
Senator Rubio May Vote NO on Tax Cuts For The Rich

Rubio: 'No' vote on tax cuts without Child Tax Credit increase
With a draft tax cuts for the wealthy bill due to be rolled out on Wednesday, Florida’s junior senator has laid down his marker. To earn his vote, the final package must include an expansion of the Child Tax Credit.
Rubio is working with Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee to raise the credit from $500 to $2,000 per child to prevent what they say would be a tax increase on working families. They believe their issue is good policy along with good politics.
“You can’t just produce a tax cut bill in which all of the benefit accrues to the people who can hire lobbyists at the expense of the people we should actually be helping,” Rubio told a group of reporters last week.
Marco Rubio with Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who vows to vote 'no' on any tax cuts that does not include an increase in the child tax credit.
Rubio has said for two weeks that tax reform will not pass without adding the extra benefits for middle and lower-income families. Last week, he took it a step further.
“I’m not going to vote for an increase on the middle class,” he told reporters. “But we’re not going to get to that point. We’re not that crazy around here to think that we’re going to raise taxes on the middle class.”
The Constitution requires all tax bills to originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate can amend what passes the House. With Wednesday’s launch, proponents and opponents of the GOP tax reform push will have the rest of the week to go back and forth on cable news networks.
Debate on the tax bill is set to begin in the House Ways and Means Committee on November 6. Chaired by Texas Republican Kevin Brady, the committee includes Florida Republicans Vern Buchananof Sarasota and Carlos Curbelo of Kendall.

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