Join the Dolphin Democrats for a Stonewall Democrats reception and enjoy the art at Dennis Dean Galleries. The event is FREE!. Beer, wine, non alcoholic beverages, and refreshments will be provided FREE! Stonewall Democrats Reception
Stonewall Democrats Reception
Billy Graham's grandson accused of stealing
A grandson of evangelist Billy Graham has been accused by his Florida neighbors of plugging his Christmas lights into their outlet.
Jose and Ester Duprey told police the pastor's family plugged its white Christmas lights into the outlet outside of the Dupreys'
Tchividjian, a grandson of evangelist Billy Graham and senior pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, did not return messages left at his home and church Wednesday and Thursday.
According to the Dupreys' daughter, Elizabeth, her father found the lights plugged into his outlet Sunday and unplugged them. About 25 minutes later, he found the lights plugged back in, so the family called police.
The Tchividjians agreed not to use the outlet anymore, according to police records.
"The very next day, Kim, the pastor's wife, apologized profusely," Elizabeth Duprey said. "She said she was embarrassed" and promised that it wouldn't happen again.
2009 proved hopeful for Florida LGBT activists
If one word could describe the mood of Florida’s LGBT activists over this past year it would be simple: Rebuilding. While the majority of eyes focused on California’s Proposition 8 last fall, Florida faced its own anti-marriage bill that strictly defined marriage as between one man and one woman and effectively banned any legally-recognized same-sex union with similar rights as marriage. The measure passed in Nov. 2008 with 62 percent of the popular vote and derailed any momentum Floridians had gained on the marriage issue.
Instead of taking their loss lying down, however, LGBT activists in the Sunshine State saw an opportunity to consider a new strategy toward legislative progress in their state, which ranks as one of the least equal in the nation because of its gay adoption ban, a lack of a statewide employment non-discrimination bill and other contentious issues. They have focused on local victories -- and these include the expansion of domestic partnership recognition in Miami and
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Source: The Edge
Happy Holiday
Here is a goofy animated card. Oh, Well All My Best Wishes Ron |
Why,Mario Diaz-Balart and Lincoln Diaz-Balart rejected Charlie Christ
Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart and Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who are leading figures in the Cuban-American GOP political community, have rescinded their endorsements of Crist. Lincoln Diaz-Balart wouldn't elaborate on the reason, except to give this cryptic comment: "We take our endorsements seriously, but the governor knows why we withdrew and he left us with no alternative." The Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Majority of Americans continue to oppose the health care bill
A new Quinnipiac poll finds that a large majority of Americans continue to oppose the health care bill -- and that two policies that have been dropped, the public option or the Medicare buy-in, which were both very popular. The poll finds 53% of respondents saying they mostly disapprove of the health care plan in Congress, to only 36% who approve. From the party internals, support is at 64%-22% among Democrats, 10%-83% among Republicans, and 30%-58% among independents. The now-departed public option, however, is supported by a 56%-38% majority, including a 54%-41% margin among independents. Also, the Medicare buy-in for Americans ages 55-64 was supported by 64%-30%, including 57%-36% among independents and even a 50%-44% margin among Republicans. The poll also finds that only 31% agree both that the President and Congress must take on From the pollster's analysis: "While the Senate leadership reportedly has the votes to pass a health care overhaul plan this week, outside the Beltway there appears to be weak support, both to what voters understand as the plan, and the need to pass that plan now." Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Norm Kent Announces Debut of New GLBT Weekly
Here is Kent's news release about his upcoming South Florida Gay
Media Sticks it's head up John McCain's ASS a usual
Image via Wikipedia
When Sen. Conservatives echoed Sen. John McCain's claim that the denial was unprecedented and outrageous. Many liberals frustrated by Lieberman's opposition to Problem was, it wasn't true. In fact, it was clear from the exchange itself that it wasn't true. But everyone reacted to an abbreviated version of the exchange. As the exchange makes clear, when McCain responded to Franken's objection by angrily denouncing the supposedly-unprecedented action, Sen. Carl Levin immediately pointed out that, in fact, an identical denial had occured earlier in the day, and that the purpose was simply to keep debate moving. Indeed, pretty much everybody involved has made clear it was really no big deal. (Except for McCain, but we'll come back to him.) Here's Franken:
Franken says
And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office agreed. A spokesman for Majority Leader Harry Reid said that Franken was merely adhering to a request from Reid to strictly enforce the rules because the Senate is already in session practically 'round the clock.' " Politico reported on December 18 that Reid spokesman Jim Manley stated of Reid's request, "We did that to maintain order and that no senator had an unfair advantage over another in terms of speaking. ... It was a simple request of the leader and Sen. Franken was adhering to the request of his leadership." And Lieberman:
And indeed, earlier in the day, when Sen.
But the facts didn't get in the way of the media's -- and the right-wing's -- efforts to paint Franken as a vindictive partisan. The right-wing reaction was predictable. Blogger Ann Althouse called it a "dick move" and suggested a boycott of Minnesota. Michelle Malkin accused "nutroots hero Al Franken" of "a little snit fit against Lieberman." Red State's But the overwhelming certainty of the Beltway crowd was stunning. On Hardball Thursday, Chris Matthews was shocked (accessed from Nexis):
Remember, the same thing had happened earlier in the day. And that previous occurrence was mentioned by Levin during the Franken/Lieberman/McCain exchange. And yet Matthews kept insisting it was unique, coming back to it again and again. Later in the show, Matthews hosted Henneberger insisted (from Nexis):
But Lieberman wasn't the "first one to have the clock called on him." As Carl Levin made clear. Where on earth did Henneberger get the idea that he was? She obviously hadn't checked, so why on earth would she feel comfortable making such an assertion? Over on CNN's Situation Room, senior political analyst
Friday morning, the media continued to pile on On Morning Joe, Lawrence O'Donnell declared "I've never seen [this] before. I spent a lot of years on the Senate floor. I did not know that the presiding officer could do that. I thought only a member up in the body could object. But it turns out you can." David Gregory went yammering on about Franken trying to "make a mark" and being a "liberal Senator" who dislikes Lieberman and "working the levers of power." And then this exchange:
Seriously, that wasn't even the first time it had happened yesterday. And the previous time, when Begich told Cornyn his time was up, he used the exact same wording. Because that's the wording they had been told to use. Meanwhile, over at Kilmeade's co-host And Gretchen Carlson suggested Franken was part of a "trend" of "newbie politicians that don't know exactly the protocol," adding, "You have the senior senator John McCain saying I've never seen this happen before, and the freshman senator Remember: The "senior senator John McCain" was wrong; it had happened just a few hours earlier. And the "freshman senator Al Franken" was doing exactly what leadership had told all presiding officers to do. Not only was McCain wrong about what happened yesterday, his comments were entirely hypocritical. As Think Progress' Faiz Shakir notes, McCain himself objected to Sen. And yet on Friday, McCain was still making the same false and hypocritical claim and the media were airing his comments without checking them out. (While The "story" -- if there is one -- of yesterday's exchange should have been that McCain was wrong, and a hypocrite, in his angry denunciation of Franken's objection. Lazy journalism is bad. Lazy journalism practiced by D.C. political analysts who insist they know what they're talking about is even worse. Source: Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
The Health Care Reform Bill So Far
Image by Getty Images via Daylife
There are some great elements of this bill that will take some time to set up, such as the new insurance marketplace -- the Exchange -- that allows people without insurance and small businesses to compare plans and buy insurance at competitive prices. But there are a lot of other benefits for families that will kick in during the first year if we get this passed:
This bill will reduce premiums for your family, shifting the balance of power from your insurance company back to you. Health reform extends coverage to 30,000,000 Americans without adding a dime to the Federal deficit. In fact, it represents the largest reduction to the deficit in well over a decade. The final bill hasn't taken shape yet. There are several more steps in the process, and the President is committed to making it the best bill possible to provide security for those who have insurance and affordable, quality coverage for those who don't. It is important to look past the bickering and cable chatter and remember that we are on the verge of providing real benefits to Americans who can't wait any longer. Thanks, and have a great weekend. Sincerely, P.S. Don't miss the video of the President's weekly address. Watch it here: http://www.whitehou 2009/12/18/ weekly-address- patients- bill-rights- and-health- reform Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Cut Through The Bull S@#$
Image via Wikipedia
I know you care about holding Republicans accountable for their actions. Did you know that on the Senate floor alone, Republicans have been documented more than 110 times making demonstrably false statements? In governors' races across the country, Republicans are already being called on the carpet for the "blatant baloney" in their advertising. That doesn't even count the outrageous statements that extreme right-wingers like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh spread daily in the media. In this political environment, there are only a few places you can trust to get accurate information. Luckily, I know of two: the DGA's Twitter feed and our Facebook page. 1. Start hearing about what's happening, as it happens, by following the DGA on Twitter. 2. Become a fan of the DGA on Facebook and join a community of progressive supporters dedicated to hearing the truth when it comes to our governors. Between these two sources, you'll have access to the most up-to-date news and polling, plus get exclusive insight into the 37 races taking place next year -- straight from the DGA's top operatives. We need to make sure each and every one of our supporters is armed with the truth heading into the historic elections of 2010. Sincerely, Emily Emily DeRose Communications Director Democratic Governors Association P.S. For political updates you know you can trust, follow us on Twitter and Facebook. This is your chance to sort the facts from Republican fiction.
Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Save the Date Breakfast with Congressman Ron Klein
January 17, 2009 9:30 am -11:00 am
The Breakfast will be held at
The Pointe 2880 NE 14 St Pompano Beach, 33062 Hear about how you can help get Congressman Klein re-elected RSVP to 561 995-9626 by January 12, 2010 Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
GOP: Champions of the hypocrites
The corporate media's double standard on Nazi analogies: When conservatives are compared to the Third Reich, however obscurely, it's an outrageous slur, but when leaders of the right charge progressives with Hitler-like tendencies, it's unremarkable political rhetoric. Political Animal's
Journalists really ought to try putting the next GOP press release on this topic in the circular bin. "He called me a name back" is a complaint that you should have learned not to take seriously by the second grade. Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Going, going, gone? "Senate Democrats are preparing to drop a compromise health-care plan that would allow 55- to 64-year-olds to buy into Medicare because of opposition from Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, two senior Democratic sources said Monday." [CNN] Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
Florida GOP to use "Race Baiting" To Kill Fair Districts Amendment
Florida Redistricting Proposals May be off Table The Florida Supreme Court may be asked to keep two citizen initiatives designed to limit gerrymandering in congressional and legislative redistricting from the 2010 ballot. A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, they say, could reduce election opportunities for minorities if voters adopt the proposed state constitutional amendments - contrary to what the measures' summaries say. "That concerns me greatly, and I think it concerns our fellow members greatly, too," said House Speaker-designate Dean Cannon (R-Winter Park). "We'll reach out to our counsel and ask for options, but I think that (going back to the Florida Supreme Court) may make sense." Senate President-designate Mike Haridopolos (R-Indialantic), told his chamber's redistricting panel, which he chairs, that he would ask staffers to outline possible legal options including another high court challenge when it meets again next month. Read more of the article from the Tampa Tribune HERE. Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
School Board Tries to Relieve Overcrowding
School Board Tries to Relieve Overcrowding This week the Sun-Sentinel released an article stating that, the Broward County School Board is recommending a stop-gap measure, good through 2018 that would "help relieve overcrowded schools." Committee members stated that the school district should be allowed to count portable classrooms to help follow growth management rules. The Legislature in 2005 required school districts to work with local governments to set their own capacity guidelines. The article stated, "Now it's up to the School Board, Broward County Commission and 75 percent of cities representing at least half the county's population to sign off on the proposal. Unless the growth measurement is changed, the district faces a domino of boundary changes and enraged parents, sending students from crowded western schools to campuses in the north and east that have more room." To read the full article, CLICK HERE. Tell us your opinion post a comment Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |
LGBT Households Remain More Optimistic about Finances
LGBT adults likely to spend more on average this holiday season than heterosexuals New York, N.Y. and Washington, DC – December 7, 2009 – With Black Friday unofficially launching the holiday spending season and constant news coverage of the nation's economic health, a recent survey showed one-third (34%) of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGBT) adults sampled, when thinking about their household's financial condition, continue to say that they expect it to get better in the next 6 months, compared with just 17% of heterosexual adults. This is a significant increase from March 2009 when 25% of LGBT adults expected their household's financial condition to get better. In March a slightly higher 19% of heterosexual adults said that their situation would get better. The new nationwide survey of 2,516 U.S. adults, (ages 18 and over), of whom 338 self identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender, was conducted online between November 2 and 11, 2009, by Harris Interactive, a global market research and consulting firm, in conjunction with Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc., a strategic public relations and marketing communications firm with special expertise in the LGBT market. The survey also revealed that compared to what they spent last year on holiday gifts, 29% of LGBT adults plan to spend more. In comparison, only 9% of heterosexual adults plan to spend more. Compared to what they spent last year on holiday gifts, 45% of LGBT adults plan to spend more on immediate family members, compared to 18% of heterosexual adults. When it comes to close friends, 31% of LGBT adults say they plan to spend more, compared to 8% of non-LGBT adults. Also, 31% of LGBT adults plan to spend more on extended family, compared to only 5% of heterosexual adults. When it comes to bargain shopping, LGBT adults list it as less of a priority than non-LGBT adults. Only one-third (35%) of LGBT adults said finding the best sales and discounts is important when they are shopping for gifts this holiday season, compared to 65% of heterosexual adults. "Virtually all American households have been impacted by the current recession in some ways, and we recognize that LGBT households are no more affluent than others, and are coping as best they can," said Wesley Combs, President of Witeck-Combs Communications. "This holiday season, retailers will have to work extra hard to win consumers, all of whom are trying to make their dollars go further. Smart marketers who welcome LGBT purchasing power, as well as their families' needs and their sustained optimism about the economy will be ahead of their competitors at the end of this holiday season." Looking at where LGBT and non-LGBT adults plan to do their holiday shopping this year, we can also see a few gaps. When asked to think about where they purchased gifts last holiday season: · Nearly half (47%) of LGBT adults plan to spend more at discount stores (e.g. Wal-Mart, Target), compared to 25% of heterosexual adults. · 30% of LGBT adults plan to spend more at warehouse stores (e.g. Costco, B.J.'s), compared to 12% of non-LGBT adults. · A third (34%) of LGBT adults plan to spend more at electronic stores (e.g. Best Buy, Radio Shack), compared to just 8% of heterosexual adults. · 30% of LGBT adults plan to spend more at off price stores (e.g. Maxx, Nordstrom Rack), compared to 8% of non-LGBT adults. · One in four (26%) of LGBT adults plan to spend more at mid-tier department stores (e.g. JCPenney, Kohl's), compared to 8% of heterosexual adults. · 28% of LGBT adults plan to spend more at specialty stores (e.g. jewelry stores, pet stores), compared to 5% of non-LGBT adults. · 26% of LGBT adults plan to spend more at top-tier department stores (e.g. Saks, Macy's, Nordstrom), compared to just 3% of heterosexual adults. #### EDITOR'S NOTE To see the data tables, please visit: or call 202-887-0500 x14. Methodology Harris Interactive conducted the study online within the United States between November 2 and 11 2009, among 2,516 adults (ages 18 and over), of whom 338 self-identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender. We over-sampled gay men and lesbians in order to allow for detailed analysis of these groups. Among all adults 1,961 (including 249 LGBT adults) indicate that they are shopping during the holidays. Figures for age, sex, race, education, region and income were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population. In addition, the results for the gay and lesbian sample were weighted separately based on profiles of the gay and lesbian population that Harris Interactive has compiled through many different online surveys. Propensity score weighting also was used to adjust for respondents' propensity to be online. All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to multiple sources of error which are most often not possible to quantify or estimate, including sampling error, coverage error, error associated with nonresponse, error associated with question wording and response options, and post-survey weighting and adjustments. Therefore, Harris Interactive avoids the words "margin of error" as they are misleading. All that can be calculated are different possible sampling errors with different probabilities for pure, unweighted, random samples with 100% response rates. These are only theoretical because no published polls come close to this ideal. Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Harris Interactive surveys. The data have been weighted to reflect the composition of the adult population. Because the sample is based on those who agreed to participate in the Harris Interactive panel, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. About Harris Interactive Harris Interactive is one of the world's leading custom market research firms, leveraging research, technology, and business acumen to transform relevant insight into actionable foresight. Known widely for the Harris Poll and for pioneering innovative research methodologies, Harris offers expertise in a wide range of industries including healthcare, technology, public affairs, energy, telecommunications, financial services, insurance, media, retail, restaurant, and consumer package goods. Serving clients in over 215 countries and territories through our North American, European, and Asian offices and a network of independent market research firms, Harris specializes in delivering research solutions that help us – and our clients – stay ahead of what's next. For more information, please visit About Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc. Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc. is the nation's premier marketing communications and consulting firm, specializing in developing and implementing effective strategies reaching the gay and lesbian consumer market. With over 16 years experience in this unique market, Witeck-Combs Communications not only serves as a bridge between corporate America and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender consumers (LGBT), but also provides counsel to countless non-profit organizations that aim to educate the public on gay and lesbian issues or to better reach their LGBT membership. In April 2003, American Demographics magazine identified Bob Witeck and Wes Combs as two of 25 experts over the last 25 years who have made significant contributions to the fields of demographics, market research, media and trendspotting for their path breaking work on the gay and lesbian market, and in 2006 Bob Witeck and Wes Combs co-authored Business Inside Out: Capturing Millions of Brand Loyal Gay Consumers (Kaplan Publishing), considered the first-ever book on marketing insights, practical tips and strategies targeting the LGBT market. They have appeared in worldwide media outlets including Fortune, CNBC, CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, Ad Age, New York Times and Washington Post. For more information visit Social Media Consulting, Web Presence, Call Center Technology Book A FREE 1/2 Hr. Phone Consultation |