
Ranking Member Deutch Statement on Syria Strikes

Ranking Member Deutch Statement on Syria Strikes
(Washington) Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22), Ranking Member of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, issued the following statement after President Trump ordered missile strikes against Syria:

"The Syrian people have suffered for seven long years under the Assad regime’s ruthless attacks, with last week’s horrific use of chemical weapons tragically only the most recent. The use of chemical weapons cannot be tolerated, and tonight’s missile strikes reportedly targeting Assad’s chemical weapons infrastructure are a direct response to the Assad regime’s egregious violation of international law and an attempt to deter future use of chemical weapons.

"The Administration must now finally put forward a comprehensive strategy for responding to the Syrian crisis. This strategy must address the regional threats posed by Russia’s political and military cover to Syria and Iran’s efforts to entrench itself in Syria in order to destabilize the entire region.

"Tonight’s strikes also raise the urgent need to pass a new Authorization for the Use of Military Force. Congress must reassert its Constitutional authority with respect to the use of military force.

"The people of Syria have been suffering under Assad’s barrel bombs and besiegement for seven years. As we address the strategic threats, including the use of chemical weapons, we must also continue to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis that plagues the people of Syria."

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