
Florida Dems Stop GOP from Privatizing Prisons

UPDATE: Senate defeats prison privatization bill

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith issued the following statement in response to the failed attempt to privatize Florida prisons:  “Today, Republicans and Democrats came together to stop Governor Rick Scott and Senate President Mike Haridopolos from awarding a large taxpayer contract to one of the GOP’s top political donors. In doing so, they averted the loss of thousands of jobs, the devastation of communities in rural Florida and avoided putting our state’s hardworking correctional officers at risk. In a win for Florida’s families, this bill was rightly defeated.”  Thank you FL DEMOCRATS!

In a huge blow to Governor Scott's Tea Party agenda, Democrats stopped Scott from awarding a large taxpayer contract to one of the GOP's top political donors. In doing so, they averted the loss of thousands of jobs, the devastation of communities in rural Florida and avoided putting our state's hardworking correctional officers at risk. 
Will you join me in thanking our Democratic leaders for their hard work to defeat this bill? Click to here to sign your name to this "thank you" card
When we stand strong and fight back, we win. Will you sign the card and then forward it to five of your friends?
Thank you for your advocacy and support.


Chairman Rod Smith

With the backing of Gov. Rick Scott, Senate leaders wanted to privatize 27 prisons and work camps in 18 South Florida counties.

A similar plan, tucked into last year's budget, was struck down as unconstitutional in August by a state judge, so lawmakers are trying again, this time with a stand-alone bill (SB 2038).

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