
Ranking Member Deutch Statement on Hamas/Fatah Reconciliation

 Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22), Ranking Member of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, issued this statement in response to reports that the Palestinian Fatah party signed a reconciliation agreement with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas:

“Restoring the Palestinian Authority’s control in Gaza would be a critical step toward improving the lives of the nearly two million Palestinians living under brutal Hamas leadership and the Israeli civilians living in perpetual fear of rocket fire, terror attacks, and cross border kidnappings. However, Hamas’ failure to commit to disarming and renouncing terrorism and violence precludes it from being a legitimate partner.

“From the little we know of the details of the agreement, there is no obligation for Hamas to give up its weapons or disband its terrorist military wing. After decades of killing innocent Israelis and pledging to destroy the Jewish State, we have seen no indication that they intend to change. Just this morning a Hamas leader made clear his goal of uniting ‘against the Zionist enterprise.’

“Any future Palestinian government that includes Hamas must agree to fully disarm the terrorist group, renounce violence, recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, honor existing agreements, and commit to peace and security with Israel. I will continue to speak out as details unfold.”

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