
Broward Judge Lynn Rosenthal Arrested For DUI

 In the United States, nearly 14 million adults, or every one in 13 adults, abuse alcohol or have an alcoholism problem. The legal, medical, and law enforcement, occupations, may be even higher. Do the math, for every 13 Judges, 1 abuses alcohol or pills

It has been confirmed Judge Rosenthal was under the influence of pills - see police report below

The judge told sheriff’s deputies that she had been taking Ambien, a potent prescription sleeping medicine.

 For the third time in six months, a Broward County judge has been arrested for DUI.
The most recent incident took place Tuesday, May 27th when BSO received a call shortly after 8:00 a.m. regarding an SUV that hit a parked BSO cruiser in the Broward County courthouse parking lot at 201 SE 6th Street.   
lrThe driver of the black BMW SUV was criminal court Judge Lynn Rosenthal.
Judge Rosenthal is up for re-election in August 2014, her opponent is Frantz 'Jahra' McLawrence.
“I see the lady she was trying to walk or whatever and I don’t know she probably having a hard time doing it,” said Ted McClode who witnessed Rosenthal. “I really don’t know what her situation was but she need a little assistance.”
Rosenthal was arrested for DUI and will be booked into the Broward Main Jail.

In November of 2013, veteran Broward Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Imperato was also arrested and charged with driving under the influence in Boca Raton. She was removed from her criminal court and placed in civil court. Imperato has been a Broward circuit judge since 2003.
From Facebook

Lynn is a long time friend (from Junior High). I don't believe she was under the influence of alcohol. Let's not rush to judgment until the facts have come out.

Here is the police report: CLICK HERE

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