
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Statement Recognizing World AIDS Day

Since 1988, World AIDS Day has given us an important opportunity to take pause and show our support for the estimated 33.3 million individuals across the world who are living with HIV/AIDS, to remember those whose lives have been tragically lost to this disease, and to recommit ourselves to the goals of HIV/AIDS awareness, treatment and prevention.
“We have made tremendous progress in the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS – both here in America and abroad.  President Obama has established our nation’s first comprehensive HIV/AIDS strategy, and he put an end to the discriminatory ban that prevented individuals with HIV/AIDS from entering the country.  Additionally, both the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have supported anti-retroviral treatments for millions of people around the world. 
“That progress began a new chapter today, as the President announced he is directing $50 million in increased funding for domestic HIV/AIDS treatment and care – $15 million for the Ryan White Part C program supporting HIV medical clinics across the country, and $35 million for state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs.  President Obama also set a new goal today in the global AIDS fight – aiming to increase the target for treatment from 4 million people to 6 million people by the end of 2013.  As we take these important steps to eradicate and treat this disease, I am proud to join the President and so many others around the world in offering my support to those living with HIV/AIDS – and to our continued struggle against this global epidemic.” 

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