
Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Speech A Unmitigated Disaster

#JebBush #ReadyForJeb #JebBushFail
"He's speaking like he can't wait for this to be over," Buzzfeed's Rosie Gray tweeted.
"Would have been smarter for Jeb Bush to wait to give this speech until he had actually developed some distinct ideas," said the Atlantic's Peter Beinart.

  1. He mixed up Iran and Iraq, blasting the Obama administration's "approach to Iraq...excuse me, Iran."
  2. He accidentally multiplied ISIS's military strength by 10 times, saying that the group had 200,000 fighters when CIA estimates say they've got between 20,000 and 31,500. (A spokesperson later emailed reporters to say he misspoke.)
  3. He called Ukraine "the Ukraine," which Ukrainians object to because it implies that they're a territory and not a rightfully independent country.
  4. He called ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al Baghdadi "the guy that's the supreme leader or whatever his new title is — head of the caliphate."
  5. 5. He mispronounced Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, sounding more like "bow-coo haram."
  6. 6.He weirdly talked about how he "forced myself to go visit Asia four times a year" as if it were a hardship.

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