Urge Our Florida Democratic Members of Congress to...

The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus is calling on its chapters to schedule in-district visits with Senator Bill Nelson and Members of Congress during their summer recess to urge them to support LGBT-supportive legislation and ask them to become a co-sponsor.

Becoming a co-sponsor demonstrates their commitment and support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender community. If your Member of Congress is already a co-sponsor, call them and thank them for their leadership.

Help us make as many local contacts as possible before they return to Washington after Labor Day.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) prohibits employment discrimina­tion on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. ENDA creates express protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people similar to those available under existing federal discrimination laws for other protected classes of workers.

The Military Readiness Enhancement Act (MREA) would repeal the current "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the United States Military. There is no Senate Bill at this time.

The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (DPBO) would provide benefits for same-gender domestic partners of federal civilian employees on the same basis as spousal benefits.

The United American Families Act (UAFA) would allow Americas in long-term relationships to sponsor their permanent partners for U.S. Citizenship.

As LGBT Democrats, we campaign hard to elect Democrats who support the LGBT community and demonstrate great courage and leadership on our issues. Now is the time for them to stand with us.

Below is a scorecard noting where Florida Democratic Members of Congress are demonstrating courage to stand with the Lesbian Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community by co-sponsoring legislation:

For a more detailed copy, go here:

To contact your Member of Congress, click the link below and enter your zip code.

To learn more about the issues and download talking points, visit Human Rights Campaign at:

After you call and meet with your Member of Congress, please e-mail Michael Emanuel Rajner, Legislative Director for the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus at merajner@gmail.com to report on your experience.

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