
Veterans Group Group say #RedTideRick is a fraud


The largest progressive group of veterans in the country continues to reign with strong political and military power and pull. is here to stay, and Florida Navy Veteran Alan Madison is not afraid to speak his mind telling Florida Governor Rick Scott, straight out, that Scott doesn’t deserve to wear a hat with the “Navy” emblem on it. 
Here is the VoteVets 30-second ad followed by the transcript and full press release.

Video transcript:
“I see Rick Scott wearing that Navy hat everywhere he goes.
Let me tell you what he did to veterans. His hospital company stole millions, defrauding the military’s health care program. Scott pled the ‘Fifth’ (Amendment) and walked away with a fortune. Today he’s worth over $200 million bucks. Veterans like me—we got cheated.
Governor, this hat represents what the Navy stands for—honor and integrity. My question to you, sir...where is yours?”

Here is the press release

VoteVets Launches Massive $4 Million Ad Blitz in Florida Senate Race, Taking On Rick Scott's Record....and That Hat

Ad features Florida Navy Veteran, highlighting Scott's defrauding of the military medical system
TALLAHASSEE, FL - The largest progressive group of veterans in America is today launching a massive $4 million television ad blitz across Florida, challenging Governor Rick Scott's record on taking care of our troops... and the Navy hat he always is seen wearing.
The ad can be found here:
The ad will run across all television markets in the state, and on satellite TV.
In the ad, Florida Navy Veteran Alan Madison says, "I see Rick Scott wearing that Navy hat everywhere he goes. But let me tell you what he did to veterans. His hospital company stole millions defrauding the military’s healthcare program. Scott plead the fifth and walked away with a fortune. And today he’s worth over two hundred million bucks. But veterans like me, we got cheated. Governor, this hat represents what the Navy stands for - honor and integrity. My question for you sir, is where’s yours?"
Indeed, Rick Scott's tenure at Columbia/HCA was best known for its historic defrauding of Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE, the military's health care system.  Scott resigned, and pleaded the 5th in a civil case at that time, citing ongoing criminal prosecution for his fraud.  Today he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

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