
Broward County Commissioners have given preliminary approval to the proposed fiscal year 2018

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Broward County Commissioners have given preliminary approval to the proposed fiscal year 2018 budget. The FY 2018 recommended total budget, which includes tax supported and non-tax supported funds, is $4.8 billion.  A second public hearing takes place September 26th

Overall, the total budget increases by $48 million which reflects an increase in the operating budget of $129 million offset by an $81 million decrease in the capital budget. This represents an increase of slightly more than one percent in the total $4.8 billion budget. 

Based on the Broward County Commission's direction, the proposed total millage rate will remain the same as fiscal year 2017. The proposed combined millage rate for FY18 is 5.6690 per thousand dollars of taxable value. Generally, homestead taxpayers will experience a slight increase in County taxes. The increase in assessed value for homestead property owners is capped at 2.1% for FY18. For other properties, the change in the assessed value of each property will determine how much the property taxes will change. 

The budgets for county agencies increases $25 million and addresses critical priorities such as opening the expanded Broward Addiction Recovery Center to help respond to the opioid crisis, providing additional resources for human services programs and paratransit, increasing Zika prevention efforts, additional funding for elderly home care, environmental programs, libraries and expansion of the County's affordable housing program. 

The General Fund budgets for the Broward Sheriff's Office, Property Appraiser and Supervisor of Elections, increased by $26 million with a significant portion funding fire and emergency management personnel.  

It's important to note that Broward County taxes consist of less than one-quarter of the overall tax bill, which also includes city taxes, school district taxes and special taxing districts.  Commissioners voted 7 to 1 to approve the budget. Commissioner Chip LaMarca voted against the proposed budget, favoring a lower property tax rate based on the certified tax roll increase of 8.8% from FY2017 due to increases in property values. Commissioner Tim Ryan was not present. 

County Commissioners are expected to approve a final budget after the second budget hearing on September 26th. The fiscal year 2018 budget takes effect on October 1, 2017.

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