
Democratic Women Ready to Win Florida in 2012

Over 200 women participated in the 2011 Democratic Women’s Club of Florida 55th annual convention September 15 - 18 in Deerfield Beach.  President Janet Goen said, “The convention was jammed full of exciting, challenging speakers and workshops.  The attendees were treated to inspirational presentations from numerous women office holders and candidates.”

The convention Opening Ceremonies began by a presentation of colors by an all-female Color Guard who are members of the Deerfield Beach High School Marine Corps Junior ROTC.  State Representative Gwyn Clarke-Reed and Broward County Commissioner Kristin Jacobs, who represent Deerfield Beach, were on hand to welcome delegates and guests to Deerfield Beach.  State Representative Hazelle Rogers also brought greetings from Broward County

From Thursday evening to midday Sunday, the women and men in attendance heard from Democratic leaders and political strategists in preparation for the 2012 election cycle.

With a steady chant of “Run, Nan, run!” Senator Nan Rich, potential 2014 gubernatorial candidate and first woman elected as Senate Democratic leader, challenged convention attendees to turn out the vote and to find more women to run for office in 2012.  “Women,” said Rich, “bring a much needed, unique perspective to the governing process.” 

Other Democratic women leaders urged women to reach for new leadership opportunities.  Senator Gwen Margolis, the first woman ever to serve as president of any state senate in the United States, challenged the delegates to continue the fight to stand up for women’s rights.  State Senator Eleanor Sobel reviewed the Republican assault against women’s rights during the 2011 Florida General Assembly and called on all women to keep a close watch on bills introduced in the 2012 session.

Attendees heard from former Representative Kelly Skidmore and Representative Lori Berman, each from Palm Beach, who told of their experiences and encouraged women to run.  Workshops on how to get women registered to vote and how to get out the vote, as well as an update on redistricting in Florida. Campaign consultants discussed all aspects of campaigning, including how to use the new media.

Other highlights of the weekend included appearances by State Senator Maria Sachs, District #30; Val Demings, candidate for Congress in District #8 in theOrlando area; Lois Frankel, candidate for Congress in District #22; and Buffy Wicks, National Director of Operation Vote for Obama for America Campaign.

 The theme “Democratic Women Running to Win” unified the convention’s sessions. Convention Co-Chair Maggie Davidson said, “The energy and excitement we felt this weekend has really set the stage to carry us into a winning 2012 electoral cycle.”

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