
Donald Trump was interrupted repeatedly by protesters In Miami

Donald Trump’s events tend to get more rowdy than a Jerry Springer show these days. Footage captured by a local reporter in Miami showed a man being brutally removed from the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign event after disagreeing with the GOP frontrunner’s immigration policies.
In the video below, we’re able to see a male protester being violently pulled toward the exit by a white man in a red polo shirt. When the protester falls onto the ground, his attacker doesn’t give up. The protester is then dragged across the floor before his assailant lets him go, delivering a few kicks. During the entire disturbing encounter, the crowd around the two men are cheering and chanting, “U-S-A! U-S-A!”, egging on the white man and drowning out other protesters.

Protesters made their way into the #DonaldTrump campaign rally tonight in Miami. NBC 6 reporter Steve Litz caught one protester being removed on camera.
Posted by NBC 6 South Florida on Friday, October 23, 2015
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In reality if Donald Trump had removed all the protesters, there would have only been about a hundred people left in a hall meant for thousands


Donald Trump was interrupted repeatedly by protesters during a rowdy presidential campaign rally before hundreds here Friday night.
Speaking in a ballroom at his own Trump National Doral Miami luxury resort, Trump paused during at least three disturbances, acknowledging them each time.
"See the first group, I was nice. Oh, take your time," he said. "The second group, I was pretty nice. The third group, I'll be a little more violent. And the fourth group, I'll say get the hell out of here!"

"Equality! Equality!" chanted one protester as she was being removed from the event. Another said: "We are not the enemy. We need to unite so we can have policies to benefit the American people and their families. Keep families together. Stop the deportations."
Pro-immigration activists from several groups organized a gathering outside the resort.
"Donald Trump is not welcome in Miami, this is our city," said Bertha Sanlés, a member of United Families, in a statement. "His words and the anti-immigrant hatred he has promoted against immigrant families like mine, do not make this country great. On the contrary, immigrants have made this country great with our hard work and our contributions."
Toward the end of his speech, Trump reiterated his call to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, drawing cheers from the crowd.
"In this group, I wasn't so sure I should be talking about walls," he said.

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