me is that we're coming up on the elections, and you mentioned several times how surprising it was how often the McCain campaign offered their surrogates. With the current administration in place, it would be no surprise to me that your convictions, along with the fact that you obviously can't compare to ratings such as a Thom Hartmann, were the real reason you were fired. I'm going to write to Thom Hartmann, post this on my blog and every day I'm going to call that extremely unfriendly call screener and ask him WTF? I'm sure half Haiti called in today as well.

    Best of luck and if you need a place to get your voice heard, I'd be more than glad to welcome you on my blog as an author.

    Let me know if there's anything us listeners can do to help.

    Alex Caldwell

  2. Thank you for providing the program director's contact information. Replacing Nicole with Don Imus is crazy. Her show was extremely helpful in learning more about ballot initiatives in South Florida.

  3. I also started a thread on the Thom Hartman Forum and we're not the only ones utterly disappointed by this decision.

  4. Hi, I'm a Miami resident and long time listenre of Nicole in my morning drive and was un-pleasantly surprised to find out that Nicole got replaced by Don Imus. There is so much that i want to say abut how wrong this is, but i think the first thing that i heard when i tuned in this morning should suffice to show what a horrible, misguided idea this was, and why Imus should be off the air in general. They did a skit in which a black politician was running for office and he was discribing his "family values"(?) and it was the most sterotypical borderline racist thing i've heard outside of Rush and Savage. Althouhg to be fair those other guys dive into that ocean head first. Since this morning I've been trying to find any other news or general outrage comparable to my own to make me feel a little vbit better, like I'm not the only one that feels this way. There have bene a few but mostly three or four blogs. I really think there should be something more that we, not just as listeners but south florida residents should be able to do becasue this change is a real disservice to our community. Liek all the other things i've read, her's was the only show that dealt with local politics and issues. She also dealt with national issues too but I think what made her exeptional was that she was able to juggle and combine them, showing how one would impact the other that made her show worth paying attention too. Plus she was just a damn good Radio personality. I hope anyone else that reads this and feels like me on this matter can help in rectifying this misguided decision and i would be more than happy to help ion any way to eiother get nicole back on the air or at least have a real forum for local news and politics and really impact our lives as opposed to Don Imus who would care less what happens here as he sits in his comfy chair brodcasting thousands of miles away.

    Email @

  5. Today, I got into my car on my way to work and turn the dial to the usual 940am only to hear this imos announcing his new affiliate. For the first time in a long time I drove to work in complete silence. J. Mig III / Miami

  6. I'm sorry Nicole is no longer on the air. I enjoyed her progressive program during morning drive time, with its local flavor and local guests. Now the only progressive local talk show host is Jim Defede on WFTL 850 during afternoon drive starting at 4 p.m. Its o.k. if you can get through his personal stuff. Don Imus is boring.
