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A Sensible Plan for Recovery
More On Obsession The Movie
Charity Floods Swing States With Anti-Islam DVD by Peter Overby http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=95076174 [A promo from "Obsession" is at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92513698.] Morning Edition, September 26, 2008 · Just after the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a small charity group flooded campaign battleground states with an inflammatory DVD on radical Islam. Critics say the charity is trying to influence the presidential race. Earlier this month, subscribers to 70 newspapers in 14 states got a little something extra: A DVD that argues the same hard, militaristic line on terrorism that John McCain takes in his presidential campaign. It's called Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West. The DVD was made in 2006, before this presidential contest began, and it doesn't even allude to electoral politics. But, filled with dire warnings about Islamic terrorists, it hit doorsteps seven weeks before Election Day. And critics say it fuels the false whisper campaign that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim. Madaline Muir of Montgomery County, Pa., got the DVD in her Philadelphia Inquirer. She called it propaganda. "It's to influence people. Sent out now. Whenever it was made, 2006, but it's really to influence people in the election and scare people," she said. Obsession was produced by the Clarion Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity, which cannot get involved in campaign politics. But its spokesman has said the newspaper distribution had one purpose: to make terrorism a presidential campaign issue where it counts - in the battleground states. He said Clarion did this with a half-million dollar grant from a secret donor. And others have been promoting Obsession in other ways. Joe Wierzbicki, a political consultant, offered free copies of the DVD to listeners on a talk show in Detroit last month. He was promoting a free screening of Obsession on Sept. 11 in Dearborn, a city with a large Arab population. Who paid for the screening? And who hired Wierzbicki to handle it? Wierzbicki wouldn't tell local reporters. On Thursday, he didn't respond to NPR's interview requests, and neither did the Clarion Fund. It's illegal for a 501(c)(3) to advocate expressly for or against a candidate. None of Clarion's three directors have any record of contributing to the candidates. But some political connections do emerge. Wierzbicki, the movie promoter, also works for two political organizations. He's an organizer for Move America Forward, a political action committee that just produced an ad accusing Obama of playing politics with soldiers' lives. He also is the PAC coordinator for the Our Country Deserves Better PAC. Its Web site says it has one objective: to defeat Obama. A multifaith coalition called Hate Hurts America has launched a Web site to counter allegations made in the DVD. And an Arab rights group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has asked the Federal Election Commission to investigate Clarion for possible violations of campaign finance law. "Where is that money coming from? And what is the agenda of those behind this campaign? And who is behind this campaign ultimately?" Ibrahim Hooper, the council's spokesman, asked, regarding the DVD. Those kinds of questions are often asked at the height of campaign season. But even if the election commission decides to investigate the Clarion Fund, the answers would likely be months away. Will Evans and Shahien Nasiripour of the Center for Investigative Reporting contributed to this report. 954-394-4980 |
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FLOW: The Film that Will Change the Way You Think About Water
When Rasmussen Has Obama At 50 It Is More Like 54 percent
Rasmusssen, like Gallup and Mason-Dixon, way over sample Republican by over 25 percent. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Barack Obama attracting 50% of the vote while John McCain earns 44%. This six-point advantage matches Obama's biggest lead yet. Obama is now viewed favorably by 56% of voters 954-394-4980 |
"Zero" highlights how many times McCain mentioned the middle class in the first Presidential Debate and features footage from that debate where Obama gave his thoughts on the fundamentals of the economy and explained how John McCain's policies are just a continuation of the last eight years. On the air...
Obsession The Movie: The Outrage
by: you @ soon To post this comment click here: Otherwise click cancel. COUNTER ATTACK - hit 'em where it hurts (4.00 / 1) If you received your DVD by US mail, here's what you can do to take money out of the pockets of The Clarion Fund and redistribute their wealth to the US Postal Service. Step 1: Take the DVD out of the mailer. Why would we do this? The Clarion Fund has to pay postage over and over again on the same DVD. Does it work? Yes! I received my DVD on Tuesday, trashed it, and dropped it in a mailbox on Wednesday. Lo and behold, it was in my mailbox again today. Yes, I know it's the same one because I taped the mailer shut with packing tape. I'll be dropping it in the mailbox again tomorrow morning. Enjoy! 954-394-4980 |
Wall Street rescue accord reached
Wall Street rescue accord reached -- Dodd, Frank: Agreement in principle, expect passage of bill within days Warned that time was running short to bolster the distressed economy, congressional Republicans and Democrats reported agreement in principle Thursday on a $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, and said they would present it to the Bush administration in hopes of a vote within days. Emerging from a two-hour negotiating session, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., said, "We are very confident that we can act expeditiously." 954-394-4980 |
Can McCain Read?
Can McSame Read? What is with his left eye? Has McSame had a stroke? McCain admits he hasn't had a chance to look at the Paulson plan yet. Is he kidding? The Paulson plan is like three pages long. 954-394-4980 |
McCain/Palin Want To Cut And Run
From Politico:
If McCain can't do two things at once, I don't see how that's Obama's problem. This is as cynical a political move as it gets. Obama's too polite to say HELL NO. So it's wait and see. From CSPAN Junkie– 954-394-4980 |
Janet Reno Joins Linda Bird
You are cordially invited to join Attorney General Janet Reno & State Senator Nan Rich For a reception in support of Linda Bird Candidate for State Senate, District 25 Friday, October 3, 2008 At the home of Drs. Wisam and Dalal Zakko 2610 NE 30th Ave Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306 Host Committee Sen. Steve Geller • Adriane Reesey • Sen. Jeremy Ring • Pat Santeramo (in formation) VIP Supporter Reception 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. Photo opportunity with Attorney General Janet Reno, Sen. Nan Rich & Linda Bird Suggested minimum $100 per ticket Followed by Campaign Booster Networking Reception 7:30pm – 9:00 p.m. Featuring Attorney General Janet Reno, Sen. Nan Rich & Linda Bird Suggested minimum $50 per ticket For more information or to RSVP, please contact Chad Thilborger at 954-533-5452 or chad@lindabirdforchange.com Please make personal and business checks payable to: Linda Bird for Senate Campaign 6278 N. Federal Highway, Suite 210 Contributions to Linda Bird for Senate Campaign are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Paid for and authorized by Linda Bird, Democrat for Florida Senate, District 25 |
The Real Reason Why McCain Wants To Suspend The Campaign
John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis--under the spotlight because of his work for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--is skipping a Wednesday lunch with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. On Tuesday, word came that McCain political director Mike DuHaime will substitute for Davis because he is "heading out on the trail" today. Davis is the subject of stories in the New York Times and Newsweek about his work for the failed mortgage market makers. At issue right now: did Davis contradict McCain's statement that he has not been involved with Fannie and Freddie for some time. SOURCE 954-394-4980 |
Cynthia Nixon in Wilton Manors - This Saturday!!
The Sex and The City Star, Cynthia Nixon will be joining us for a Voter Registration Kick – Off this weekend. Please Join us on Saturday, September 28th at the GLBT Get Out the Vote Center . Doors Open at 1:30pm and Program begins at 2:30pm. CLICK HERE for details Down Load Flier HERE
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YOU'RE INVITED TO A SPECIAL ONE NIGHT ONLY SCREENING OF UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections A Film by David Earnhardt UNCOUNTED asks one question that won't be asked during the presidential debates: "Why did millions of votes go uncounted during the 2004 and 2006 elections - and what can we do to prevent it from happening again in 2008?" Watch the Trailer *** Cinema Paradiso Ft. Lauderdale, FL Tuesday, September 30 - 7:45 pm Meet & Greet with filmmaker David Earnhardt in the Courtyard - 7:00 pm $9.00 general admission, $7.00 students / seniors *** Post-film panel discussion with filmmaker David Earnhardt *** Media Sponsor: 940 WINZ *** "Powerful and persuasive..." -- Howard Zinn, Author, A People's History of the United States "This film is urgent viewing if you care about democracy and the integrity of the electoral process." -- Robert Koehler, Tribune Media Services " 'Uncounted' is made in the spirit of Michael Moore's veracity to awaken the American public from its slumber on core issues..." -- Gordon Glantz, Times Herald (Philadelphia) |
Hammering Home the Keating Five Message
By David Sirota I went on Fox News on Monday to discuss the financial meltdown. After taking a sober look at the bipartisan nature of Wall Street deregulation, I forced the discussion to focus on John McCain's Keating Five past. It was actually a pretty incredible debate. You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9tHEUJOyn4 Both the Fox News anchor and the GOP spokesman basically freaked out in a desperate attempt to hide the undebatable fact that McCain was rebuked by the Senate Ethics Committee for intimidating regulators on behalf of one of his biggest campaign donors, Charles Keating. Just for historical reference, here is the CBS News on 3/23/08:
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Geroge Will Bashes McCain
Conservative columnist George Will turned heads this weekend for savaging John McCain over his "un-presidential" reaction to the economic crisis. "McCain showed his personality this week," Will said, "and made some of us fearful." Now Will has expanded on his comments in Tuesday's Washington Post with an op-ed titled, "McCain Loses His Head." |
These yard sign questions are making my brain bleed. Please stop.
In a controversial move sure to upset millions of people, Barack Obama's campaign has decided to forgo the traditional time-wasting distribution of chum (yard signs, bumper stickers, etc.) to try and win the election. Read The Story............. 954-394-4980 |
Correction to Voter Registration Verification Law
Correction to Voter Registration Verification Law ("No Match, No Vote")
Many news reports have referenced Florida's Voter Registration Verification Law – the so-called "No match, No vote" law. Contrary to what is being widely reported, this law does NOT require that the address on the driver's license (or other ID) that a voter presents at the polls match the voter's address in the precinct register. The "No match, no vote" name represents a reading of the law that is incorrect and this nickname should not be used further. Additionally, the Florida Secretary of State issued a media advisory to definitively contradict such information:
I.D. Required and Checked at the Polls is Used Solely to Confirm the Voter's Identity, Not to Verify the Voter's ID Number or Address. "The photograph on the ID is compared to the person standing before the poll worker and the signature on the ID is compared to the signature on record." [FL Department of State]
McCain Lying to POW/MIA families
We should have respect for McCain's service, capture and suffering during the Vietnam War and much of what he has done since. But this unsettling article raises the question of his commitment to those left behind. It addresses, too, the unwillingness of the press to investigate McCain's treatment of POW/MIA families and his dismissal of their concerns as the "bizarre rantings of MIA hobbyists." He even brought one grieving woman to tears because she was, by searching for her brother, "denigrating" McCain's "patriotism." After reading Schanberg's article, it's difficult to believe that McCain had such an epiphany, as it was his own reputation that he seemed most concerned about when reacting to the efforts of those trying to learn what happened to the people they love -- left behind in Vietnam. Schanberg has unearthed a lie of major proportions if indeed McCain did not do all he could do to locate those still missing after his return from Vietnam. Whether he did or not, we need to know. It does not mean he did not serve his country honorably in the Navy. It does mean he may have done less than he could have done when he returned. It may mean that he was abusive to people who deserved better. Read Schanberg's Article 954-394-4980 |
GOTV Training
Opening Video "YES WE CAN" Voter Access Network " VAN Training Full Manual Tips MyCampaign Phone Bank Training CLICK HERE * Be sure to watch the video on the last page, you must be online and click on the picture Canvass Training CLICK HERE * Be sure to watch the video on the second and last page, you must be online and click on the picture. The last video shows how to use my.Barack.com system for canvassing and phone banking. Lay Of The Land "Creating Value" Download Lay Of The Land Form VOTE By Mail Download Vote By Mail Flier CLICK HERE Blogging How To Start A Blog 10 TIPS FOR POSTING TO YOUR BLOG Posting comments on other Blogs
© Ron Mills Ron@BrowardforChange.com 954-394-4980 954-394-4980 |