
Mitt Romney’s ties with Damon Corporation, a company that was fined for Medicare fraud

Democrats just released a report on Mitt Romney’s ties with Damon Corporation, a company that was fined for Medicare fraud. From Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz:   
Now, as Romney campaigns across Florida, including courting voters in my congressional district, he must answer troubling questions about his time as a board member at Damon Corporation, a medical testing company that was fined over $119 million in criminal and civil fines for a large-scale Medicare defrauding scheme, and his debunked story about his role in uncovering and reporting the fraud to federal investigators.
As for what this means for Romney, the email continues:
Romney has repeatedly claimed that his success in the private sector has been—and would continue to be—an asset for the country, but it’s increasingly clear that Romney’s success came through questionable means at the expense of hardworking taxpayers. Laying off workers, defrauding Medicare, bankrupting companies, and storing millions of dollars in notorious off-shore tax havens may have brought Romney success as a corporate raider, but these aren’t the qualities that would serve America’s middle class families well.

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