
Updated Florida Polling

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It's a veritable poll-a-palooza in Florida, which has seen a ton of polling in general thanks both to its size and to the fact that it's the only state hosting both Senate and gubernatorial races this year that look like toss-ups (and in fact, that's exactly how we rate them). Perhaps most notable is the fact that Scott decided to release an internal, almost certainly to counter the numbers from the likes of Quinnipiac and SSRS, which show Nelson ahead by 5 to 6 points.
However, there's one good reason to be skeptical of this poll: It also purports to show Republican Ron DeSantis leading 48-45 in the governor's race. That'd make it the first survey pretty much since forever to find DeSantis up.
  • FL-GovOnMessage (R) for Rick Scott: Ron DeSantis (R): 48, Andrew Gillum (D): 45
  • FL-GovSEA Polling (D): Andrew Gillum (D): 48, Ron DeSantis (R): 42
  • FL-GovSSRS for CNN: Andrew Gillum (D): 54, Rick DeSantis (R): 42 (early Oct.: 48-40 Gillum)
  • FL-GovSt. Pete Polls: Andrew Gillum (D): 47, Ron DeSantis (R) 46 (mid-Oct.: 47-46 Gillum)
There's that OnMessage poll from Rick Scott, is the first poll since the late-August primary to find DeSantis leading. In fact, it's only the second poll ever that's had DeSantis ahead, and the only other such survey was from the execrable Gravis all the way back in July—and that's out of 28 public polls total. That gives us good reason to think OnMessage's numbers aren't accurate.
More to the point, DeSantis himself barely seems to believe them. His campaign purported to release an "internal poll" over the weekend that had him up two points, but click the link and you'll see what a joke it is. There's no polling memo, no field dates, no exact sample size, and, most importantly, no pollster. If someone doesn't even bother to tell you who their pollster is, you should pay very little heed to their alleged polls.
#RedTideRick,  Rick Scott has worked hard to appeal to Puerto Rican voters angry with Donald Trump and his handling of Hurricane Maria, and Senate Majority PAC is up with a Spanish-language spot tying Scott to the White House. The commercial features footage of Trump callously throwing paper towels into an audience in Puerto Rico

Source: Dailykos

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