
Rep. Deutch Asks CDC to Publish Guidance to Help Americans Stay Safe & Prevent Outbreaks

Rep. Deutch Asks CDC to Publish Guidance to Help Americans Stay Safe & Prevent Outbreaks
Congressman Ted Deutch (FL-22) wrote to the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dr. Robert Redfield urging him to release public guidance to help Americans stay safe as communities begin to reopen.

As a member of the White House's bipartisan Opening Up America Again Congressional panel, he raised the issue of CDC guidance on a call with senior White House economic officials on Thursday.

"Over the course of the past three weeks I have received an increasing number of questions from my constituents about specific guidance they will need to reopen safely. They want to give their employees, customers, and other community members the confidence they need to feel safe when they return to their jobs, schools, congregations, restaurants and other venues."

Congressman Deutch is requesting the CDC to "ensure that the information Americans need to reopen safely is published, reaches every community and demographic group across the country, and becomes an example to the rest of the world to show how we can overcome the significant public health challenges ahead."

The text of the letter is below. The signed letter can be accessed here.

Dear Dr. Redfield:

Like the rest of the country, and the world, the State of Florida has endured devastating health and economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Slowing the spread of the virus forced Floridians to stay home as much as possible; home from work, apart from their loved ones, and many have lost their jobs and businesses.

Now, Governor DeSantis is proceeding with a plan to reopen Florida’s economy. While I appreciate his effort to move forward step-by-step, I am concerned that we do not yet have the tools and strategies to reduce the risk of renewed outbreaks.

To reopen safely, Florida businesses, consumers, and the general public need specific guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC is the premier public health agency in the world. You lead a group of highly skilled infectious disease experts that should be guiding the COVID-19 response and efforts to reopen.

Over the course of the past three weeks I have received an increasing number of questions from my constituents about specific guidance they will need to reopen safely. They want to give their employees, customers, and other community members the confidence they need to feel safe when they return to their jobs, schools, congregations, restaurants and other venues.

Last week, I saw very troubling reports that officials within the Trump Administration blocked the publication of the exact CDC guidance my constituents have been asking for. CDC scientists were reportedly told it “would never see the light of day.” After reviewing the leaked draft of the guidance, I do not know what could possibly motivate a member of the Trump Administration to block it. Some of the information has already been provided on the CDC website. The additional detail would do nothing to damage the administration and could possibly save lives and livelihoods by preparing businesses and other pillars of our communities to reopen safely.

I respectfully ask that you continue to work with the scientific experts that you lead to ensure that the information Americans need to reopen safely is published, reaches every community and demographic group across the country, and becomes an example to the rest of the world to show how we can overcome the significant public health challenges ahead.

Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter. I look forward to working with you to ensure that science drives the American response, recovery, and preparedness in this crisis.


Ted Deutch

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