
An emergency meeting

Florida Republicans had an emergency meeting about the Foley resignation at the U.S. Capitol late Friday afternoon, with Gov. Jeb Bush taking part by speakerphone.
Rep. C.W. Bill Young said the delegation agreed that House Republican leadership had done the right thing "by moving quickly and basically telling him, 'resign or you're out.'"
The conversation turned to the difficult question of how to get a Republican replacement, Young said. Foley's name will remain on the ballot, but the party will choose a replacement nominee. The difficult spot for Republicans is that they will still have to tell voters to vote for Foley.
Young said the members at the meeting were concerned they could lose the seat to the Democrats because Foley's name will still be on the ballot.
"Based on the charges that Mr. Foley is facing, I don’t’ think anybody would want to be assocated with that kind of a charge," he said.
Young said the governor "was basically explaining state law and mentioning what the options would be. He was just as upset as we all are."
Someone at the meeting said there are 36 pages of incriminating emails, according to Young.
Young said the meeting ended and, "We concluded by all walking out of the room, shaking our heads."

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Political Talk For And By Political Junkies
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Democrats to raise funds for GOP's Crist


In Broward we have elected Democrats as well as Democratic leaders supporting
Clay Shaw and even more are outwardly supporting Jim Scott for County Commission, even our unopposed elected state Representatives in Broward are not supporting Christian Chiari over Ellen Bogdanoff
we even have unions which are endorsing and supporting Republicans over Democrats

First we and all of our friends and allies MUST do everything possible to support these democrats

start by going to their websites and volunteering and contributing then lets hit the streets to walk the county for these Democrats.

http://RonKelin2006 .com

http://Keechl2006. com

http://electchiari. com

And After the elections we must work hard to make sure these elected officials and operatives have no support in Broward County in the future.

Democrats to raise funds for GOP's Crist


"Loyalists to former Democratic governor candidate Rod Smith, refusing to get behind party nominee Jim Davis, said Monday they are setting up a fundraising committee for the Republican candidate for governor.
The new formed Coalition for Bipartisan Progress puts a dent in today's demonstration of Democratic unity"...
.."I think Charlie Crist is making a genuine attempt to reach out to Democrats.". .
"The leaders of the new pro-Crist committee include Wilder, who served as deputy chief of staff to Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne and was legislative director for the late Gov. Lawton Chiles; Democrat James Harris, a black lobbyist who has helped U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and former Sen. Bob Graham; and Republican Mike Murtha, Smith's legislative aide."..
"Harris said he was drawn to Crist in part because of his civil rights record, including his co-sponsorship of a restitution award to two wrongfully convicted black men in 1998. Davis had opposed compensating Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee eight years earlier, a vote he says he regrets."..
''I don't think it was political,'' Harris said of Crist's announcement that his office had solved the crime. ``I think he thought it was the right thing to do and he went out and did it.'' com/mld/miamiher ald/news/ 15607632. htm?source= rss&channel=miamiherald _news
For News And Commentary:

For Florida Election News See:

Political Talk For And By Political Junkies

Ron Klein and Max Cleland at VFW Post 8195 in Hollywood

Wednesday September 20th 11 a.m.

Join Senator Max Cleland and State Senator Ron Klein For a Town Hall

Max Cleland, former U.S. Secretary of Veterans' Affairs and U.S. Senator,
will speak on the topic of Veterans' Issues.

VFW Post 8195

4414 Pembroke Road, Hollywood

(1 mile west of I-95 on the South side of Pembroke Road)

Please R.S.V.P. to Julie Petrick @ 954.941.2965 or Staff@ronklein2006.