
Rep. Ted Deutch on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

At a time when anti-Semitism is surging around the world and attacks on Jewish communities are almost daily occurrences, it’s even more important that the world remember the horrors of the Holocaust when six million Jews died and put into practice the lessons from this dark period of history. We must raise our voices against injustice, protest bigotry and intolerance, and demand action in the face of humanitarian crises and widespread violence.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is also an opportunity to recommit ourselves to the promises made to Survivors to provide them with the care and support they need in their senior years. We must continue to work with the German Government to ensure that Survivors receive the support they need to live their final years in dignity and comfort.
Today should also serve as a reminder to countries that have not yet enacted restitution laws that they should follow through on their pledge under the Terezin Declaration to compensate victims of Nazi persecution and their families for stolen property.

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