
Joe The Plumber Throws McCain Under The Bus

McCain was in Ohio today - home of Joe the Plumber, John McCain's running mate for the last two weeks. McCain just threw a shout out to Joe, who was supposed to be there today. Well:

- did someone get stood up? When Sarah Palin was in Ohio yesterday, Joe was there. Even Joe the Plumber gets that McCain is finished.

Maybe Joe was meeting with his PR team trying to get his country music deal. No matter, even Joe the Plumber has gotten what he can out of John McCain.

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All Hands On Deck

Broward Democrats Will Be Phone Banking For Ron Klein, Linda Bird and Chris Chiari and Scott Israel Thursday Evening, beginning October 30th From 6pm to 9pm at the GLBT GOTV Center

Contact Phone:

954-630 -VOTE


GOTV Center in Wilton Manors ( Fort Lauderdale , FL )

2040 N. Dixie Hwy
Fort Lauderdale , FL 33305


The place is on N. Dixie Hwy between NE 13th St and NE 26th St. It's on the east side of the street, and it a little easier to see coming from the north.

If you can not volunteer on any of these times, please Contact GOTV Center at 954-630-VOTE to let us know what times you can volunteer to work the phones for AREA NINE, please identify your self as a Precinct Leader when you call.

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Prominent Republicans Endorsing Obama

  • Former Republican Governor of Massachusetts William Weld
  • Former Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee
  • Former Republican Governor of Minnesota Arne Carlson
  • Former Iowa Congressman Jim Leach
  • Wayne Gilchrest, Congressman from Maryland
  • Larry Pressler, Former Senator from South Dakota
  • Lowell Weicker, Former Governor and Senator from Connecticut
  • Richard Riordan, Former Mayor of Los Angeles
  • Jim Whitaker, Fairbanks, Alaska Mayor
  • Linwood Holton, Former Governor of Virginia
  • Colin Powell, Former Secretary of State
  • Douglas Kmiec, Head of the Office of Legal Counsel under Reagan & Bush (41)
  • Charles Fried, Solictor General of the United States under Reagan
  • Jackson M. Andrews, Republican Counsel to the United States Senate
  • Susan Eisenhower, Granddaughter of President Eisenhower and President of the Eisenhower Group
  • Francis Fukuyama, Advisor to President Reagan
  • Rita Hauser, Member of President Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
  • Larry Hunter, Former President Reagan Policy Advisor
  • Bill Ruckelshaus, served in the Nixon and Reagan Administrations
  • Scott McClellan, Former Press Secretary to President Bush (43)
  • Ken Adelman
  • Jeffrey Hart, National Review Senior Editor
  • Wick Alison, Former Publisher of the National Review
  • Christopher Buckley, Son of National Review Founder William F. Buckley and former National Review columnist
  • Michael Smerconish, Columnist for The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • C.C. Goldwater, Granddaughter of Barry Goldwater Wall Street Journal


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Right Wing Nut Job, Florida WFTV anchor Barbara West, flips out

Read All About it Here..........


Biden on 'Marx' interview

Biden, in North Carolina, speaks mournfully about that ... odd...Orlando interview.

"Folks, this stuff youre hearing, this stuff you're hearing in this campaign, some of it's pretty ugly," he said, adding that after the election, "We have to reach out to those folks. We have to bring this country together."

Right Wing Blogosphere On Death Watch

The Republican attack machine which has dominated and damaged American politics for so long -- is dying.

From Media Matters:

Mary Mapes, of CBS' Memogate fame, delights in the demise of the right-wing bloggers' influence this election cycle:

Nothing makes me happier than seeing once swaggering players like Powerline, Free Republic and Little Green Footballs forced onto the sidelines, left to limply watch this campaign pass by like a parade in which they play no meaningful part.

They just don't matter anymore.

And don't forget about Drudge!

And fyi, from Portfolio [emphasis added]:

The Huffington Post drew more than 4.5 million unique visitors in September, making it the most-trafficked stand-alone political website or blog, according to figures just released by ComScore. Huffpo's traffic increased by 474 percent versus September 2007. In comparison, the Drudge Report drew a little over 2 million uniques, up 70 percent year-over-year.


Huffington Post and Politico Lead Wave of Explosive Growth at Independent Political Blogs and News Sites this Election Season


Political Blog Visitors Skew Older, Wealthier, More Male than Overall U.S. Internet Population


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Republican's Are Wrong About Tightening National Polls

Republican Punditocracy Are Wrong About Tightening National Polls

Newsweek: Obama 53, McCain 41.
Rasmussen: Obama 52, McCain 45.
Gallup: Obama 51, McCain 44.
Zogby: Obama 51, McCain 41.
ABC: Obama 53, McCain 44.
Battleground: Obama 49, McCain 46.
TIPP: Obama 46, McCain 42.
CBS: Obama 52, McCain 39.
FOX: Obama 49, McCain 40.
AP: Obama 44, McCain 43.

AVERAGE: Obama 50.0, McCain 42.5 (Obama +7.5%).

Today's Article:
National Polls Not Tightening Despite Reports

The Associated Press has released a poll that shows a much closer race than any other poll out ther. Now,

But, the poll doesn't make sense on many levels. Here's one example: 45% of this poll's respondents are evangelicals or born-again Christians (this is on page 20 of the poll's crosstabs (it's a pdf):

The problem? In 2004, evangelicals/born-again Christians made up 23% of voters. But that same group makes up 44% of likely voters in AP's poll released today. That's almost double the number - it's totally implausible.

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McCain Adviser Endorses Obama

Conservative legal scholar and Reagan Solicitor General Charles Fried, who just endorsed Obama, isn't just a Republican. He's actually one of McCain's campaign advisors.

Fried on McCain's Honest and Open Election Committee and Justice Advisory Committee.

Key to his decision was McCain's "choice of Sarah Palin at a time of deep national crisis."

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Breaking: McCain Volunteer's "Mutilation" Story Made Up

  • Is This Joe The Plumber's Sister?


A Pittsburgh police commander says a volunteer for the McCain campaign who reported being robbed and attacked near a bank ATM in Bloomfield has confessed to making up the story. Police say charges will be filed. More details to follow.

More of the story from AP:

This hysterical reaction from the Executive Vice President of Fox News: “[T]his incident could become a watershed event in the 11 days before the election. If Ms. Todd’s allegations are proven accurate, some voters may revisit their support for Senator Obama, not because they are racists (with due respect to Rep. John Murtha), but because they suddenly feel they do not know enough about the Democratic nominee. If the incident turns out to be a hoax, Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency is over, forever linked to race-baiting.”

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Democrats overtake GOP on ballots cast

Democrats overtake GOP on ballots cast

After four days of early voting, Florida Democrats had cast 653,573 absentee (316,853) and early (336,720) votes. Republicans had cast 652,648 absentee (457,395) and early (195,253) votes. Independents have cast 224,136 votes.

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Florida election night results will not be out till after 8:00 pm

Florida election night results will be held back an hour

People waiting for early election night indications about whether Barack Obama is winning Florida's 27 electoral votes won't be able to get them from one Web site when the first returns start coming in.

Secretary of State Kurt Browning, who oversees the statewide compilation of election results, said today he would not allow the release of any results until 8 p.m. Eastern time on election night, an hour after the polls close in most of the state.

That's because Panhandle voters will still be voting until 7 p.m. Central time, which is 8 p.m. in most of the state.

Browning said he didn't want an early report of statewide results to influence Panhandle voters' decisions as they still might be gong to the polls.

Browning said he was concerned only with the statewide compilation of results from all 67 counties. He said he wasn't encouraging county supervisors of election to do the same thing and wouldn't order them to withhold results.

"Certainly you can release your own totals as you see fit," Browning said in a morning conference call with supervisors of elections from Florida's largest counties.

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Florida: Obama 49%, McCain 44%

With 12 days to go, a new Quinnipiac poll finds Sen. John McCain is narrowing the gap in Florida, but fading in Ohio and barely denting Sen. Barack Obama's double-digit lead in Pennsylvania.

Florida: Obama 49%, McCain 44%

Ohio: Obama 52%, McCain 38%

Pennsylvania: Obama 53%, McCain 40%

Said pollster Peter Brown: "As we enter the home stretch, Sen. Obama is winning voter groups that no Democrat has carried in more than four decades, and he holds very solid leads in the big swing states. If these numbers hold up, he could win the biggest Democratic landslide since Lyndon Johnson in 1964."

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McCain Palin In A Nutshell

Palin's haute couture............$150,000
Palin's make-up.....................$13,200
Endorsement by al-Qaeda....Priceless.

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GOP "Death List"

Voter displeasure with the war and economy, coupled with Sen. Barack Obama's popularity, has the House GOP running for cover. Even though polls have shown that Americans don't like congressional Democrats any more, a new internal GOP tally of House races suggests a Democratic route that could keep the Republicans in the minority for decades. A document provided to Washington Whispers from a House GOP official shows that they could lose a net 34 seats. That means the Democrats would have a 270-165 advantage in the 111th Congress. In the Senate, Republicans expect to lose also but to keep up to 44 seats, ensuring their ability to stage a filibuster.

The document provided to Whispers is no gag: It comes from one of the key House GOP vote counters. The source called it a "death list."

Read the whole story here.

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No match, no vote' problems can be resolved at the polls

No match, no vote' problems can be resolved at the polls, attorney says

An attorney for the Florida Association of Supervisors of Elections sent a letter to supervisors statewide today weighing in on the ongoing tiff between Pinellas County Supervisor Deborah Clark and Secretary of State Kurt Browning over voter verification at the polls.

The opinion of Ron Labasky: Clark is within her right to resolve discrepancies under the "No match, no vote" law on Election Day.

Browning, a former Pasco supervisor, has argued that matching problems need to be resolved before Election Day, and in those cases that are not the voter will be allowed to cast a provisional ballot that would count only if the discrepancies are resolved within two days.

Labasky writes "the statute does not preclude the applicant from providing that information at that time [at the polls], thereby obviating any need for subsequent contact with the supervisor, assuming that information is documented."

Read the full letter here:

Download fsase.unverified.voters.10-21-08.pdf

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Obama's Lead Widens: 52%-38%

Growing Doubts About McCain's Judgment, Age and Campaign Conduct

Barack Obama's lead over John McCain has steadily increased since mid-September, when the race was essentially even. Shortly after the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, Obama moved to a 49% to 42% lead; that margin inched up to 50% to 40% in a poll taken just after the second debate. Currently, Obama enjoys his widest margin yet over McCain among registered voters, at 52% to 38%. When the sample of voters is narrowed to those most likely to vote, Obama leads by 53% to 39%.

Obama's strong showing in the current poll reflects greater confidence in the Democratic candidate personally. More voters see him as "well-qualified" and "down-to-earth" than did so a month ago. Obama also is inspiring more confidence on several key issues, including Iraq and terrorism, than he did before the debates. Most important, Obama now leads McCain as the candidate best able to improve economic conditions by a wider margin (53% to 32%).

Obama's gains notwithstanding, a widespread loss of confidence in McCain appears to be the most significant factor in the race at this point. Many more voters express doubts about McCain's judgment than about Obama's: 41% see McCain as "having poor judgment," while just 29% say that this trait describes Obama. Fewer voters also view McCain as inspiring than did so in mid-September (37% now, 43% then). By contrast, 71% of voters continue to think of Obama as inspiring.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Oct. 16-19 among 2,599 registered voters interviewed on landline phones and cell phones, finds that McCain's age also has become more of an issue for voters. Roughly a third (34%) now says that McCain is too old to be president; in the Sept. 9-14 survey, just 23% said this. At this stage in the 1996 campaign, about as many voters (32%) said Republican candidate Bob Dole was too old to be president.

In addition, Sarah Palin appears to be a continuing – if not an increasing – drag on the GOP ticket. Currently, 49% of voters express an unfavorable opinion of Palin, while 44% have a favorable view. In mid-September, favorable opinions of Palin outnumbered negative ones by 54% to 32%. Women, especially women under age 50, have become increasingly critical of Palin: 60% now express an unfavorable view of Palin, up from 36% in mid-September. Notably, opinions of Palin have a greater impact on voting intentions than do opinions of Joe Biden, Obama's running mate.

For More On This Poll See:

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GOP Voter Fraud

Well, all the talk about voter fraud in this election has finally resulted in some action. Someone was arrested in California on voter-fraud related charges. The interesting part is...he's a Republican. The LATimes:

Broward Democrats T.V. Ad

For the first time, the Broward Democratic Party has created its own television ad and is buying time on local cable television to push early voting and the party's candidates.

Among the not-so-subtle images: a photo of President Bush and presidential candidate John McCain embracing.

"It'll be geared totally toward our early voting process," said Democratic Chairman Mitch Ceasar.

Ceasar said the party will spend between $10,000 and $20,000 on air time to run the spot beginning today and lasting a week. If the party gets more money, it will buy more time.

Here's the spot:

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GOP Operative Arrested In Voter Fraud

Gop Operative arrested and charged with voter registration fraud,

The owner of a firm that the California Republican Party hired to register tens of thousands of voters this year was arrested in Ontario late last night on suspicion of voter registration fraud.

State and local investigators allege that Mark Jacoby fraudulently registered himself to vote at a childhood California address where he no longer lives so he would appear to meet the legal requirement that signature gatherers be eligible to vote in California.

Jacoby's arrest by state investigators and the Ontario Police Department comes after dozens of voters said they were duped into registering as Republicans by his firm, Young Political Majors, or YPM. The voters said YPM tricked them by saying they were signing a petition to toughen penalties against child molesters. The firm was paid $7 to $12 for every Californian it registered as a member of the GOP.

YPM is also tied to Voter Fraud In Florida

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Help Obama

Write A Letter To The Editor For Obama

Palin's America

Since her coming out in Dayton, Ohio on August, 29th, Palin has held (or is scheduled to hold) public events in 44 cities according to the candidate tracker. These include all events described as "rallies", "town halls", "gatherings" or "discussions", but not things like press availabilities, fundraisers or debates.

Let's look at the racial composition of voting-age (18+) population in these 44 cities as according to the 2000 census.They are, on average, 83.3 percent non-Hispanic white, 7.5 percent black, 5.2 percent Hispanic, and 4.0 percent "other". By comparison, the US 18+ population in 2000 was 72.0 percent white, 11.2 percent black, 11.0 percent Hispanic, and 5.9 percent other. Thirty-four of Palin's 44 cities were whiter than the US average.

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Sorting out the truth on Obama, ACORN

Click Here...........

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Florida GOP May Be Committing Voter Registration Fraud

YPM, a group hired by the GOP, allegedly deceived Floridians who thought they were signing a petition. YPM denies any wrongdoing. Similar accusations have been leveled against the company elsewhere.

Read The Full Story

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About Joe The Plumber

Joe "The unlicensed Plumber"

& Joe Six pack and Joanne Wine Box, think a 401K is a lottery ticket. Their health plan is the community emergency room. Many Joe six packs moved to to my neighborhood in the last 3 years using sub prime mortgages and will soon lose their homes all together. I can tell things are getting bad for them, they took down their confederate flag to use it for curtains, gas is getting so high they put both their cars up on blocks. Joe And Joanne always vote like they know they are going to be millionaires one day, they keep waiting for that lottery ticket to come through.

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Top Florida GOP Figure Circulates Joke About Killing Obama

Top Tampa GOP Figure Circulates Joke About Killing Obama

Al Austin, a longtime, high-level Republican fundraiser from Tampa, today sent to his list of political contacts an e-mail containing a joke that refers to the assassination of Barack Obama. When asked about the e-mail, Austin said it was a mistake and apologized and that he wouldn't knowingly have circulated it. He said he planned to send an apology and retraction to the same e-mail list.

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The Buzz On Plumber Joe

Here's the buzz from the internet:

  • Wurzelbacher, who says he was playing football outside with his son when he came upon the crowd gathered around Obama, was planted by the Republican party. This would explain how conservative sites got stories posted about him in advance of the debate and how easily everyone else found him for interviews.

(One thing that is on the record: Wurzelbacher compared Obama to Sammy Davis Jr. in an interview with Katie Couric. Ouch.)


So far, nobody can find him being a registered plumber. Can look it up here: Last name: Wurzelbacher

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Joe The Plumber

Two readers with access to the Ohio voter file say that Joe Wurzelbacher's inluence on this cycle will be limited in one way: He doesn't appear to be registered to vote.

Oh, And by The Way, Joe owns a few, business's

Joseph Wurzelbacher (Joseph Wurzelbacher Cnstr Co)
12172 Stone Mill Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45251-4134


JCC INVESTMENTS INC in the Investors, N.E.C. industry in CINCINNATI, OH. This company currently has approximately 1 to 5 employees and annual sales of Under $500,000.
Location Information Edit


Wurzelbacher Painting
12148 Stone Mill Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45251-4134 (Map)


Wurzelbacher Brothers
(513) 385-6666
11260 Colerain Avenue,
Cincinnati, OH 45252
Phone: (513) 385-5264

Bloggers at DailyKos are working on the fact, that, Joe is related to the son in law Of Keating of Keating Five, one Robert Wurzelbacher


So far, nobody can find him being a registered plumber. Can look it up here: Last name: Wurzelbacher

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Obama's White Shift

Virginia and North Carolina show a major shift by white voters benefiting Sen. Barack Obama. Florida whites are also moving but at a somewhat slower rate. The total number of white votes shifting from McCain to Obama is around 900,000 currently.

That number will vary depending on turnout and campaign events. The exact size of the vote shift is important but it's not nearly as significant as the "white shift" phenomena.This "white shift" is the topic of a just released survey by Public Policy Polling of Raleigh North Carolina. The decades-long pattern in Southern presidential contests consisted of heavy white support for the Republican presidential candidate consistently defeating the remainder of white voters plus the 90% support by black citizens consistently voting for Democrats.For the first time in decades, there are signs of cracks in Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy This divisive approach may soon be put to rest where it belongs, in the dust bin of history.

In the essay accompanying the poll, Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling made it clear that the "white shift" was moving south. He said:

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Obama's Path to the White House, The I-4 Corridor

The Number is 27. Obama's Path to the White House, The I-4 Corridor.

A good bellwether of the I-4 Corridor is Tampa's Hillsborough County, which Bush carried 53 percent to 46 percent in 2004.

According to a new Politico/InsiderAdvantage survey, Obama leads in Hillsborough County, Fla., There, Obama edges McCain 47 percent to 41 percent, with 11 percent undecided.


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Moron At McCain Rally Speaks Up

John McCain supporter Gayle Quinnell told the crowd at a McCain Rally in Minnesota that "Obama is an Arab." McCain took away the microphone but failed to address Quinnell's unabashed bigotry or the incidents of anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-African American bigotry that has become an increasingly regular feature of GOP rallies as the election draws near. "No ma'am," he says. "[Obama's] a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues."

Above, an interview with Quinnell done via streaming cell phone. Interviewers include Noah Kunin, Senior Political Correspondent from The UpTake, Adam Aigner of NBC News and Dana Bash of CNN.

Quinnell said she obtained the information on Obama being an Arab at "her local library" and from a pamphlet obtained at a local McCain campaign office (provided by a fellow volunteer not the campaign itself). She has taken it upon herself to redistribute the information as widely as possible by making copies of the pamphlet and sending it to random names in the phone book.


Gayle Quinnell: I went to the library in Shakopee and I got lots of ... three pages of information about Obama

Adam Aigner of NBC News: And what kind of information did you get?

Quinnell: I got to tell you, you call me. It's a long story. I'm afraid of what's going to happen to this country.

Aigner: What would you think would happen? Do you think it would become Muslim country and what would that mean?

Quinnell: It would be bad

Aigner: So even though Senator McCain told you that he didn't feel that was true and you ought to be more respectful, you still fear that?

Quinnell: I still do. Yeah. I'm not alone. I go to Burnsville, the main Republican headquarters and I do a lot of work over there. A lot of sending out mail and talking to people. And all the people agree with what I'm saying to you about Obama.

Aigner :Then do you feel there are a lot of volunteers for McCain who feel that way?

Quinnell: Yes. A lot of them. In fact I got a letter from another woman that goes over there to Burnsville and she sent me more things about Obama.

Aigner: What was on the letter?

Quinnell: Oh all kinds of bad things about him and how, I mean I have to tell you to call me. It's all bad.

Reporter: Are a lot of people getting this letter and are a lot of people believeing it and is that turning a lot of votes or support for McCain?

Quinnell: Yeah I sent out 400 letters. I went to Kinkos and I got them all printed out. And I sent about 400 letters. I went in the telephone book and sent them out to people. So they can decide if they would want Obama.

Aigner: Can you give me your name again?

Quinnell: Gayle Quinnell and I honestly think that these people hear about this Obama, they wouldn't want him.

Aigner: Because they would know what you know in the letter?

Quinnell: Yeah, he read that letter. In fact when I was standing in line , there were about eight girls, young girls standing in line. And they said "what have you got." I had one of the letters and they said "Give it to me. I want to read it. I want to read it" And they read it. And they just went (shakes head) . They hadn't read it before and they didn't (unintelligible) all that information. To me it's bad news.

Aigner: So maybe if I call you you'll give me one of the letters maybe?

Quinnell: I sure can!

Aigner: You don't have another one on you now?

Quinnell: No I don't. But I can give you what I got and I can give you what she sent me in the mail.

Aigner: I'd be interested to read it.

Quinnell: OK

Aigner: And can you spell your name for me?

Quinnell: Q-U-I-N-N-E-L-L

Aigner: E-L-L? And Gayle is just...

Quinnell: G-A-Y-L-E

Aigner: And where you from?

Quinnell: I'm from Shakopee.

Aigner: Shakopee?

Quinnell: Shakopee, Minnesota

Aigner: And and I'm sorry how old are you ma'am?

Quinnell I'm 75

Aigner: 75?

Quinnell: (Nods yes) And I got a lot of grandkids and a lot of kids, I've got five kids. I got seven grandkids and they all think the same way.


Noah Kunin (The UpTake): Do you volunteer at the Republican Party Headquarters or the McCain Campaign office over in Burnsville?

Quinnell: McCain. McCain Headquarters in Burnsville.

Noah: The McCain headquarters.

Quinnell: It's out over by , over by that post station there.

Noah: Yeah, I know which one you're talking about. And just to be sure to make sure we got your quote OK, you called Obama and Arab terrorist?

Quinnell: Pardon?

Noah: You called him an Arab terrorist? Is that correct? Why do you think he is an Arab?

Quinnell Because his dad is. If you... I'll send you the paper.

Female reporter: His dad is Muslim His dad was Muslim. Barack Obama has never been a Muslim.

Quinnell: No but he's....

Dana Bash of CNN: He's a Christian.

Quinnell: He's not an Arab either, he's a --

Bash: His father was Muslim, and he's a Christian.

Quinnell: Yeah, but he's still got Muslim in him. So that's still part of him. I got all the stuff from the library and I could send you all kinds of stuff on him. In fact....

Bash: What did you think about McCain said. He said he's a decent person.

Quinnell: Well he did have didn't have (unintelligible)... I think McCain wanted to (unintelligible) I don't think he wanted to say anything against him. You know he didn't want to cut him down. That was my way of thinking. I don't think he wanted to cut him down. So he just kind of brushed me off.

Reporter: Plus he criticizes Barack Obama plenty himself, so why wouldn't he do it now?

Quinnell: Well I probably brought up something that he didn't want to talk about.

Reporter: Do you think John McCain thinks that he's Arab? Do you think he knows this stuff that you're saying you know is fact?

Quinnell: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to bring it up then. I don't know why. Is there some way I can get to you more information.

Bash: Can you wait for me for like five more minutes?

Quinnell: Yeah.

Bash: I want to an interview on camera. Our camera team is occupied right now. What's your name?

Quinnell: Gayle Quinnell (Spells name again)

Bash: In case I lose you, you don't have a cell phone do you?

Quinnell: No I wish I had it on me but I don't.

Bash: See the pretty lady over there with red hair? That's our camera. As soon as she's done , we'll be over there Ok

Reporter: What was your reaction when Senator McCain backed away

Quinnell: What was my reaction? Well when he didn't want to talk about it...

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Florida Election Protection Hotline

For Voting questions or difficulties, voters can call toll free
877- 2FL- OBAMA

(877) 235-6226

Florida Voter Rumor Control

There are a lot of rumors and misconceptions floating around about who can and can't vote, and what would disqualify you from voting. We put together a website gathering some of the most common rumors. Visit the site to make sure you know your rights, and share it with the people you know:

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ACORN's response to Palin/ McCain smear

Please send this far and wide--or use the info to devise your own blunt list of bullet points,
and send them everywhere.

ACORN's response to Sen. McCain's smear 

ACORN President Maude Hurd released the following statement today in response to the McCain campaign's new ad claiming that, among other things, ACORN is responsible for the mortgage crisis:
"For almost a decade, ACORN, a community organization of 400,000 families in neighborhoods across the country, has been fighting against the predatory lending practices that have robbed our members of their homes, destabilized neighborhoods, and roiled the global economy.

"In his newest ad, John McCain's campaign bizarrely claims that 'ACORN forced banks to issue risky home loans, the same types of loans that caused the financial crisis we're in today.'  Nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, ACORN has worked successfully to help working class families get good home loans on fair terms from legitimate banks and has fought vigorously against predatory lenders who have ripped off families in our communities. These predatory loans caused the crisis.

"For more than a decade, ACORN members have held protests, released reports, and advocated for regulations to protect homeowners from predatory lenders. ACORN organizers and volunteers have been working day and night to help victims of the GOP economic meltdown to save their homes from foreclosure. In fact, ACORN has brought class action lawsuits against several predatory lenders, and has lobbied the Federal Reserve and Congress in support of regulations against predatory lending. ACORN has even been successful in convincing many lenders to treat homeowners more fairly and help families be able to make their mortgage payments and save their homes.

"Unfortunately, the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans like John McCain have blocked the sensible regulations that ACORN and others proposed that would have averted the mortgage meltdown. If John McCain thinks that community organizers caused the foreclosure crisis, he knows even less about the economy than previously thought.

"John McCain and the Republicans are desperately trying to shift the blame for the economic crisis they caused with a philosophy of deregulation and indifference to homeowners. All the grainy footage and creepy music in the world can't cancel out some simple, basic facts, and the facts about the economy are not on John McCain's side."

Bogus claims of "voter fraud" mask GOP's own vote suppression

ACORN has just completed the largest, most successful nonpartisan voter registration drive in US history. We helped 1.3 million low-income, minority and young voters across the country register to vote.

Unfortunately, just as in 2006, that success in bringing people into the democratic process, have been greeted with unfounded accusations to disparage our work and help maintain the status quo of an unbalanced electorate.

After a similar spate of charges against ACORN in 2006, we learned that then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had fired Republican US Attorneys because they refused to prosecute ACORN and other voter assistance groups on trumped up fraud charges. This was the heart of the US Attorney-gate scandal that led Karl Rove, Gonzales and other top Department of Justice officials to resign. Because the press didn't catch on until long after the election, it was part of a successful strategy to create an unfounded specter of voter fraud and to suppress voting.

Key Facts:

1. In order to help 1.3 million people register to vote, we hired more than 13,000 registration assistance workers r. As with any business or agency that operates at this scale, there are always some people who want to get paid without really doing the job, or who aim to defraud their employer. Any large department store will have some workers who shoplift.

2. Any large voter registration operation will have a small percentage of workers who turn in bogus registration forms, Their goal clearly is not to cast a fraudulent vote. It is simply to defraud their employer, ACORN, by getting a paycheck without earning it. ACORN is the victim of this fraud - not the perpetrator.

3. In nearly every case that has been reported , it was ACORN that discovered the bad forms, and called them to the attention of election authorities, putting the forms in a package that identified them in writing as suspicious, encouraging election officials to investigate, and offering to help with prosecutions. We are required by law to turn in all forms, but instead of just turning them in and figuring that it is the responsibility of the board of elections to figure out which are valid, we spend millions of dollars verifying that forms are valid, and then separate out those that are suspicious.

4. This has nothing to do with "voter fraud" - nothing at all to do with anyone trying to cast an extra vote. There has never been a single reported instance in which bogus registration forms have led to anyone voting improperly. To do that, they would have to show up at the polls, prove their identity as all first-time registrants must, and risk jail. The people who turned in these forms did so not because they wanted an extra vote, but because they didn't care enough to make sure eligible people got to vote at all.

5. When a department store calls the police to report a shoplifting employee, no one says the department store is guilty of consumer fraud. But for some reason, when ACORN turns voter registration workers over to the authorities for filling out bogus forms, it gets accused of "voter fraud." This is a classic case of blaming the victim; indeed, these charges are outrageous, libelous, and often politically motivated.

6. Similar attacks were launched against ACORN and other voter registration organizations in 2004 and 2006. The bogus charges were at the heart of the U.S. Attorney-gate scandal that led to the resignations of Karl Rove, Attorney General Ablerto Gonzales and other top Justice Department Officials. It turned out that it was the charges that were fraudulent, and that they were part of a systematic partisan agenda of voter suppression. Republican US Attorneys David Iglesias (NM), Todd Graves (MO), and John McKay (WA) all were fired primarily because they refused to prosecute similar bogus charges of "voter fraud." Another US Attorney, Bradley Schlozman, who did politicize prosecutions against former ACORN canvassers, was forced to acknowledge under cross examination by the Senate Judiciary Committee that ACORN was the victim of fraud by its employees and ACORN had caught the employees and had identified them to law enforcement.

7. The goals of the people orchestrating these attacks are to distract ACORN from helping people vote and to justify massive voter suppression. That's the real voter fraud; the noise about a small fraction of the forms ACORN has turned in is meant to get the press and public take their eyes off the real threat, while those hurling the charges are stealing people's right to vote in broad daylight. They have already tried to prevent Ohio from registering voters at its early voting sites. In Michigan, they planned to use foreclosure notices to challenge thousands of voters. And if this year is like past years, they are preparing to use this so-called voter fraud to justify massive challenges to voters in minority precincts on Election Day.

The Details:

Fact: ACORN has implemented the most sophisticated quality-control system in the voter engagement field but in almost every state we are required to turn in ALL completed applications, even the ones we know to be problematic.

Fact: ACORN flags in writing incomplete, problem, or suspicious cards when we turn them in,. Unfortunately, some of these same officials then come back weeks or months later and accuse us of deliberately turning in phony cards. In many cases, we can actually prove that these are the same cards we called to their attention.

Fact: Our canvassers are paid by the hour, not by the card . ACORN has a zero-tolerance policy for deliberately falsifying registrations, and in the cases where our internal quality controls have identified this happening we have fired the workers involved and turned them in to election officials and law-enforcement.

Fact: No criminal charges related to voter registration have ever been brought against ACORN or partner organizations. Convictions against individual former ACORN workers have been accomplished with our full cooperation, using the evidence obtained through our quality control and verification processes - evidence which in most cases WE called to the attention of authorities

Fact: Most election officials have recognized ACORN's good work and praised our quality control systems. Even in the cities where election officials have complained about ACORN, the applications in question represent less than 1% of the thousands and thousands of registrations ACORN has collected.

Fact: Our accusers not only fail to provide any evidence, they fail to suggest a motive: there is virtually no chance anyone would be able to vote fraudulently, so there is no reason to deliberately submit phony registrations. ACORN is committed to ensuring that the greatest possible numbers of people are registered

ACORN will not be intimidated, we will not be provoked, and in this important moment in history we will not allow anyone to distract us from these vital efforts to empower our constituencies and our communities to speak for themselves.


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You Are Invited

Ron Klein
Linda Bird
Chris Chiari
Scott Israel

To hear more about their campaigns and to get out the vote efforts for the 2008 General Election.

When: Sunday, October 12, 2008
When: 3 PM
Where:  Galuppi's Restaurant
1103 N Federal Highway
Pompano Beach, FL 33062

Any Questions Please Call:
Ed Russell at Ron Klein's Campaign Office at 954-782-7832


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Florida Poll Spells Doom For McCain

Strategic vision released a poll today showing Obama with 52% support to McCain's 44%. Click here.

The internals of the poll spell bad news for Palin/McCain

Below are the poll results are based on telephone interviews with 1200 likely voters in Florida, aged 18+, and conducted October 6-8, 2008. The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.

  1. If the election for President were held today would you support the Democratic ticket of Barack Obama and Joseph Biden or the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin?

Obama/Biden 52%
McCain/Palin 44%
Other 1%
Undecided 3%

  1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama?

Favorable 52%
Unfavorable 37%
Undecided 11%

  1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Joseph Biden?

Favorable 47%
Unfavorable 37%
Undecided 16%

  1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of John McCain?

Favorable 48%
Unfavorable 41%
Undecided 11%

  1. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Sarah Palin?

Favorable 52%
Unfavorable 36%
Undecided 12%

  1. Which presidential candidate do you believe would be best able to handle the economy, Barack Obama or John McCain?

Barack Obama 56%
John McCain 36%
Undecided 8%

  1. Which presidential candidate do you believe would be best able to handle the war in Iraq, Barack Obama or John McCain?

John McCain 48%
Barack Obama 41%
Undecided 11%

  1. Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's overall job performance?

Approve 27%
Disapprove 68%
Undecided 5%

  1. Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's handling of the economy?

Approve 14%
Disapprove 75%
Undecided 11%

  1. Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq?

Approve 43%
Disapprove 45%
Undecided 12%

  1. Do you approve or disapprove of President Bush's handling of the war on terrorism?

Approve 51%
Disapprove 40%
Undecided 9%

  1. Do you think the nation is headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?

Right 18%
Wrong 73%
Undecided 9%

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Palin/McCain A Week Of Hate

'Barack Osama' Printed on Hundreds of NY Absentee Ballots 10 Oct 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's last name was spelled "Osama" on three hundred absentee ballots mailed out this week in Rensselaer County, New York. The sensitive misspelling comes at a time when the McCain-Palin campaign has intensified attacks on Obama's character... When John McCain asked a crowd in Albuquerque, New Mexico this week, "Who is the real Barack Obama?" someone in the crowd yelled "A terrorist."

Barack 'Osama' on Rensselaer County ballots 10 Oct 2008 Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's last name is spelled "Osama" on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County, NY. Officials say the flawed ballots were sent to approximately 300 voters. On row 1A Barack Obama's name is spelled Barack Osama... One pol pointed out that the letters 's' and 'b' are not exactly keyboard neighbors.

"Keep The N*gger Out Of Office" --Cops: Man threatened voter officials over tardy registration card 08 Oct 2008 Angered by a delay in the receipt of his voter registration card, a Louisiana man today threatened election officials, claiming that he urgently needed to cast a ballot to "keep the n*gger out of office," according to police. Wade Williams was arrested this morning on a felony terrorizing charge after allegedly calling the Registrar of Voters and warning that he would come to the state office and empty his shotgun unless he got his registration card.

Obama Called "Traitor" Again At McCain Rally 10 Oct 2008 John McCain's rally on Friday once again inspired furious reactions from his supporters [plants], with one woman screaming "traitor!" as McCain criticized Barack Obama's tax record. "He promised higher taxes on electricity," McCain charged at the event in La Crosse, Wisconsin... At that point, the woman yelled "traitor," and both McCain and his wife Cindy appeared to look in her direction. The Arizona Senator continued with his stump speech without referencing her.

Anti-Obama Fury Spills Over Into Down-Ticket Contests: "Bomb Obama" By Greg Sargent 10 Oct 2008 The fury and loathing of Obama being whipped up largely by McCain-Palin-GOP rhetoric about the Illinois Senator is now spilling into down-ticket races, specifically the battle between GOP incumbent Saxby Chambliss and his Dem challenger: Thursday's debate took place in front of a highly partisan crowd in the GOP stronghold of Middle Georgia. Chambliss supporters waved "Saxby" signs and offered up a sustained "boos" when [Jim] Martin mentioned Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. "Bomb Obama," one woman hollered.

US Secret Service probes death threats against Obama --Investigation dropped 09 Oct 2008 The US Secret Service has investigated an alleged death threat against Democrat Barack Obama shouted Monday at a rally for his Republican rival John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin, an agency spokesman told AFP Thursday. The probe by the Secret Service stems from a report by The Washington Post about a shout, "kill him," heard during the [Nazi] rally when Obama's name came up... Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said it wasn't clear whether the threat was actually vocalized or, if so, if it was meant for Obama during Palin's speech... For those reasons, he said, the investigation was dropped

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What: "Walk it to Win it" Canvassing, Ron Klein will be attending                                      
When: Saturday Oct 11th 10:00am
Where: Ron Kleins Pompano Field Office
           808 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach Fl
Snacks and Drinks Provided
Please RSVP to Ed at

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Obama: 'Unravel'

A new Obama ad, airing  in Florida, paints an alarming picture of McCain's health care plan, warning that it could cause viewers to lose their health care.

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Palin/McCain Rally a Terrorist Cell

Obama as "terrorist"

Way back in February, Karl Rove heard a growing number of Republicans blasting "Barack Hussein Obama," and warned his fellow Republicans to drop the line. Rove argued it would only perpetuate the notion that Republicans were bigoted, which in turn would hurt the party.

That same week, at an event in Ohio, McCain was introduced by some conservative loud-mouth named Bill Cunningham, who blasted "Barack Hussein Obama." McCain, who was not on stage during Cunningham's harangue, later expressed said he wanted to "disassociate" himself from the remarks. McCain added that he would take responsibility to ensure that similar comments are not repeated at future campaign events.

That was February. This is October:

For the second time in three days, the speaker at a McCain campaign rally used Barack Obama's middle name "Hussein" in a demeaning fashion to ignite the crowd.

Speaking in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Bill Platt, the GOP chair of Lehigh County, twice referred to "Barack Hussein Obama" minutes before John McCain and Sarah Palin were set to take the stage.

On Monday, a local Florida sheriff preceded Palin's speech by declaring: "On Nov. 4, let's leave Barack Hussein Obama wondering what happened."

To be fair, a campaign aide later conceded that this was "inappropriate rhetoric." But the trend nevertheless seems to point in one direction: whipping the angry, far-right Republican base into a frenzy. That includes the increasing frequency of "Hussein" references, but it also includes looking the other way while campaign supporters exclaim "treason!," "terrorist!," and "kill him!" during official rallies.

Josh Marshall, not exactly one for off-the-wall theories, argued the McCain campaign may very well be doing this deliberately: "It is obviously with tacit approval (to believe anything else is to be a dupe at this point); and quite probably on the campaign's specific instructions. Given the regularity of the cries of 'treason' and 'terrorist' and the like, and the frequency with which the screamers seem in oddly convenient proximity to the mics, we should probably be considering the possibly that these folks are campaign plants. It happens all the time. It's just that usually they don't scream out accusations of capital crimes."

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Rep. Jim Waldman asked to share this with you. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions.


RONA SILBERMAN 954-956-5600

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – State Rep. Jim Waldman (D-Coconut Creek) will once again file his cigarette user fee bill for the 2009 legislative session.

The bill, which is presently being prepared for filing, will raise the user fee on cigarettes by $1. Income from this fee (which has been estimated at $1.1 billion each year) will partially be used for specific health programs and medical research. The balance will go into general revenue.

"Florida's cigarette user fee is presently 33.9 cents per pack. The national average is $1.11. We rank 46th in the nation in the amount we charge," said Waldman.

"Polls show that 79 percent of Floridians agree that this fee should be raised. But, my main objective in filing this bill is to stop young people from smoking. Studies find that every 10 percent increase in the price of cigarettes will decrease the number of young people who smoke by 7 percent. Enactment of this fee will stop 212,000 kids from starting to smoke," he added.

"Smoking accounts for 30 percent of all cancer deaths and is a major cause of heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. As a result, Florida spends most of its Medicaid money on these smoking related illnesses. Money collected from this fee would supplant the general revenue the state is spending on Medicaid, and that money will then be freed up to pay for other important state needs such as education," Waldman concluded.

This bill is supported by the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, and the Florida Hospital Association, among other health-related associations.

For further information regarding this issue, please contact Representative Waldman's office at 954-956-5600 or by e-mail at jim.waldman@ myfloridahouse. gov.

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