
Rep. Deutch Statement on Meeting with President Trump on Gun Violence

 Following today's White House meeting on gun violence, Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22), representing Parkland, Florida and Stoneman Douglas High School, issued the following statement:

"The President said we can't wait on comprehensive gun safety legislation, and he's right. We have to act now.

"We need to move forward on solutions that will earn a strong bipartisan majority of support in Congress, as they do among the American people. That means raising the minimum age for purchasing firearms, banning assault weapons, expanding background checks, closing the gun show loophole, requiring universal background checks, creating a gun violence restraining order system, and other sensible solutions to gun violence that the President has expressed support for. But proposals like arming teachers with guns or loosening concealed carry laws would only crush this bipartisan momentum toward action.

"It's going to take resolve to get this done; resolve to move quickly on this comprehensive plan, and resolve for the NRA-backed Members of Congress to put the lives of children ahead of their fear of the NRA."

Click the images below to watch the Congressman's conversation with President Trump during the meeting.

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