
Democrat Charile Christ Picks Annette Taddeo As his Running Mate

Democrat Charlie Crist has picked former congressional candidate and Miami-Dade County Democratic Party chairwoman Annette Taddeo-Goldstein as his running mate.
Former Gov. Crist made the announcement Thursday in Miami.               

Taddeo-Goldstein was born in Colombia to an American father and Colombian mother, and spent the first 17 years of her life in the South American country.
The pick comes less than six weeks ahead of Florida's Democratic primary and will help shore up support among the party faithful. Crist is facing former Senate Democratic Leader Nan Rich.
Political analyst Ana Cruz said Crist's pick will certainly help in the primary.
"This is a woman that understands what it's like to make ends meet, to live on minium wage, and as a small business owner to make payroll," said Cruz. "That’s what a lot of Floridians are going through as we speak. Charlie Christs’ decision in Annette is a real connection for a lot of people."
Taddeo-Goldstein is also a vice chairman of the Florida Democratic Party and is on the Democratic National Committee's executive committee.
"I want to ensure everyone in Florida has a fair shot to do the same thing," said Taddeo-Goldstein on Thursday. "Unfortunately right now, too many people across florida are feeling left out and left behind.
"We have a governor right now who looks out for those at the top. We need someone who will fight for a higher minimum wage, and for equal pay for women"

Meanwhile, Senator Nan Rich issued the following statement regarding Crist’s selection of his running mate.
"Because he’s been a life-long Republican, Charlie Crist might be excused for not knowing that Democrats typically don’t choose a running mate until they win the nomination.

What can’t be excused is his refusal to engage in the democratic process in a serious way. Crist’s record is in stark contrast to the values of the Democratic Party. He is anti-choice, has consistently opposed equality for the LGBT community, expanded private school vouchers, given the NRA a blank check, and appointed some of the most right-wing judges in Florida. More than 89% of Florida Democrats want a gubernatorial primary debate to discuss these issues.

Today Crist answered a question few voters are interested in. It is well past time for him to commit to debates and answer the questions voters do care about."
Information from News 13  was used in this report.

Read More About  Annette Taddeo-Goldstein

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