

By now, most people have probably given up on their new year’s resolutions, but we haven’t!
The Broward Sheriff’s Office began 2017 making a healthier workforce one of its goals.
Sheriff Scott Israel tasked the Training Unit with developing a Performance Ability Test (P.A.T.), tailored to the physical needs of our law enforcement and detention deputies to help improve their ability to perform common tasks required by their jobs.
Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,000 deputies have been introduced to the P.A.T., and now Sheriff Israel is inviting media to join us in our quest for better health.
Meet Sheriff Israel at the obstacle course as he shows you the BSO P.A.T. and encourages you to test your own physical ability through the course.
1 p.m. Monday, March 27, 2017
Markham Park
16001 W. S.R. 84, Sunrise

“We designed the obstacles with input from deputy surveys and data from a job task analysis,” Sheriff Israel said. “By incorporating this physical measurement as a basic minimal standard for deputies, we are striving to improve their overall health and job performance.”
Deputies will have other opportunities to go through the course midway through 2017 before it is incorporated as a mandatory annual fitness qualification in 2018.
Since the introduction, deputies have been encouraged to improve their ability to maneuver through the course with the assistance of the BSO Training Unit and wellness interns from local colleges and universities.

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