

The following is an interesting exercise.... You answer a few questions then click the "find your candidate button" and the program selects the candidate who's position on the issues is most like your own... You may be surprised at what you find...Click the link below...


Klein Responds to President Bush’s Statement on Poor Air Travel

FLORIDA'S 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT           September 28, 2007
CONTACT: Adrienne Elrod/202.226.2123
Klein Responds to President Bush's Statement on Poor Air Travel
Vows to Work with Congress and Bush Administration to Restore Civility and Efficiency to Air Travel
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22) Friday issued the following statement concerning President Bush's directive to the Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration to come up with a plan that will improve the government's system for handling passengers' complaints and boost the quality of air travel.
"Anyone who has flown on a commercial airplane over the past few years is well aware of the fact that the state of air travel has significantly worsened.  An aging infrastructure, outdated technology and equipment, unrealistic flight schedules, overstretched workforce of air traffic controllers and pilots, computer glitches, and inadequate spacing between planes have all been cited as contributing to the problems with air travel.  Unfortunately, over the past number of years, no action has been taken to solve a problem that has developed to the point where it's now a crisis. 
"Last week, I successfully offered an amendment to the FAA Reauthorization bill that expands the government's ability to investigate fraudulent and reckless airline practices. And earlier this week, I sent a letter to the FAA, urging them to collect and analyze flight schedules coming in and out of Ft. Lauderdale International to determine whether too many flights are being scheduled in a condensed period of time, which often leads to delays due to overcrowded runways. This will allow us to be proactive -- rather than reactive -- and anticipate delays before they occur, as opposed to after.
"The state of airline travel today is simply unacceptable. We need to get to the bottom of these problems, identify solutions, and implement those solutions immediately. I stand ready and willing to tackle these problems with my colleagues in Congress and the Bush Administration, so that we can return the state of airline travel back to one of efficiency, courtesy, civility and fairness."

Adrienne K. Elrod
Deputy Chief of Staff
U.S. Rep. Ron Klein (FL-22)
Click on to sign up for Rep. Klein's e-newsletter today!

War Monger And Hate Merchant Rep. Marsha Blackburn

War Monger and Hate Merchant, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) TN
Knows Chapter and verse about the Ad, Does NOT know the name of a
 Soldier Killed in Iraq, from her district.
Extremist Republican Iraq War Cheerleader Taken to the Woodshed

Spec. Donald E. Valentine III

Hometown: Orange Park, Florida, U.S.
Died: September 18, 2007 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Army, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), Fort Lewis, Wash.
Incident: Died when a makeshift bomb device detonated near his unit during combat operations in Muqdadiyah.
Related Links:

Spec. Joseph N. Landry III


Hometown: Pensacola, Florida, U.S.
Died: September 18, 2007 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Army, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), Fort Lewis, Wash.
Incident: Killed when a makeshift bomb detonated near his unit during combat operations in Muqdadiyah.
Related Links:

Lawsuit Targets Florida Elections Law Loophole

Lawsuit Targets State Elections Law Loophole

OCALA | Year after year, state Sen. Dave Aronberg fights what sometimes feels like a one-man battle. His target: an elections law loophole that, in his view, has disenfranchised more voters than hanging chads, butterfly ballots and ex-felon lists ever did.
At issue is a state Division of Elections advisory opinion that interprets a 1998 constitutional amendment. It says that party primaries are open to all voters when every candidate in a race is from the same party; however, primaries are closed if a write-in candidate runs in the general election.

A spring study by the Florida Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections showed that, through 2006, a write-in had filed to run and thus "closed" a primary in a state legislative race 38 times since the advisory opinion was issued.

The average margin of victory over those write-in candidates was 99.8 percent. Seven times, write-in candidates did not even vote for themselves.

Critics say this proves that many write-in candidates are just spoilers. They enter the race with no intention of campaigning, much less winning. They simply want to shut out non-party members from voting. Typically, the dominant party in a county uses the strategy when the other party cannot field a candidate with a chance of success.

Read More.....

Florida Democrats launch drive to defend early primary date


The press conference held by state party chairwoman Karen Thurman and more than a dozen other party leaders and elected officials capped a monthlong, ultimately fruitless negotiation between Florida Democrats, the DNC and the four sanctioned early primary states.

Pfc. Brandon T. Thorsen


Hometown: Trenton, Florida, U.S.
Died: September 15, 2007 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Army, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Bliss, Tex.
Incident: Died in a non-combat related incident in Baghdad.

Sgt. John Mele


Hometown: Binnell, Florida, U.S.
Died: September 14, 2007 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Army, 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
Incident: Killed when a makeshift bomb detonated near his unit during combat operations in Arab Jabour.
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UF Student Tasered at Kerry speech

According to the Gainseville Sun, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications student Andrew Meyer "approached an open microphone at the University Auditorium and demanded Kerry answer his questions. The student claimed that University Police Department officers had already threatened to arrest him, and then proceeded to question Kerry about why he didn't contest the 2004 presidential election and why there had been no moves to impeach President Bush."
"A minute or so into what became a combative diatribe, Meyer's microphone was turned off and officers began trying to physically remove him from the auditorium," the Sun said. "Meyer flailed his arms, yelling as police tried to restrain him."
Six officers then pushed him to the ground. He yelled, "What have I done? What I have I done? Get away from me. Get off of me! What did I do? ... Help me! Help."
Officers then threatened to use a Taser on Meyer if he did not comply; he resisted being handcuffed and was then "Tased," "which prompted him to scream and writhe in pain on the floor of the auditorium," according to the Sun.
An internal investigation into the incident was launched this morning, according to NBC News.
The following video is from MSNBC's TUCKER, broadcast on September 17, 2007
This second video was posted on LiveLeak.
The third video, posted at YouTube, features the entire question:
posted at

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Just Rumors The Rumor Mills

Cpl. Christopher L. Poole Jr.

Hometown: Mount Dora, Florida, U.S.

Age: 22 years old

Died: September 6, 2007 in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Unit: Marines, 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine
Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Incident: Killed while conducting combat operations in Anbar province.
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Please Join Me

Jim Stork
along with the Host Committee*

Justin Flippen
Dean Trantalis 
John Castelli 
Michael Albetta 
Hon. Joe Angelo
Stephen Gaskill 
Hon. Larry Gierer 
Julia Davis
Edie Hambright
Mark LaFontaine 
Dan Hellman 
Ron Mills 
Hon. Scott Newton 
Adriane Reesey 
Danielle Sylvester 
Ray Rideout
Larry Wallenstein 
Nick Boyko


*Host Committee in formation
Cordially invite you to join them
For a luncheon and an introduction to and campaign briefing on
the bi-partisan effort to defeat the so-called "Florida Marriage Protection Amendment"
Friday, September 28
12:00 PM
GLCC, 1717 N. Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale
Contribution Opportunities:
Hosts pledge to give or raise a minimum of $250
Suggested minimum contribution to attend: $25
Checks payable to: Florida Red and Blue, 12864 Biscayne Boulevard, #314,
North Miami, FL, 33181, or contribute on the web at
Please Let Amy Know You Will Be Attending through Ron Mills
Thank You,
Ron Mills
For more information or to R.S.V.P. please contact Amy Rose at 954-593-8826


The HATE Birgade Is Coming To Town

UPDATE 09-17-07 10 AM Giuliani will be in town a few hours before the debate, Folger said, “It’s saying ‘In your face. I’m here in town, but I don’t care enough about your values to actually show up.’ “ Giuliani’s campaign said the former New York mayor can’t participate in every group’s debate and is generally sticking to forums organized by major TV networks. Thompson last week was asked in Celebration about the Values Voters event and said he was limiting debate appearances because he doesn’t see the benefit of standing on stage like a “trained seal” with a line of other candidates. ----------------------------------

The Hater Votes Presidential Debate:

Debate will be held today, September 17th, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Debate organizer Janet Folger said, "As long as I can remember I've been hearing complaints about the liberal media. I've heard about their power and undue influence. For too long the pundits have made their proclamations and people have fallen into lock step. But, not anymore."

Questions will come from 40 of the top far right wing hate groups in the U.S. including: Paul Weyrich, founder and President of the Free Congress Foundation, Phyllis Schlafly, founder and President of Eagle Forum, Don Wildmon, founder and Chairman of the American Family Association, Judge Roy Moore, with the Foundation for Moral Law, Rick Scarborough, Vision America, and Mat Staver of Liberty Council.

Earlier this month, Vision America President Rick Scarborough derided Democratic candidates who attended a forum sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign and Logo TV by writing, "What's next? The Cross Dresser Debates? Or perhaps the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lovers Association) Debates? Or here's one for the ages -- The Bestiality Debates."

Now, Scarborough has revealed that he will take time away from his 70-week electoral "crusade" to join Phyllis Schlafly, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Janet Folger in interrogating at least 7 Republican candidates at the so-called "Values Voter Debate" today in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, leading those of us following the parade of GOP contenders wooing the Religious Right to ask: What's next?
Writes Scarborough:
It's time for the candidates to be asked whether homosexuality is a sin. It's time for them to declare whether the killing of the unborn is ever right. It's time for them to answer whether their Justice Department would prosecute preaching biblical truths as hate crimes.

Earlier this month, Vision America President Rick Scarborough derided Democratic candidates who attended a forum sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign and Logo TV by writing, "What's next? The Cross Dresser Debates? Or perhaps the NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Lovers Association) Debates? Or here's one for the ages -- The Bestiality Debates."
Now, Scarborough has revealed that he will take time away from his 70-week electoral "crusade" to join Phyllis Schlafly, James Dobson, Tony Perkins, and Janet Folger in interrogating at least 4 Republican candidates at the so-called "Values Voter Debate" next month in Florida, leading those of us following the parade of GOP contenders wooing the Religious Right to ask: What's next?
Writes Scarborough:
It's time for the candidates to be asked whether homosexuality is a sin. It's time for them to declare whether the killing of the unborn is ever right. It's time for them to answer whether their Justice Department would prosecute preaching biblical truths as hate crimes.
For candidates nervous about appearing before these far-right haters, Scarborough has provided a crib sheet of potential questions he may ask:
Do you believe Islam is a religion of peace?
Do you believe that homosexuality is a sin?
Would you pardon border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Juan Compean?
Do you believe that tax payer's educational money should follow the child?
Do you believe the Ten Commandments should be posted on public property?
Do you believe a pastor should have the freedom of speech to endorse or oppose a candidate for public office from his pulpit?

Will your Justice Department refuse to prosecute any pastor who preaches that homosexuality is a sin and is then accused of a hate crime?

Do you believe the court had a right to withhold food and water from Terri Schiavo which resulted in her death by dehydration/starvation?

Cross potsted at

Alan Keys, Bringing His Fringe Lunatic, Show To Ft. Lauderdale

Alan KeyesFringe lunatic candidate Alan Keyes jumped into the fray for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination:
On Friday, Sept. 14, Alan Keyes filed a Statement of Candidacy (Form 2) with the Federal Election Commission thus officially announcing as a Republican candidate for President of the United States.
Keyes told Janet Parshall, host of a right wing hate radio show, that he's "unmoved" by the lack of moral courage shown by the other candidates, among whom he sees no standout who articulates the "key kernel of truth that must, with courage, be presented to our people."

He added, "The one thing I've always been called to do is to raise the standard . . . that there is a national standard of our allegiance to God and His authority that has been the foundation stone of our nation's life"and he decried the lack of "forthright, clear, and clarion declaration" from the other candidates concerning this issue.
 Keyes' first official act as a candidate will be an appearance at a "Value Voters Debate" in Florida on Monday, where the Republican hopefuls will clash over whether toilet sex aficionados, sexual predators or pedophiles best fully represent the values of Florida Republicans.
Keyes' second act will be to pay himself a handsome salary from the campaign donations sent in by suckers.


Action Alert To Save PIP And KidCare


Tell the Legislature to Get the Job Done Right

Sign our petition and join thousands of Floridians in asking Governor Crist and legislative leaders to pass an extension of PIP and essential reforms to KidCare during the fall special session.
cross posted at 

Mayor Naugle And Janet Folger Get Dissed


We Want Your Votes, But Not Your Questions

As chronicled several times over the last few weeks, the "Values Voter Presidential Debate" is scheduled for September 17 in Florida.  Featuring a variety of right-wing leaders, the event is designed to give Republican presidential candidates an opportunity to directly address the concerns of, and answer questions from, figures like Phyllis Schlafly, Don Wildmon, Paul Weyrich, Roy Moore, Janet Folger, and Rick Scarborough.
Unfortunately for the organizers of the event, not one of the four top GOP candidates is willing to be seen with them:
The festivities, however, look likely to go off without a marquee name. Queried yesterday by The New York Sun, the McCain campaign cited a scheduling conflict. "We are not attending," a spokeswoman for Mr. McCain, Brooke Buchanan, replied by e-mail. "It's the last day of the No Surrender tour — we will be in South Carolina."
Likewise, the Romney campaign's Florida spokeswoman, Gail Gitcho, told the Sun that the former Massachusetts governor had "declined due to a scheduling conflict."
Mr. Thompson's press office also is citing "another event on his calendar that day."
The Giuliani camp didn't even bother with the scheduling-conflict ruse, providing the Sun with the text of a letter the former mayor's campaign manager, Michael DuHaime, sent to the debate's organizers on Friday. "Thank you for your kind invitation for Mayor Giuliani to attend a presidential debate hosted by Values Voters," Mr. DuHaime wrote. "Unfortunately Mayor Giuliani will be unable to accept your invitation."
Undoubtedly, that snub is not sitting well with them – and it is probably only being made worse by this:
Today FRC Action announced that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney will speak in a prime-time slot at the Washington Briefing 2007: Values Voter Summit on Friday evening, October 19.
So Romney is willing to show up at a "values voters" event hosted by the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, American Values and others that features the likes of Tony Perkins, James Dobson, Gary Bauer, Robert Knight, and Richard Land but won't have anything to do with the other Values Voter folks?  
It seems as if Romney is willing to accept an invitation to speak to right-wing leaders and activists but is unwilling to actually take questions from them.  While FRC and FOF tend to be considered more "reputable" right-wing groups than the Eagle Forum or Vision America, there is, in actuality, no substantive difference between the views, rhetoric, or mission of these groups.  In fact, several of the participants in the Values Voter Debate are also participating in FRC's Values Voter Summit, including Star Parker, Bobby Schindler, and Phyllis Schlafly.
So why is it that Romney is willing to pander to the Right at the Values Voter Summit, but is unwilling to actually answer questions from them at the Values Voter Debate? 
Could it be because, while they want their support, they hope to achieve it in a way that allows them to avoid publicly pandering to them by answering questions such as "Do you believe the Ten Commandments should be posted on public property?" or "Do you believe that homosexuality is a sin?"

A Election '08 News Site:
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Political Talk For And By Political Junkies
Just Rumors The Rumor Mills

Nadine Smith Resonds to Gov. Crist's Spokeswoman

Nadine Smith has left a new comment on your post "Charlie Crist, is denying any meeting of any kind ...":

We did indeed talk with Governor Crist moments after ending a meeting with his legislative staffer about the anti-bullying bill.
The Governor was returning from lunch at Andrews restaurant and David Barkey from the Anti-Defamation League and I stopped and spoke with him urging him to make next session the year we pass the strongest anti-bullying bill possible.

He pumped his fist in the air enthusiastically as he told us "I'm with you! I'm with you!"

His support on the bullying issue is not new.
This has been an issue that the Governor has publicly and repeatedly demonstrated support for since his days as Commissioner of Education. Last year in response to a question from Capital New Reporter Victoria Langley, he reaffirmed his support for an inclusive bill that refused to leave any group of students outside the protections of an anti-bullying bill. When Sen. Wise bottled the bill in his committee last year, Governor Crist invoked the tragic massacre in Virginia and publicly pressured him to let the bill go to the floor.

We wanted our members to know that he reaffirmed that support enthusiastically when the Anti-Defamation League and Equality Florida representatives met with him briefly outside his office. We let the Governor know we'd met with his staff and with his help we had the opportunity to pass a strong bill that wasn't afraid to address bullying that is happening our schools everyday.

I imagine his spokesperson is conveying that we were not on the Governor's calendar and that she was not informed of our impromptu conversation.

Nadine Smith
Equality Florida

Special session back on


Senate President Ken Pruitt and House Speaker Marco Rubio announced today that  a special session will be held between Oct. 3 and Oct. 12. The call for the session will be released next week.
 Rubio also called off interim committee weeks planned for next week.
The House and Senate now plan to hold committee meetings in advance of the special session on Sept. 27 and Sept. 28.
One has to wonder if they are still going to have all those fundraisers 
scheduled next week?  Like the Republican cash bash of 500.00 per legislator x 17 do the math 

Wilton Manors: Commissioners Blast Mayor Jim Naugle

City commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday night on a resolution denouncing recent comments made by Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle about gays and bathroom sex, HIV and AIDS, bathhouses and sex clubs, pornography and sin.

Commissioner Joe Angelo, Wilton Manors next Mayor, proposed the resolution

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Jim Defede Moving To Live85 In December

UPDATE: 01-03-08

Talk show host Jim DeFede returns to radio on Monday, this time on WFTL, 850AM.DeFede will be heard from 4 to 7 p.m. from Monday through Friday, the station said in a prepared release.Prior to WFTL, DeFede hosted a morning show on WINZ, AM940. He was named "Best AM Radio Personality" for 2007 by New Times Broward-Palm Beach.DeFede was an award-winning writer for the Miami New Times for 11 years, a metro columnist for the Miami Herald for three years and currently writes for Miami Monthly Magazine. He is also a commentator and investigative reporter for CBS4 News in Miami."I'm thrilled to be back with my own show and to be working for WFTL," DeFede said in a prepared release on Thursday.

As Reported in the Miami Hearald

Jim DeFede, whose talk show on WINZ-AM (940) ended on Aug. 31, is moving to another South Florida radio station. He won't say where, but reportedly he'll join WFTL-AM (850) in early December. (DeFede's noncompete agreement with WINZ owner Clear Channel requires him to sit out for 90 days.)

DeFede, a WFOR-CBS4 commentator and former Miami Herald columnist, says his one-year deal with WINZ expired on July 24. ``My show was not canceled.''
The station asked for an extension through Aug. 31, he says. He agreed. As that deadline neared, WINZ offered another two months. DeFede wanted long-term. ``They told me that if I didn't like it, I could go out and try to find myself another station to work for.''

He did -- with the help of agent Andrew Korge. DeFede cut a two-year deal.

WFTL is owned by James Crystal Radio Group. Former TV anchor and reporter Kelley Mitchell is a morning co-host. The station also airs conservative syndicated hosts Dr. LauraSchlessinger, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage And Demo Babe Stacy Ritter.

Says DeFede: ``My views aren't going to change based on the station I'm on.''
WINZ is licensed to Miami, WFTL to West Palm Beach, says University of Miami broadcasting professor Dr. Mitchell Shapiro. ''A different reach,'' says Shapiro, who adds that both stations can be heard in parts of the tri-county area.

DeFede will likely have a morning or afternoon gig.
DeFede, 45, who underwent emergency surgery in June to remove fluid from around his heart, is feeling fine. ''Since April, the last time I weighed myself, I've lost 63 pounds.'' He orders portion-controlled meals from chef Mario Bladimirsquy's Diet At Your Doorstep in Coconut Creek, which advertised on DeFede's show. And, he exercises. ``I'm walking every night, about a mile and a quarter.''

DeFede's plan for the ''down time'' before his return to radio? ``I'm going to get a trainer.''

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Just Rumors The Rumor Mills

Keith Wasserstrom Guilty in corruption case

Guilty verdict in corruption case

Suspended Hollywood commissioner Keith Wasserstrom was convicted Wednesday of two violations of the state's conflict-of-interest laws. More here.

Governor Crist Celebrating Rosh Hashana Dinner In Broward County

The governor's schedule has him attending a visitation for the right-wing controversial televangelist Dr. D. James Kennedy; a Rosh Hashanah dinner at the Cooper City home of Sen. Steve Geller; and services, also with Geller, at Temple Solel in Hollywood.
     Crist also meets with Al Lamberti, the man he appointed last week to serve as acting sheriff of Broward County to replace Ken Jenne. This surely will heighten speculation that Lamberti, already on the job, could be Crist's interim choice to lead the 6,300-member Broward Sheriff's Office.

A Election '08 News Site:
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For Florida Election News See:
Political Talk For And By Political Junkies
Just Rumors The Rumor Mills

Clinton And Giuliani Tied In Florida- 44-44

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton are deadlocked 44 - 44 percent in a test of the Florida 2008 presidential front-runners, but have added to their party primary leads, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

Sen. Clinton's lead over her nearest Democratic rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, is 29 points and Giuliani's margin over second-place GOP candidate, former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson, is 11 points, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.

In other possible matchups in the 2008 presidential race in Florida:
  • Giuliani tops Obama 47 - 38 percent and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards 46 - 42 percent;
  • Clinton beats Arizona Sen. John McCain 45 - 40 percent, Thompson 46 - 40 percent and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 48 - 38 percent;
  • Edwards tops McCain 42 - 39 percent, Thompson 44 - 36 percent and Romney 47 - 33 percent;
  • McCain beats Obama 42 - 39 percent;
  • Obama beats Thompson 43 - 39 percent and Romney 44 - 36 percent.

Sgt. Cory L. Clark

Hometown: Plant CIty , Florida, U.S.
Died: August 28, 2007 in Operation Enduring Freedom.
Unit: Army, 585th Engineer Pipeline Company, 864th Engineer Battalion, 555th Engineer Brigade, Fort Lewis, Wash.
Incident: Killed in Jaji, Afghanistan by a makeshift bomb.

Broward commissioners prefer I-595 lanes not be elevated

With state transportation officials now looking at reversible toll lanes in the median of Interstate 595, Broward County commissioners told them that they would prefer that to elevated lanes.

Commissioners unanimously opposed elevated lanes Tuesday because of concern expressed among nearby homeowners about noise and pollution. "I want to strike a balance," Commissioner Lois Wexler said, noting an elevated road would be 30 feet in the air.

The state Department of Transportation had been planning to build elevated reversible lanes to ease congestion on I-595, but announced Monday that it is considering an alternative to use the median between Florida's Turnpike and Interstate 75.

The state had chosen elevated lanes because the median has room only for two lanes and because the median was supposed to be reserved for a future light rail line. Traffic forecasts show two additional lanes wouldn't be enough to keep pace with population growth.

Now state officials say there is room for three lanes, if westbound I-595 and westbound State Road 84 are shifted to the north next to the North New River Canal. If they choose to shift the current lanes, the planned light rail line will have to be elevated, most likely between eastbound I-595 and eastbound S.R. 84.

Read More.......

Jim Defede Coming Back To Radio in South Florida

UPDATE: 01-03-08

Talk show host Jim DeFede returns to radio on Monday, this time on WFTL, 850AM.DeFede will be heard from 4 to 7 p.m. from Monday through Friday, the station said in a prepared release.Prior to WFTL, DeFede hosted a morning show on WINZ, AM940. He was named "Best AM Radio Personality" for 2007 by New Times Broward-Palm Beach.DeFede was an award-winning writer for the Miami New Times for 11 years, a metro columnist for the Miami Herald for three years and currently writes for Miami Monthly Magazine. He is also a commentator and investigative reporter for CBS4 News in Miami."I'm thrilled to be back with my own show and to be working for WFTL," DeFede said in a prepared release on Thursday.

UPDATE: 09-12-07As Reported in the Miami Hearald
Jim DeFede, whose talk show on WINZ-AM (940) ended on Aug. 31, is moving to another South Florida radio station. He won't say where, but reportedly he'll join WFTL-AM (850) in early December. (DeFede's noncompete agreement with WINZ owner Clear Channel requires him to sit out for 90 days.)DeFede, a WFOR-CBS4 commentator and former Miami Herald columnist, says his one-year deal with WINZ expired on July 24. ``My show was not canceled.''The station asked for an extension through Aug. 31, he says. He agreed. As that deadline neared, WINZ offered another two months. DeFede wanted long-term. ``They told me that if I didn't like it, I could go out and try to find myself another station to work for.''He did -- with the help of agent Andrew Korge. DeFede cut a two-year deal.WFTL is owned by James Crystal Radio Group. Former TV anchor and reporter Kelley Mitchell is a morning co-host. The station also airs conservative syndicated hosts Dr. LauraSchlessinger, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage And Demo Babe Stacy Ritter.Says DeFede: ``My views aren't going to change based on the station I'm on.''WINZ is licensed to Miami, WFTL to West Palm Beach, says University of Miami broadcasting professor Dr. Mitchell Shapiro. ''A different reach,'' says Shapiro, who adds that both stations can be heard in parts of the tri-county area.DeFede will likely have a morning or afternoon gig.DeFede, 45, who underwent emergency surgery in June to remove fluid from around his heart, is feeling fine. ''Since April, the last time I weighed myself, I've lost 63 pounds.'' He orders portion-controlled meals from chef Mario Bladimirsquy's Diet At Your Doorstep in Coconut Creek, which advertised on DeFede's show. And, he exercises. ``I'm walking every night, about a mile and a quarter.''DeFede's plan for the ''down time'' before his return to radio? ``I'm going to get a trainer.'' DeFede will likely have a morning or afternoon gig.DeFede, 45, who underwent emergency surgery in June to remove fluid from around his heart, is feeling fine. ''Since April, the last time I weighed myself, I've lost 63 pounds.'' He orders portion-controlled meals from chef Mario Bladimirsquy's Diet At Your Doorstep in Coconut Creek, which advertised on DeFede's show. And, he exercises. ``I'm walking every night, about a mile and a quarter.''
DeFede's plan for the ''down time'' before his return to radio? ``I'm going to get a trainer.''


Rumor has it.....

Jim DeFede To move to ... WFTL-850

Home of Rush Limbaugh's Demo Babe Stacy Ritter

Maybe he will knock off Mitchell and Morley in Drive Time........
What A Snooze.....

A Election '08 News Site:
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For Florida Election News See:
Political Talk For And By Political Junkies
Just Rumors The Rumor Mills

9/11: Six Years Later - Remembrance and learning from the past

Six Years After 9/11:
Remembrance and Resolve
Six years ago, each and every American witnessed both the cowardice and hatred of those that perpetrated the horrible attacks on innocent Americans, as well as the courage and heroism shown by America's first responders who rushed to help the victims of these senseless attacks as survivors streamed out.
Last night I joined my Congressional colleagues in marking the sixth anniversary of these terrible attacks on our nation. After passing a resolution dedicating the sixth anniversary of 9/11 as a day of Remembrance and Resolve, we gathered, Democrats and Republicans as one unified body, on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in a candle light vigil for those who lost their lives six years ago today.
As your federal representative, I am reminded that the first responsibility of our government is the security of every American. It is for this reason that Congress created the independent and bipartisan 9/11 Commission to look into that tragic day, but more importantly to ensure that a catastrophe of this magnitude never happens again.
It was with this in mind that when Democrats assumed control of Congress eight months ago, the first piece of legislation that we passed was H.R. 1, legislation adopting the recommendations of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission Report. This legislation was signed into law by the President on August 3rd and represents a major step forward in protecting America from future terrorist attacks.
H.R. 1 swiftly addresses some of the vulnerabilities to terrorism that were found to exist in America. In South Florida, for example, within the next five years we will move from screening only 5% of inbound cargo for Port Everglades or the Port of Miami to the screening of 100% of inbound cargo.
In an era of unprecedented challenges to America's security and public safety, our passage of legislation implementing the 9/11 Commission Report's recommendations is an important step forward in protecting Americans from future terrorist attacks and in providing our first responders the tools they need to combat terrorism.


'Super' tax exemption Going Down The Tubes, Bigtime

A new Quinnipiac poll released this morning shows less than half of Florida voters support the "super" homestead exemption, a 10-point drop from July that casts serious doubt on it passing Jan. 29.
The 10 point slide reflected this morning could reflect studies showing that many people are, in the long run, better off sticking with Save Our Homes than going to the new plan.
Voters on Jan. 29 will be asked to replace the current $25,000 homestead exemption with a percentage based system that would knock off up to $195,000 on the first $500,000 of property value.

Judge dismisses main corruption charge against Commissioner Wasserstrom

A Broward judge tossed out the main corruption charge against suspended Hollywood Commissioner Keith Wasserstrom moments after prosecutors and defense attorneys unexpectedly rested Monday.

Wasserstrom, 40, still faces four felony counts of official misconduct, and the jury could start deliberating as early as today. But they won't be considering the charge of unlawful compensation that was the linchpin of the state's case against the commissioner.

Two of the remaining counts allege Wasserstrom lied on two conflict-of-interest forms about the full extent of his relationship to a sludge company that won an $18 million contract with the city. The two other counts charge that he misled Mayor Mara Giulianti, causing her to do the same on her forms.

Democratic State House 91 hopeful Chris Chiari. Throws down on sunset of PIP insurance

Democratic State House 91 hopeful Chris Chiari. Throws down on sunset of PIP insurance.
"Leadership takes action not just words," Chiari said in a letter to supporters. Chiari also sent a letter to Bogdanoff asking her to convince Gov. Charlie Crist to call a special session to address the PIP laws.
September 7, 2007
Dear Representative Bogdanoff,
I read today that you have decided to call off negotiations on Personal Injury Protection (PIP/No Fault Insurance), effectively letting it expire. On behalf of all of those who are going to be negatively affected by the sunsetting of PIP, I urge you to reconsider this move.
You were quoted today as saying that you "don't know that there's any reason to [resume negotiations] right now."
If I may, the reasoning is clear: while you have been publicly claiming that your bill is the "House" bill, the other 119 members of the House have yet to see your bill in committee or on the House floor. While I have issues (as many do) with some of its provisions, it deserves consideration and debate before the clock runs out.
As a leader in the House, you must have been fully aware that the special session was about to be cancelled. As such, forwarding a proposal last week might have been great PR, but the lack of a special session has effectively reduced your bill down to exactly that - PR.
You stated on the radio this week that PIP sunsetting would be a bad thing for consumers. As the declared chief negotiator regarding PIP, it is your responsibility to see that negotiations continue until there is an acceptable solution for all parties. To back away now, in the face of the crisis, contradicts the will of the people[2], as well as your own stated devotion to reform.
Given your roots in insurance, and the intense lobbying efforts by your friends and associates in that industry, the public needs you to replace rhetoric with action, and follow through on your statements in support of coverage.
I urge you to immediately:
1) Make a public request to the Governor to call a special session to negotiate a PIP solution before October 1st, or
2) Join the growing bi-partisan support for an emergency extension of PIP to facilitate a true, open discussion about needed reform during the 2008 regular session.
Chris Chiari

Jim Defede Fired From WINZ AM940 Radio

UPDATE: 01-03-08

Talk show host Jim DeFede returns to radio on Monday, this time on WFTL, 850AM.DeFede will be heard from 4 to 7 p.m. from Monday through Friday, the station said in a prepared release.Prior to WFTL, DeFede hosted a morning show on WINZ, AM940. He was named "Best AM Radio Personality" for 2007 by New Times Broward-Palm Beach.DeFede was an award-winning writer for the Miami New Times for 11 years, a metro columnist for the Miami Herald for three years and currently writes for Miami Monthly Magazine. He is also a commentator and investigative reporter for CBS4 News in Miami."I'm thrilled to be back with my own show and to be working for WFTL," DeFede said in a prepared release on Thursday.

UPDATE: 09-12-07As Reported in the Miami Herald
Jim DeFede, whose talk show on WINZ-AM (940) ended on Aug. 31, is moving to another South Florida radio station. He won't say where, but reportedly he'll join WFTL-AM (850) in early December. (DeFede's noncompete agreement with WINZ owner Clear Channel requires him to sit out for 90 days.)DeFede, a WFOR-CBS4 commentator and former Miami Herald columnist, says his one-year deal with WINZ expired on July 24. ``My show was not canceled.''The station asked for an extension through Aug. 31, he says. He agreed. As that deadline neared, WINZ offered another two months. DeFede wanted long-term. ``They told me that if I didn't like it, I could go out and try to find myself another station to work for.''He did -- with the help of agent Andrew Korge. DeFede cut a two-year deal.WFTL is owned by James Crystal Radio Group. Former TV anchor and reporter Kelley Mitchell is a morning co-host. The station also airs conservative syndicated hosts Dr. LauraSchlessinger, Bill O'Reilly and Michael Savage And Demo Babe Stacy Ritter.Says DeFede: ``My views aren't going to change based on the station I'm on.''WINZ is licensed to Miami, WFTL to West Palm Beach, says University of Miami broadcasting professor Dr. Mitchell Shapiro. ''A different reach,'' says Shapiro, who adds that both stations can be heard in parts of the tri-county area.DeFede will likely have a morning or afternoon gig.DeFede, 45, who underwent emergency surgery in June to remove fluid from around his heart, is feeling fine. ''Since April, the last time I weighed myself, I've lost 63 pounds.'' He orders portion-controlled meals from chef Mario Bladimirsquy's Diet At Your Doorstep in Coconut Creek, which advertised on DeFede's show. And, he exercises. ``I'm walking every night, about a mile and a quarter.''DeFede's plan for the ''down time'' before his return to radio? ``I'm going to get a trainer.'' DeFede will likely have a morning or afternoon gig.DeFede, 45, who underwent emergency surgery in June to remove fluid from around his heart, is feeling fine. ''Since April, the last time I weighed myself, I've lost 63 pounds.'' He orders portion-controlled meals from chef Mario Bladimirsquy's Diet At Your Doorstep in Coconut Creek, which advertised on DeFede's show. And, he exercises. ``I'm walking every night, about a mile and a quarter.''
DeFede's plan for the ''down time'' before his return to radio? ``I'm going to get a trainer.''


UPDATE 09-11-07 :
Rumor has it.....

Jim DeFede To move to ...

Home of Rush Limbaugh's Demo Babe
Stacy Ritter

Maybe he will knock off Mitchell and Morley in Drive Time........
What A Snooze.....

Unceremoniously fired by the head honchos at WINZ. In addition, his name and web log have been removed from the station's web site and his picture is now posted at the station's guard post ")

We wrote to Nicole Sandler, co-host and producer of De Fede's show, hoping to find out what is going on. Here is her reply:

I don't know much, except that Jim had been in contract negotiations with Clear Channel that look to have broken down... It's not looking good. You can write to the program director ( or the general manager (

Sandler is continuing to host De Fede's morning slot of 6-9 am until the station makes a decision whether to hire a new local host or pick up another syndicated lib talker.

Being "unceremoniously" terminated is nothing new for Jim De Fede. Two years ago, when De Fede was writing a column for the Miami Herald, he was fired by his editors -- Jesus Diaz and Tom Fiedler – for tape-recording an interview with a public official without notifying the official.

Arthur Teele, Jr., a former Miami-Dade County Commissioner, called De Fede to discuss a story published in a local newspaper that contained several embarrassing and incriminating allegations. The next day Teele blew his brains out in the lobby of the Herald.

When De Fede told his editors that he spoke with Teele the night before and tape-recorded the discussion, they conferred for ten minutes and then fired him.

Many observers including over 200 South Florida journalists thought there were other issues involved in De Fede's termination. For example, he had involved in union organizing activities and the paper was in the process of downsizing.

In any case, De Fede bounced back. In addition to his daily show on WINZ, he has also been doing commentary for WFOR-TV in Miami and writing a column for LRM Magazine, a popular South Florida publication.

De Fede doesn't seemed to be very concerned about his termination at WINZ. He told the New Times that "he had a great time at WINZ" and that he is looking forward to "being on the air again at another station very soon."

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Rep. Tom Feeney Career Of Corruption Falling Like A Deck Of Cards

Rep. Tom Feeney, R-Oviedo,  defended his acceptance of $5,000 for his legal defense fund from an Oviedo businessman hoping for a NASA contract.
Feeney wrote a guest column for Florida Today, which criticized him in an Aug. 31 editorial. The Orlando Sentinel had written a news story about the donation on Aug. 17.
"I'd like to reiterate the point that I have never used my position or exerted excessive influence to benefit the awarding of a federal contract," Feeney said.
Feeney accepted the money from Tyng-Lin Yang of Pyramid Technology.
Yang also is president of Yang Enterprises, a software and engineering company whose Web site touts its hope for a "logistics operations contract'' at NASA's Johnson Space Center.
The fund was established to offset the legal fees Feeney has incurred since questions were raised about the lawmaker's trip to Scotland with now-disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
"The FLORIDA TODAY suggestion that support from my longtime friend and colleague is somehow helpful to any contract efforts with the federal government is absolutely ridiculous," said Feeney, the top Republican on the House Space Subcommittee. "In the unlikely event that the committee should attempt to participate in any aspect of the review process for the contract in question, I will voluntarily abstain from participating to prevent any perception of impropriety."

To Trace The web of corruption back to 2000 and Yang and Feeney Click Here 

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Homeowners' Defense Act closer to reality

The impact of rising homeowners' insurance premiums, reduced coverage and policy cancellations is being felt by more and more homeowners throughout the United States. This is a problem that Floridians know all too well and have been dealing with for more than 10 years.

The rising costs resulting from natural disasters have placed a strain on homeowners, jeopardizing the ability of families to protect what is traditionally their most valuable asset, their home. With property-insurance issues now spreading well beyond Florida's borders, some relief may be in sight.

Though Florida homeowners keep an eye on the weather radar during hurricane season, their fears unfortunately no longer dissipate at the close of hurricane season. With property insurers moving to significantly increase rates or deny coverage outright to hundreds of thousands of policyholders, people are beginning to fear that their coverage may be dropped as much as they fear the storm itself.

This cycle of rising rates and falling coverage is unacceptable. We no longer can expect homeowners to shoulder a dramatic and often unwarranted rise in premiums, while at the same time hoping that their coverage will not be canceled if they file a claim. Now that states in multiple regions are beginning to face the same insurance problems as Florida, Congress has realized that federal action is necessary.

Prior to my election to Congress, last year I promised that, if elected, I would work to make the availability and affordability of homeowners' insurance a top priority. Once I arrived in Washington, Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Palm Beach Gardens, and I began drafting a blueprint to provide federal assistance to supplement the actions of states dealing with property insurance issues. We each sought and received a seat on the House Financial Services Committee, which would allow us to craft and oversee the development of national insurance catastrophe legislation.

For several months, we have been meeting with constituents, industry representatives, policy groups and academics to address the availability and affordability of homeowners' insurance. That effort culminated with the introduction of HR 3355, the Homeowners' Defense Act of 2007.

The legislation provides a venue for state-sponsored insurance funds to voluntarily pool their catastrophe risk with one another, and then transfer that risk to the private markets through the use of catastrophe bonds and reinsurance contracts. The bill also allows for the federal government to extend low-interest loans to cash-strapped state insurance funds after a large-scale natural disaster, so that they can meet their obligations to homeowners.
By utilizing new strategies and an innovative capital market approach, the bill allows investors to assume some of the risk currently held by the states, in return for an interest payment. The voluntary nature of the program, coupled with the use of the capital markets, ensures that homeowners in less disaster-prone states will not be on the hook if a disaster strikes a neighboring state.

Under the bill, participating states would be presented with the tools necessary to responsibly manage their risk before a disaster strikes, while also ensuring that they can quickly and efficiently respond to homeowners' insurance claims following a natural catastrophe. The goal of this legislation is to stabilize the insurance market, thus increasing competition and lowering premiums over time.

The Homeowners' Defense Act already has the support of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank and members representing more than 20 states. A Financial Services Committee hearing will take place today, and we believe that the full House will move to consider the bill soon.

Last week, I joined Reps. Mahoney and Robert Wexler, D-Delray Beach, to host a forum in West Palm Beach on this bill. We had the opportunity to explain our bill to constituents and answer questions about how we believe our plan will provide relief to Florida homeowners.
With the Homeowners' Defense Act offering to provide states with much-needed assistance, we are moving forward to make this plan a reality.

cross posted at

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