
Broward Teachers Union Endorses Judge Lisa Porter

We have judges in the courthouse who understand the sacrifices and challenges facing teachers today and who also care about our children. That’s why we strongly support Circuit Judge Lisa Porter in Group 47 in the upcoming August 24 Primary Election. Whether you are participating in early voting, which starts Monday, August 9, or on Primary Election Day on August 24, I urge you to give your fullest consideration of

Circuit Judge Porter.

Although Judge Porter is clearly the most qualified candidate with her 20 years as a litigator and as former Chief Assistant Statewide Prosecutor for complex crimes of fraud and corruption, Lisa is also one of us! Both Lisa’s parents were teachers and were founding members of the United Teachers of Dade County (UTD), so in Judge Porter -

we have someone who has literally lived our history, someone who understands our problems and issues, and someone who has a strong connection with our professional goals. Judge Porter currently serves in the Dependency Division where she helps abused, abandoned and neglected children. In the Dependency Division she finds solutions for troubled families, while always acting in the best interests of the kids.

For these reasons and so many more, I urge your active support for her campaign. Not only do I ask you to vote for Judge Lisa Porter, I ask you to e-mail and talk to your

friends, neighbors, and family members and ask them to support Lisa as well. Together, we are stronger – especially at the polls!

To find out more about Judge Porter’s qualifications, you can go to:

Or Judge Porter’s website at:

If you want to see how Judge Porter’s colleagues rate her, you can go to:

Finally, I hope you will give Judge Porter’s your fullest consideration. If you have any

questions for her you can email her directly at

In solidarity,

Patrick A. Santeramo


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