
Palm Beach County's State Attorney Candidate under character assassination

A email, from former Palm Beach County's State Attorney Barry Krischer

As Palm Beach County's State Attorney for 16 years, I've seen and experienced plenty of disturbing tactics during a campaign cycle.  But never before have I seen a smear campaign of character assassination by innuendo with complete disregard for the facts, similar to the one that is being manufactured against Dave Aronberg.

Dave's decision to get in this race was motivated by his desire to return the office to one that puts public safety and justice above all else.  The disgusting,misleading and personally motivated smear campaign against Dave is the reason so many people have come to hate politics, refuse to seek public office and fear speaking out against abuse and injustice.  Dave is not afraid to step on toes and challenge the status quo -- including shining a light on corruption.  Hands down, he is the best qualified and hardest working candidate in this race.

Dave’s record as a prosecutor and public servant is one that this community is extremely proud of.  That's why every major law enforcement group, as well as the Palm Beach County firefighters and paramedics, have endorsed Dave in this race, and why I stand with former Attorney General Bob Butterworth in strong support of Dave Aronberg.

With your help, I know that the voters of this county will reject the biased mudslinging and rally around Dave Aronberg on Election Day.


Barry Krischer

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