
Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic

Jeb Bush identified himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter-registration form in Florida, according to a copy of the document obtained by The New York Times. Needless to say, neither Bush nor his parents are Hispanic. Bush’s wife, Columba, was born in Mexico. A spokesperson for Bush, who is gearing up for a likely presidential bid, offered no explanation for the characterization. 
 what was either an inadvertent mistake or a play for a growing voter constituency, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush listed himself as “Hispanic” on his 2009 voter registration form, the New York Times reported Monday.
Bush, who speaks fluent Spanish and whose wife, Columba, was born in Guanajuato, Mexico, has always maintained that he has strong ties to the Hispanic community. But the politician who is eyeing a 2016 presidential run, is more known as being part of a family associated with New England dating back to the Plymouth Colony rather than his birth in Midland, Texas.
According to the document, obtained from the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, Mr. Bush checked off  “Hispanic” in the field labeled “race/ethnicity.”

And.......... Twitter Explodes

Twitter, which was made for this kind of revelation, is having a field day. Here are some of the best responses:

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