
TODAY: Wear a Safety Pin

Please see below for a Dear Colleague letter led by Reps. Wasserman Schultz, Carson, Castro and Boyle to show communities around our country that we will defend racial, ethnic, and religious minorities, LGBTQ  individuals, and women against harassment, intimidation, and bullying as our country heals from a hard-fought election. More than 20 House Democrats have already said they’re joining the effort today – a big show of support on a busy morning here on the Hill.

Dear Colleague,
Today, as we return from a hard-fought election, it is critical that we come together to put people before politics and move our great nation forward. 
The peaceful transition of power is a building block of our democracy, and we cannot simply pay lip service to this important principle. But it is the diversity of our citizens that is the glue holding our democracy together, and it is what makes our nation a beacon of hope to the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, there are some who may not share or support these noble principles, and there are even some who have attempted to divide us through the harassment, intimidation, and bullying of racial, ethnic, and religious minorities, LGBTQ individuals, and women. We will work tirelessly to defend our most vulnerable from these attacks. We are better than their divisive efforts and we know there is more that unites us than divides us. 
With this in mind, when Speaker Ryan gavels us into session today, let us not take our pledge of allegiance for granted. As we begin our legislative day, let us recommit ourselves to serving an America that is truly “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
In the wake of the legitimate fear that has been instilled in the hearts of too many of our fellow Americans, a symbol of safety, unity, and love has been advanced by wearing a safety pin on your lapel. We invite you and your staff to join us in fastening a safety pin to your clothing this week, as a demonstration that we stand for safety, healing and unity against bigotry, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and misogyny. Let’s go high by sending a message that we are a safe haven, a refuge, and a bulwark against hate.
Please join us in sending a strong message to those who may be in a state of fear that regardless of which political majority wins an election, the American majority stands against those who wish to divide us. Let us all stand in solidarity with those whose differences are what make our nation truly great. 
If you or your staff wish to join us in wearing a safety pin this week, please contact Rep. Wasserman Schultz’s office at 5-7931, or email, and we will ensure your office receives safety pins.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Member of Congress
André Carson
Member of Congress
Joaquin Castro
Member of Congress
Brendan F. Boyle
Member of Congress

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