
Debbie Wasserman Schultz statement on the results of the Florida Republican primary

 Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement tonight on the results of the Florida Republican primary:
“Mitt Romney’s victory tonight in the Florida GOP primary comes as no surprise – Romney and his Super PAC outspent his nearest opponent by running 13,000 ads to Newt Gingrich's 200, carpet- bombing the airwaves with negative ads. In fact, Romney’s campaign has already spent more on negative ads than John McCain did during his entire presidential run.

“Tonight, Romney was successful in buying his way to victory – but with every passing Republican contest, he becomes weaker with key general election swing and independent voters should he make it that far. That’s because Mitt Romney has made it clear he will say anything, take any position on any given day and before any given audience and will distort any fact about his or his opponents' record to win.
"But voters are paying more attention than Mitt Romney gives them credit for. They know he has declared support for both an extreme Tea Party agenda that would gut Social Security and Medicare and a budget plan that would end Medicare as we know it and shifts costs onto the backs of America’s seniors. They also know Romney has doubled down on his incredibly out-of-touch positions of letting foreclosures hit the bottom and expanding tax breaks to the wealthiest few at the expense of the middle class. And despite his double-speak in Florida, Mitt Romney has done nothing to dissuade voters from the notion that he is the most anti-immigrant significant major party candidate for president in generations.
"The reason Mitt Romney's negatives have soared with independent voters nationally and in key states, even as he has won one contest on his home field and bought his way to victory in another, is because the more voters learn about his extreme and out of touch positions the less they like him and the less they trust him to lead."

When Mitt Romney Comes to Town

Cindy Lerner
Mayor, Pinecrest, FL; Florida Chair, Democratic Municipal Officials

It's never good news when Mitt Romney comes to town.
It wasn't good news when Romney was in the business world, experience upon which he has staked his entire candidacy. Just ask the folks at Dade Behring.
After Romney's investment firm bought the profitable medical-equipment company and ran it into the ground, 850 workers in Miami -- and twice as many nationwide -- lost their jobs. For most businesses, that would count as a devastating failure. For Romney and his fellow corporate raiders at Bain Capital, it was a rousing success: they made nearly $250 million by driving Dade Behring into bankruptcy.
Romney is running as a self-described "job creator," but the facts at that factory and so many others across the country tell a much different story. His own business partner even admitted the idea was never to put people to work -- it was to put money in their pockets by making profit at any cost. Like one of Romney's victims at Dade Behring said, "He didn't create jobs. He slashed and burned jobs."
As voters discover the truth about the kind of business Romney practiced, the candidate is finding out that coming to town now means bad news for his popularity. The more voters learn about him, the less they like him. It's not hard to see why.
Romney has profited handsomely at the expense American taxpayers, enriching himself off Medicare fraud at another medical business that he oversaw. Damon Corporation pleaded guilty to defrauding the Medicare system of $25 million while Romney served on its board of directors, which cost taxpayers $40 million. The U.S. Attorney called it a case of "corporate greed run amok" and the company was fined $119 million. Again, not an experience most business leaders would remember fondly. But when Damon was sold, Romney walked away with $473,000.
Of course, Romney doesn't want Floridians to think about the workers he laid off, the greed for which the companies he oversaw were punished, or the fortune he made in the process. So he's running on what he calls a record of job creation.
But Romney has flailed and failed while trying to explain that claim. He used to claim Bain created more than 10,000 jobs, then "tens of thousands." In recent weeks he's offered figures ranging from 100,000 to 120,000 to just "thousands." His gyrations inspire more dizziness than confidence.
And Floridians should ask themselves: if Romney's time at Bain prepared him so well to create jobs from elected office, why did Romney leave Massachusetts 47th in job creation and bleeding manufacturing jobs at double the national average?
This week the Florida sunshine will expose even more of Romney's record and ideas. They'll pale in comparison to the president's record of creating more than 3 million jobs over 22 straight months of private-sector growth, and his vision of a fair, job-creating economy that's built to last and rewards hard work and responsibility.
Just last week the president came to Disney World to announce new support for our travel and tourism industry. His campaign has already been here for months, with nine offices across the state and an army of volunteers who have held thousands of one-on-one conversations and planned hundreds more events in the coming weeks.
After the Republicans go home next week and the national media follow them out, the president's campaign will still be here talking with Floridians about his record of job-creation, transparency and restoring the values that made America great. For Mitt Romney, that's just more bad news.

Invitation To Be On The Radio Today at 3pm

We are based in Boston, but broadcast progressive radio shows in a growing network of cities, including Tampa. This week, we are live in Fort Lauderdale at the Floridian Restaurant and talking to local and national democrats about the Florida primary. We are reaching out to see if you might have any contacts who are able to attend this live broadcast tomorrow. It will take place between 3-7 PM at the Floridian Restaurant at 1410 E Las Olas Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. 

Guests on tomorrow's show include Dan Reynolds (President, Broward County AFL-CIO), and US Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. 

We invite you and any of your contacts to attend this live broadcast, and join us for an afternoon of political talk, good food and a trivia contest. Stop by for the whole show, or just for a quick bite to eat and some conversation with folks who share your views!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has released the following statement on RNC Chair Reince Priebus' comparison of President Obama to the Italian cruise ship captain who’s come under media fire for apparently abandoning his sinking vessel

The DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has released the following statement on RNC Chair Reince Priebus' comparison of President Obama to the Italian cruise ship captain who’s come under media fire for apparently abandoning his sinking vessel:

“Chairman Priebus should be ashamed of his comments comparing President Obama to the captain of the wrecked Italian cruise ship. That he would compare the President of the United States with a man now charged with manslaughter for his actions shows a lack of respect for the President that is beyond the bounds of appropriate political discourse. More importantly, it shows a galling lack of sensitivity for the victims of this tragedy and their families, as well as those still living in anguish because their loved-ones are still missing.

“Chairman Priebus crossed the line. People died, and he is exploiting and making light of a tragedy for political purposes. I call on Chairman Priebus to apologize for his comments and for the hurt he may have caused in making them."

Rally to Defeat Amendment 8!

Almost 200 people turned out yesterday to hear Andrew Rosenkranz, Howard Simon, and Barry Lynn at the Rally to Defeat Amendment 8!  It was literally standing room only!  The speakers were incredible, especially Barry Lynn, who had the audience roaring with laughter again and again.  It was a wonderful event!  

    I am attaching four Broward Vote No on Amendment 8 Coalition flyers, which you can print out and share with friends, family and neighbors.  Amendment 8 is dangerous and must be defeated!  If you'd like to join us in the effort to defeat Amendment 8, please notify Alan Scheib at or at 954-217-2958.
Alan G. Ehrlich

Mitt Romney’s ties with Damon Corporation, a company that was fined for Medicare fraud

Democrats just released a report on Mitt Romney’s ties with Damon Corporation, a company that was fined for Medicare fraud. From Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz:   
Now, as Romney campaigns across Florida, including courting voters in my congressional district, he must answer troubling questions about his time as a board member at Damon Corporation, a medical testing company that was fined over $119 million in criminal and civil fines for a large-scale Medicare defrauding scheme, and his debunked story about his role in uncovering and reporting the fraud to federal investigators.
As for what this means for Romney, the email continues:
Romney has repeatedly claimed that his success in the private sector has been—and would continue to be—an asset for the country, but it’s increasingly clear that Romney’s success came through questionable means at the expense of hardworking taxpayers. Laying off workers, defrauding Medicare, bankrupting companies, and storing millions of dollars in notorious off-shore tax havens may have brought Romney success as a corporate raider, but these aren’t the qualities that would serve America’s middle class families well.

GOP debate: Candidates bicker over illegal immigration

Illegal immigration dominated the beginning of a CNN debate Thursday in Tampa, Fla. with presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney clashing over rhetoric and approaches to dealing with approximately 11 million people who have entered the United States illegally.
Each of the four Republicans still in the presidential race were asked for their position on illegal immigration, but the conversation quickly became a tête-à-tête between the two frontrunners, who accused each other of offensive language and of failing to grasp what the nation must do to solve the problem.
Read the story here.

Last Redistricting Meeting Tomorrow

Tomorrow, members of the House Redistricting Committee will meet to discuss and vote on proposed maps for Florida's state House, state Senate and congressional districts. The meeting represents the final committee stop for the House's proposed maps before those options head to the House floor. Meeting details are below:

What:                   House Redistricting Committee Meeting
Date:                     Friday, January 27, 2012
Time:                    9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. EST
Location:             404 House Office Building, Tallahassee, FL
View Live:          House Broadcasts
During tomorrow's meeting, Members will consider five timely filed amendments. Each amendment is listed below for your reference.  In addition, a summary of the amendments can be found here:

·         State House map: Amendment 1 (H000H9049) to HJR 6011 (H000H9027) by Vice Chair Precourt
·         State House map: Amendment 2 (SPUBH0177) to HJR 6011 (H000H9027) by Chair Weatherford
·         Congressional map: Amendment 1 (H000C9047) to HB 6005 (H000C9043) by Vice Chair Precourt
·         Congressional map: Amendment 2 (SPUBC0170) to HB 6005 (H000C9043) by Chair Weatherford
·         State Senate map: Amendment 1 (S000S9008) to HJR 6001 (S000S9004) by Vice Chair Precourt

Mitt Romney Denies He Is Mexican-American

Mitt Romney laughed off the suggestion on Thursday that if elected he would be the country’s first Mexican-American President. The Univision host Jorge Ramos cheekily asked about Romney’s Mexican heritage, referencing the fact that Romney’s father was born in a Mormon encampment in Mexico.
“I would love to be able to convince people of that,” Romney joked in response. “Particularly in a Florida primary.” But, he added, “I don’t think people would think I was being honest with them if I said I was Mexican-American.”
The Florida primary on January 31 is the first time in this cycle that the candidates have had to appeal to Latino voters. Whereas in Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney was courting white audiences as the far-right candidate on immigration, Romney is now moderating his stance for a Florida audience, where 11% of registered Republicans are Latino. Gingrich has struck a more moderate tone on immigration and Romney needs to win over at least some of this community.

Retain Judge Lopane Kick Off

Please join the Committee to Retain Judge Lopane and Deputy Campaign Treasurers Robert Butterworth Esquire, Samuel Goren, Esp., and Collins Forman, Esq. for a
Campaign Kick Off Rally
Thursday, February 9, 2012
5:30 p.m.
Tap 42
1411 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale
RSVPs are appreciated but not required.
 RETAINLOPANE.COM    Retain Lopane P.O. Box 350223, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Nicholas "Nick" Lopane, Non Partisan, for Circuit Court Judge, Group 5.
Dear Colleagues and Friends of Nick, 

   As you know, with your assistance Judge Lopane was appointed to the Circuit Bench in 2010, however, Judges in Florida are required to run in their first election cycle following their appointment then every 6 years thereafter. Judge Lopane's election will be this Fall 2012, although he does not have an opponent, his campaign committee is active and vigorously promoting his candidacy.  Your help is needed! If you would like to assist in this endeavor then please join us for a kickoff rally on his behalf and for some fun and refreshments. This is an open event, so please feel free to invite whomever you would like to accompany you, and to forward this email freely.
Thank you.
Committee to
P.O. Box 350223
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Nicholas
"Nick" Lopane, Non Partisan, for Circuit Court Judge, Group 5.

Rep. Wasserman Schultz Statement on 39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

“Today we mark an incredible milestone – 39 years since the Supreme Court of the United States guaranteed the women of this country the right to make their own reproductive health decisions. As a woman, mother, daughter, friend and policy maker, I honor this anniversary by reaffirming my commitment to protecting women’s rights and encourage the women in my life and in my district to take care of their health. 
"Just last Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that the Obama Administration would not bow to pressure from anti-choice religious organizations asking for an exemption from the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to provide free birth control without a co-pay. Thanks to this decision, women working at religiously affiliated organizations, such as hospitals and universities, will not be denied access to the no-cost contraceptives made available through health care reform.
“This will benefit the more than 98 percent of women who use birth control at some point in their lives. I applaud President Obama for standing with women and once again proving that this Administration values women’s health. We must continue working to protect a woman’s constitutional right to choose — as part of her right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Jeb Bush To 'Stay Neutral' On 2012 GOP Candidates

Jeb Bush will “stay neutral” on the Republican candidates, the former Florida governor toldBloomberg News.
Bush criticized the candidates' hash positions on immigration, saying: “That could be an issue in the general election that plays out in a negative way for Republican candidates.”
CNN reported earlier Saturday that Bush would endorse Romney, but the claim was quickly refuted by sources close to Bush.


(State of the Union Watch Party)January 24th 2012
2012 State Of The Union Address Watch Party : In the past, President Obama's State of the Union address has been a plan for the year ahead -- and the priorities outlined in those speeches have led to many of this administration's accomplishments. We're getting together in our neighborhood to watch the 2012 State of the Union Address, celebrate our work so far, and to plan out the next couple of months in our area. We have a lot of work to do, but working together, we can build teams in our community to stand with our President and other Democrats. Now, more than ever, your voice is needed to determine our community's future.

2449 Wilton Dr

Wilton Manors, FL 33305

8pm to 10pm

Labor Union Releases Ad Tying Romney To Florida Gov. Rick Scott

The Labor Union AFSCME is jumping into the GOP Florida Primary with an $80,000 buy for an ad that ties Mitt Romney to the not-wildly-popular Florida governor Rick Scott.
The spot’s narrator claims, ““While Romney was a director of the Damon Corporation, the company was defrauding Medicare of millions.”
Here’s how the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent describes the ad and its background:
The basis for the ad is a 2002 Boston Globe article reporting that Romney and Bain made huge profits from the 1993 sale of a medical testing company that earned its revenues partly from a criminal scheme to defraud the Medicare system. Romney served on the board of Damon from 1990-1993 but was never implicated in any way, the Globe reported, adding that the evenual sale of Damon made Romney $473,000 and netted $7.4 million for Bain investors.

The ad uses this material to morph an image of Romney into that of the Florida Governor. “Corporate greed. Medicare fraud. Sound familiar?” the ad says, an allusion to a well known fact among Floridians — that their governor once ran the company at the center of the biggest Medicare fraud case in U.S. history.

Commission Redistricting Project

If you want to view the new Broward County Commission district maps, click here. You can view the districts as a pdf file, or if you download Google Earth onto your computer, you can open the file in a very detailed aerial view.

Some of the districts changed greatly.

To view the old districts for comparison, click here.

Commission Redistricting Project

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Womens Health

Women’s health was a big focus for me this month and that’s why I’m writing you today. 
In an effort to raise awareness about National Cervical Health Awareness Month, I met with medical professionals, cancer advocates and cancer survivors at the Broward County Health Department.  Each year more than 12,000 American women are diagnosed with cervical cancer, and a third of them will die from it. 
That’s why cutting-edge facilities like the one at the Broward County Health Department are crucial in the effort to increase early detection and treatment. They offer free screening exams for breast and cervical cancers, as well as treatment to women who need it. I am committed to making sure that my constituents have all the information and resources they need to keep themselves healthy.  And I will continue to work hard to ensure that Congress does its part in the fight against cancer.Read more
Another movement that’s gaining momentum in South Florida is the effort against human trafficking. Right here in the United States, an estimated 200,000 people, some as young as 13, are being sold into prostitution and pornography. In honor of National Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Month, my office organized a roundtable meeting with Broward County's Human Trafficking Coalition, the Broward Sheriff's Office, the FBI Miami Bureau, local law enforcement and women and children's advocacy groups to talk about how to address this tragic issue. Read more

We’ve come a long way in the last few decades when it comes to women’s rights and we must continue to do our part to protect those rights and encourage the women in our lives to take care of their health.    
I am proud to be an advocate for South Florida, and my office is always open to you. You can reach us in Pembroke Pines at954-437-3936, in Aventura at 305-936-5724 and in Washington, DC at 202-225-7931.  I’m also available online at and on Facebook. You can download my mobile app for iPhone and Android here. Comcast-on-demand customers can stay up to date with my work for you on channel 890.

Koch-affiliated tea party group promotes ‘National School Choice Week’ rallies

The Florida chapter of the Koch-affiliated tea party group Americans for Prosperity yesterday called for people to sign up for rallies affiliated with National School Choice Week, which starts next week.
Americans for Prosperity tweeted: “Americans enjoy freedom in the marketplace but not in education. This must change!” It also calls for people to sign up for events at Put Kids First, which bears the slogan “Americans for Prosperity Foundation + National School Choice Week = Restoring American Exceptionalism.”
The Americans for Prosperity Foundation, funded by David and Charles Koch, defines itself as “a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity.”
“The second-largest private company in the United States, Koch Industries is also a conglomerate, whose subsidiary businesses operate in some of the world’s most profitable markets,” writes Open Secrets, adding that 83 percent of Koch monetary political contributions have gone “to Republican candidates and committees.”
Americans for Prosperity writes that “reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans.”

I know you must be dying to contact Koch Industries to give them your opinion, so here’s how you can do that.
Koch Industries, Inc.
P.O. Box 2256
Wichita, KS 67201-2256

Members of Florida delegation withdraw support for controversial anti-piracy bills

Florida elected officials who co-sposored congressional legislation to fight online piracy announced today they have withdrawn their support, while Google and Wikipedia joined
many other online companies and organizations in a blackout to stop passage of the legislation

Rally To Defend The Constitution

  Meet Special Guest Rev. Barry W. Lynn of Americans United

                Barry Lynn
Annual Meeting and Rally to Support Religious Freedom with Rev. Barry Lynn
Saturday, January 28
Noon - Board Elections
1:00pm - Rally begins
Jim Ward Community Center
301 NW 46 Avenue
Plantation, FL 33317
Though you must be a member of the Broward Chapter of the ACLU to participate in the board election, all friends of liberty in South Florida are invited to the rally to hear the speakers.
    With the 2012 Legislative Session less than a week old, we're already facing new legislative threats to religious liberty. Because the dangers posed by proposed legislation have intensified our ongoing fight to defend the right of individual religious expression in Florida, we are thrilled to offer our members this rare opportunity to meet and hear from a national civil rights and religious freedom leader.
    On Saturday, January 28, the Broward County chapter of the ACLU invites you to join it for the 2012 Annual Meeting, Elections and Rally to Support Religious Freedom with special keynote speakerReverend Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
    Lynn has served as Executive Director of Americans United since 1992. In addition to his work as a long-time activist and lawyer in the civil liberties field, Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, offering him a unique perspective on church-state issues. He will be speaking about the current state of religious freedom in Florida and across the nation, and what you can do to help protect it.
    The rally will also feature special guests Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida, and Andrew Rosenkranz, Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League of Florida.
    This free event will be held at the Jim Ward Community Center in Plantation and is co-sponsored by the Palm Beach Chapter of the ACLU and the Greater Miami Chapter of the ACLU. A light lunch and refreshments will be available.  Please bring a dish to share.
    We look forward to seeing you at the rally on the 28th!

Meet Special Guest Rev. Barry W. Lynn of Americans United

With the 2012 Legislative Session less than a week old, we're already facing new legislative threats to religious liberty. Because the dangers posed by proposed legislation have intensified our ongoing fight to defend the right of individual religious expression in Florida, we are thrilled to offer our members this rare opportunity to meet and hear from a national civil rights and religious freedom leader.
On Saturday, January 28, the Broward County chapter of the ACLU invites you to join us for the 2012 Annual Meeting, Elections and Rally to Support Religious Freedom with special keynote speaker Reverend Barry W. Lynn, Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Lynn has served as Executive Director of Americans United since 1992. In addition to his work as a long-time activist and lawyer in the civil liberties field, Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, offering him a unique perspective on church-state issues. He will be speaking about the current state of religious freedom in Florida and across the nation, and what you can do to help protect it.
The rally will also feature special guests Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU of Florida, and David Barkey, Religious Freedom Counsel at the Anti-Defamation League of Florida.
This free event will be held at the Jim Ward Community Center in Plantation and is co-sponsored by the Palm Beach Chapter of the ACLU and the Greater Miami Chapter of the ACLU. A light lunch and refreshments will be available to Broward Chapter members and to non-members who RSVP.
We look forward to seeing you at the rally on the 28th!
ACLU of Florida

South Florida Symphony Concert - Free Tickets

Safe Schools South Florida is happy to relay that the South Florida Symphony is offering free tickets for its upcoming concert at the University of Miami Gusman Center on Thursday, January 26 at 8 pm.

Information about the January 26 program can be found

To obtain tickets, please contact Jaqueline Lorber at
Safe Schools South Florida (formerly GLSEN South Florida) is a 501c3 non-profit agency committed to making schools safe for all students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. We train educators to recognize and address anti-gay bullying. We empower youth by supporting GSAs and holding annual GSA conferences. We educate the public through a speakers bureau and we monitor the success of our efforts through research and surveys. We rely on grants and donations from people who are concerned about children and education. For information about Safe Schools South Florida, our events, or to make a tax-deductible contribution please or email us at or call 305-576-2126 or 954-771-4799.

Broward Move To Amend Rally

                   MOVE TO
                 A PROTEST RALLY                         
                        JOIN THE HAPPENING
Why Protest - because the Supreme Court has gone rouge with the CITIZENS UNITED Decision.
Now that it's obvious to all that Money corrupts and Super PACs distorts our Democracy,ACTION is a Must.
The exact wording of the Constitutional amend is not as important as building the Movement at this time.  The best wording will be the result of various supporting groups' input.
WHEN        Friday January 20th  At 3 PM
WHERE      Federal District Court   Ft Lauderdale
                     299 E Broward Blvd  & SE 3rd St Park at Public Garage
WHAT         Rally for the People  -  Move to Amend
Bring your own signs as long as they are respectful. ( Corporations are not People,  Alienable rights are Human Rights, 1st Amendments Rights belong to the People,etc).  Remember as Coffee Party members or fans we are willing to listen to other opinions.  We believe in Free Speech NOT  out shouting others.  We are there to educate not to start a riot.   OK ?? I have some limited handouts.  If you can make copies, email me, I can send you the form ready to print.
See you there
For more information goto : , ,
PLEASE Let others know about this rally !!!