
Rep. Deutch: "Governing by Chaos Is Not Governing"

Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22) issued this statement after voting against the Republicans’ latest short-term and short-sighted spending bill:

"It’s been four months since President Trump ended DACA, putting 800,000 DREAMers at risk; four months since Republican leadership allowed the historically-bipartisan CHIP program to expire, putting access to healthcare for nine million kids at risk; and four months since the last fiscal year ended without any plan for the year ahead.

"Since then, Republican leadership has repeatedly resorted to short-term spending bills, kicking the can down the road from one emergency spending bill to the next, while ignoring bipartisan demands for a budget that will help fund programs to combat opioid abuse, address the emergency funding for Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and California, and reauthorize CHIP and DACA.

"The simple fact is that Republicans – in control of the House, the Senate, and the White House - have failed to govern. You cannot govern by funding the government just weeks at a time. That is governing by chaos, and the lack of certainty puts at risk our military, our seniors, our veterans, important medical research, and vital infrastructure improvements.

"Governing by chaos is not governing. Using band-aids to move from one emergency to another is irresponsible and dangerous. Americans need to know that their government will be there for them. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership has failed them.

"We need a spending bill that will ensure certain, stable, and robust funding of both domestic and military spending for the remainder of the year. We need to instill confidence and ensure stability.

"We owe it to our military, our troops, our veterans, and our national security. We owe it to our seniors and low-income families, to Social Security beneficiaries and Medicare and Medicaid recipients. We owe it to the groundbreaking and life-saving federally-funded medical research, and to those still struggling to recover from the disastrous natural disasters.

"This bill offers no assurance for a long-term spending bill. It’s time to govern – responsibly and in a bipartisan way. The American people deserve better."

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