
Wasserman Schultz Statement on Earth Day

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement in recognition of Earth Day:

“As we celebrate Earth Day 2017, there has never in my lifetime been a greater urgency to protect our environment by adopting aggressive, common-sense strategies to combat climate change. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration remains willfully ignorant and openly hostile to these realities. That must change - and we can make it happen - but only if we all pull together. For proof, look no further than the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. It helped galvanize a movement and spurred a nation of engaged citizens to demand strong environmental protections that resulted in passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

These landmark laws have proven to be highly successful, yet are now under assault from the President’s science-averse Administration. But just as Democrats and millions of concerned Americans united to defeat equally destructive health care and immigration policies, we must now come together to fight the dangerous climate change illiteracy that plagues Republicans and the White House. It’s crucial that we increase climate science fluency, wean ourselves from fossil fuels, and embrace a green jobs economy that provides productive, innovative employment, while protecting our environment. The fate of the planet that we hand our children and grandchildren depends upon how decisively we act on this Earth Day and every day moving forward. Join me in building upon efforts like the Paris Agreement to ensure that we leave an ecologically rich planet behind for future generations to pass along from generation to generation.”

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