
Rep. Wasserman Schultz Statement on the President’s United Nations Address

President Obama spoke earlier today to the UN regarding the safety and security of Israel and his commitment to peace

“Once again, President Obama stood on the world stage and shared a powerful vision of a more just and perfect world. With the international community assembled, President Obama stressed the difficult but vital efforts we must all make in our quest for peace. He spoke of the accomplishments of revolutions that have brought burgeoning democracy to the Middle East and North Africa over the past year, and the frustrated aspirations of many in the region where democracy is yet to come. In praising the new free Libya and urging the international community to join us in sanctioning Iran and Syria, the President affirmed his commitment to supporting those who wish to cast off tyranny.  And in a world free from the terror of Osama bin Laden, President Obama emphasized our continued quest to end the religious, gender, and sexual persecution that prevent all people from achieving their true potential.

“In his historic speech to this global audience, President Obama once again demonstrated his stalwart support for our friend and ally, Israel. Importantly, President Obama used this opportunity at the United Nations to unambiguously state his support for direct, bilateral negotiations as the only way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and create a Palestinian state. As the President said, “a genuine peace can only be realized between the Israelis and the Palestinians themselves… there is no short cut to the end of a conflict that has endured for decades. Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations…it is the Israelis and the Palestinians -- not us –- who must reach agreement on the issues that divide them:  on borders and on security, on refugees and Jerusalem.” President Obama made it resoundingly clear that unilateral action will never create a state, and that we must continue to support a process between two peoples that recognize both security concerns and national aspirations.

“As he has done so many times in the past, President Obama again put forth our country’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s safety and security as a central tenet to peace. The President re-affirmed our enduring friendship to our ally, Israel, noting the very real security concerns of being surrounded by hostile neighbors. He made clear to the world that he understands the very real threats Israelis face in constant rockets and suicide bombs and coming of age “knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them.” Only when Israel feels its security concerns are met will future generations of Israelis and Palestinians live side by side in pride and in peace.

“I am so proud of President Obama’s unwavering support for Israel and his overall vision for peace that he laid out at the United Nations this morning.”

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