
Pressure mounting for Congress to censure Trump

After Trump’s remarks defending white supremacists, Nazis, and the KKK for their riot in Charlottesville last weekend, Democrats in Congress introduced a censure resolution that would condemn Trump for his comments. As of Friday afternoon, 79 Democrats had signed onto the measure—and now Pelosi has joined. 

While censure would be a symbolic condemnation of Trump, it also calls on him to “fire any and all White House advisors who have urged him to cater to the white supremacist movement in the United States.” Steve Bannon is out, but Trump still has firing to do. 

Sign now if you agree that Trump must be censured and remove all white supremacists from the White House.  

The membership of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus, meeting in Tallahassee for its Summer Conference, adopted a resolution calling on Congress to censure President Trump for his anti-lgbt actions, his erratic and destabilizing rhetoric, and his support for white supremacist groups. 

"If anyone had any doubt before, events of the past week have made clear that President Trump is a danger to our community and our country," said Terry Fleming, president of the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus. "We urge the Florida Congressional delegation to take steps to counter the harmful actions of the Trump administration."

The text of the resolution follows:


August 19, 2017

Whereas the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus was formed in 2005 to promote diversity, inclusion, and the celebration of Florida's LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community;

Whereas, as an arm of the Florida Democratic Party, the LGBTA Democratic Caucus declares its vision is to be "a voice that seeks to instill awareness of the freedoms of a democratic society, educate future leaders, support the community at large, and maintain an ongoing rapport and increasing viability with political entities"; 

Whereas President Donald J. Trump's administration has taken actions intended to harm and minimize the contributions and participation of the LGBT community, including:
  • announcing a reinstatement of the ban on transgender military personnel;
  • filing a legal brief at a federal appeals court arguing that anti-gay discrimination is legal under federal law;
  • reversing guidance from the Obama administration that protected transgender children from discrimination in public schools;
  • appointing a Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch, who opposes LGBT rights;
  • failing to recognize Pride Month in June 2017;
  • signaling that he would support the First Amendment Defense Act which would allow discrimination against LGBT people on a religious basis; and
  • nominating Gov, Sam Brownback of Kansas, a vocal opponent of gay rights, as ambassador at large for international religious freedom;
Whereas the president's erratic behavior and misguided, inaccurate and misleading statements create an environment of uncertainty for American leadership on the world stage; and

Whereas the president's vocal support for white supremacist groups, organizations and individuals in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville represents a shameful stain on the presidency and makes all Americans less safe; now, therefore be it 

Resolved that the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus
  1. urges Florida Members of Congress - Democrats and Republicans - to sign onto, support and push for passage of a Congressional motion to censure the President of the United States; 
  2. demands that Florida Members of Congress continue to forcefully speak out in opposition to the divisive words and actions of the Trump administration as a way to shine a light on and counter the dangerous environment being fostered; and
  3. demands that Florida Members of Congress introduce and support legislation requiring that transgender service members be allowed to serve openly in the military.
Passed unanimously by the Florida LGBTA Democratic Caucus August 19, 2017

Sign now if you agree that Trump must be censured and remove all white supremacists from the White House.  

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