
You Need To Beef Up Your Computers Cyber Security

7 Scary Things Hackers Can Do to Your Computer

Talk about a bad day: That’s how you’d feel if a hacker managed to gain access to your home computer. Yes, it may seem that hackers primarily attack large companies, but the truth is that they can also target your computer just as easily.

Of course, they can’t do anything until they get “inside” your computer, but there are plenty of ways they can make that happen.

One way hackers have attacked computers in the past is through a program call “Sub7” (or SubSeven). But for that to happen, Sub7 needs to get into your computer…and unfortunately, there are a few ways that can happen to you: Sub7 can work its way into your computer through an email, or the program can be “delivered” to you if you use the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol.

Today’s hackers are automated.

You might think that a hacker just gets lucky and happens to target a victim who’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that’s not the case. Hackers rely on sophisticated hardware and software to help them scan thousands of computers at a time. That’s one way they can find out whether or not you have the Sub7 program on your computer.

One of the tools a hacker uses sends out packets of data to probe computers and find out if there are any vulnerable ports available that are ripe for exploitation. All computers have ports that are open when they’re on the Internet. The ports accept different types of data from different sources—think of them as different doors in a house, or boating docks in a busy seaside port.

The nasty Sub7 program, for example, is known to use port 27374, as well as others. If port 27374 happens to be running that day, Sub7 will open that port. The port probe then alerts the hacker that, indeed, port 27374 is open for business…or hacking. The hacker knows that with a few keystrokes, they can take control of your computer.

The hacker takes over.

Can you imagine a stranger—or even worse, a thief—sitting in front of your computer, going through your files and doing whatever they want? That’s what happens once a hacker has used Sub7 to take control of your computer.

It’s as if they’re sitting in your cozy computer chair, using your computer and seeing all of your data and files on your computer monitor. And you have no idea that this is going on.

The hacker could be across the street or across the country. No matter where they are, they can copy photos from your computer onto theirs, or delete your tax records. They can steal your personal data or delete the programs you have on your computer.

Worse yet, they can download more viruses.

Like looking in your underwear drawer.

A sophisticated hacker might be able to find out all kinds of personal information about you. How much? That will be depend on how well you protect yourself by making smart decisions online. For example:

  • Do you keep your passwords secret, or write them down and store them on your computer?
  • Do you have a habit of keeping browser windows open on websites, windows that reveal your bank account or credit card numbers?
  • Do you make digital images of bank or credit card statements and store them in an easy-to-get-to folder on your computer?

Skilled hackers could gain access to the following:

  • Your credit card numbers
  • Your bank account
  • Your Social Security number

And with that information in hand, they’re well on their way to stealing your identity…if that was their initial goal. Or maybe they’ll just ask your credit card company to up your credit limit to $5,000—so they can buy some expensive merchandise online.

Stealing passwords.

If a hacker only knows the username to your bank or credit card accounts, there’s not much damage they can do. However, if they also know your passwords, your accounts could be fully compromised.

With both hijacked usernames and stolen passwords, the hacker could go online—at any time—to impersonate you digitally and use your credit accounts for illegal purchases.

Stealing programs…or storing them.

You might think that hackers don’t have any friends. You’re wrong: They’re friendly with other hackers…and they like to share what they find.

So it’s no surprise that hackers have been known to store stolen software programs on the computers of their victims. The hacker then lets his cronies know where they can find the free software—on your computer. So now the number of hackers that are coming through your computer port increases!

Your computer can be used to attack other computers.

Sometimes hackers will take over a computer, sometimes thousands of them, to launch an attack on a website they’ve targeted. It could be a company or government agency they have a beef with, or a popular website they simply want to take offline for a day.

When the security specialists start searching for the online culprits, the digital/electronic trail will lead to the computers of innocent—and totally unaware—victims. Meanwhile, the hacker or hackers go unidentified…that is, until they boast about their prank.

So what can you do to avoid hackers? Follow the time-tested tips you probably hear all the time:

  • Don’t open any suspicious emails.
  • Secure your home network, especially if you use Wi-Fi.
  • Use a VPN when you take your laptop to a coffeehouse, airport or hotel.
  • Be careful when you’re online. Avoid websites you’re not familiar with.
  • Keep your antivirus software up to date.
  • The most common is ransomware where they take control of all your data and info and make you pay to get it back Even a senior using more tech than before because of the pandemic, I will help secure your devices, computers, laptops tablets, and yes watches, and all those devices like Alexa and Google assistant
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Wasserman Schultz Announces More Than $700M for South Florida Colleges, Universities, Students


Wasserman Schultz Announces More Than $700M for South Florida Colleges, Universities, Students

Biden-Harris Admin. releases American Rescue Plan funds for local institutions; At least half the funding to be distributed to students as emergency financial aid


Washington DC – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) announced more than $700 million in emergency funding for colleges, universities, and students in Broward, Miami Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe Counties under the American Rescue Plan. The funding will help local institutions cope with the severe financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and continue serving their students safely.


At least half of the funding each institution receives will be distributed in the form of emergency cash assistance grants to students who are facing hunger, homelessness, and other hardship. The American Rescue Plan provides $36 billion for nearly 3,500 public and private, nonprofit colleges and universities nationwide.


“This deadly pandemic hit our students and colleges particularly hard, and both are absolutely vital to our community and economy,” said Wasserman Schultz. “The American Rescue Plan invests more than half $700 million dollars in emergency funds into South Florida higher education classrooms and students to ensure a continuity of education that benefits our entire region. I’m proud that we were able to deliver this lifeline to thousands of South Florida scholars across numerous colleges and universities and I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for allocating it so quickly.”


Among the colleges, universities and students at South Florida institutions receiving funding under the American Rescue Plan are:


Broward College:                                $102,138,704

Florida Atlantic University:                $69,493,600

Florida International University:        $120,768,382

Miami Dade College:                          $175,596,703

Nova Southeastern University:           $21,276,551

Palm Beach State College:                  $71,199,106

Saint Thomas University:                   $4,682,531

Barry University:                                $13,842,233

Florida Memorial University              $5,815,082

Lynn University                                  $5,241,671

University of Miami                           $21,291,392


Here’s the larger list of schools in South Florida, and around the state and nation, which are receiving funding: click here.


Students should contact their institutions for more information about how they can apply for an emergency grant. 


The American Rescue Plan also includes nearly $3 billion in additional funding – which will be distributed at a later date – for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), other Minority-Serving Institutions, and other under-resourced institutions. To read more about emergency education funding under the American Rescue Plan, click here


Wasserman Schultz on the Passing of Congressman Alcee Hastings

 Wasserman Schultz on the Passing of Congressman Alcee Hastings



“Florida has lost a brilliant, fearless, giant-hearted advocate for this state that he dearly loved, and Congress has lost a wise, patient and compassionate statesman. I have lost a treasured friend and true mentor, someone I constantly leaned on for sage counsel. Alcee Hastings’ life was devoted to righting wrongs and he wasn’t afraid to use a little shame to press for change. From the halls of Congress to Broward County and as far as the Parliamentary Assembly in Europe, Congressman Hastings leaves an immense political legacy. I mourn today with his family and all those communities across South Florida whom he helped and safeguarded. May his memory be a blessing.”      


To sign up for Rep. Wasserman Schultz’s free eNewsletter, click here.



Facebook to label all rule-breaking posts — even Donald Trump’s

by Associated Press

Facebook said Friday that it will flag all “newsworthy” posts from politicians that break its rules, including those from President Donald Trump.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg had previously refused to take action against Trump posts suggesting that mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud, saying that people deserved to hear unfiltered statements from political leaders. Twitter, by contrast, slapped a “get the facts” label on them.

“The policies we’re implementing today are designed to address the reality of the challenges our country is facing and how they’re showing up across our community,” Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page announcing the changes.

Zuckerberg said the social network is taking additional steps to counter election-related misinformation. In particular, the social network will begin adding new labels to all posts about voting that will direct users to authoritative information from state and local election officials.

Facebook is also banning false claims intended to discourage voting, such as stories about federal agents checking legal status at polling places. The company also said it is increasing its enforcement capacity to remove false claims about local polling conditions in the 72 hours before the U.S. election.

Ethan Zuckerman, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Civic Media, said the changes are a “reminder of how powerful Facebook may be in terms of spreading disinformation during the upcoming election.”

He said the voting labels will depend on how good Facebook’s artificial intelligence is at identifying posts to label.

“If every post that mentions voting links, people will start ignoring those links. If they’re targeted to posts that say things like ‘Police will be checking warrants and unpaid traffic tickets at polls’ -- a classic voter suppression disinfo tactic -- and clearly mark posts as disinfo, they might be useful,” he said.

But Zuckerman noted that Facebook “has a history of trying hard not to alienate right-leaning users, and given how tightly President Trump has aligned himself with voter-suppressing misinfo, it seems likely that Facebook will err on the side of non-intrusive and ignorable labels, which would minimize impact of the campaign.”

Earlier in the day, shares of Facebook and Twitter dropped sharply after the the giant company behind brands such as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and Dove soap said it will halt U.S. advertising on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram through at least the end of the year.

That European consumer-product maker, Unilever, said it took the move to protest the amount of hate speech online. Unilever said the polarized atmosphere in the United States ahead of November’s presidential election placed responsibility on brands to act.

Shares of both Facebook and Twitter fell roughly 7% following Unilever’s announcement.

The company, which is based in the Netherlands and Britain, joins a raft of other advertisers pulling back from online platforms. Facebook in particular has been the target of an escalating movement to withhold advertising dollars to pressure it to do more to prevent racist and violent content from being shared on its platform.

“We have decided that starting now through at least the end of the year, we will not run brand advertising in social media newsfeed platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in the U.S.,” Unilever said. “Continuing to advertise on these platforms at this time would not add value to people and society.”

Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. On Thursday, Verizon joined others in the Facebook boycott.

Unilever “has enough influence to persuade other brand advertisers to follow its lead,” said eMarketer analyst Nicole Perrin. She noted that Unilever pulled back spending “for longer, on more platforms (including Twitter) and for more expansive reasons” — in particular, by citing problems with “divisiveness” as well as hate speech.

Sarah Personette, vice president of global client solutions at Twitter, said the company’s “mission is to serve the public conversation and ensure Twitter is a place where people can make human connections, seek and receive authentic and credible information, and express themselves freely and safely.”

She added that Twitter is “respectful of our partners’ decisions and will continue to work and communicate closely with them during this time.”


Republished with permission from The Associated Press.

Associated Press | June 26, 2020 at 5:32 pm | Tags: facet check, newsworthy, political posts | Categories: Tech | URL:

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