
Broward County Commission District 9 Community Forum

Commissioner Dale V.C. Holness conducted a Community Forum to inform his community about the economy and jobs,crimes and safety.
"though my district is full of wonderful, enthusiastic people who love their communities and their families, we have hard hitting issues"

He invited some powerful speakers like Broward Sheriff Scott Israel, Judge Giselle Pollack, U.S. Congressman Alcee L. Hasting Workforce One Employment CEO Mason Jackson Family Success Patricia West and Superintendent Robert Runcie
His District 9 Representing Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, Sunrise, LauderhillTamarac, Oakland Park, North Lauderdale and Lauderdale Lakes. They have the highest unemployment rate, the lowest high school graduation rate among boys, and the highest poverty rate with an income below $15,000.
The most household headed by single mothers, the highest renter occupied uni
Sheriff Scott Israel, discuss how his department and officers are helping the teens stay out of trouble, and how an arrest can destroy the kids from ever been able to get a good paying job. 
Judge Giselle Pollack, has been involved with the Judicial system for the past 25 years discuss how her court  will help and guide the people that have any addiction. If they successfully complete her court course they will have the case dismiss. The Misdemeanor Drug Court Program began in Fort Lauderdale September 9,2005, the program's sucessful completion rate averages 84% and the recidivism rate is 8%.
Superintendent Robert Runcie, is personally getting involved with some schools, to motivate and lead by example. "If any child fails in my school I fail that child"
They offer to stand by the community and help them in anyway they can to Build A Strong Community.

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