
Wasserman Schultz Statement on FDP Lawsuit on Voter Registration Deadline

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement in response to the Florida Democratic Party’s lawsuit pushing Governor Rick Scott to do right by Florida and extend voter registration deadlines in light of Hurricane Matthew:

“What's Rick Scott afraid of?" said Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “His track record of promoting voter suppression makes his refusal to extend the voter registration deadline by a few days sadly unsurprising. He must be afraid that the more Floridians register to vote and turn out in November, the less likely his candidate, Donald Trump, will be successful. If he weren't afraid of turnout, he'd follow the example of many of his fellow Republican governors, including Nikki Haley and Chris Christie, who have done the right thing by their states and extended deadlines around voting after hurricanes have struck.

“I commend the Florida Democratic Party for doing what's right and filing suit in light of Governor Scott's stubborn and suspicious implacability. I hope the Florida Republican Party will follow suit to pressure the Governor to extend voter registration in Florida in light of Hurricane Matthew. This should be not just a nonpartisan issue but a non-issue. We should be making it as easy to vote as possible no matter the circumstances.”

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