Did Matt Gaetz Get His Cohen Marching Orders From Boss Trump?

You’ve now seen how Rep. Matt Gaetz, the far-right legacy Congressman from Florida, went on Twitter this afternoon and appeared to threaten Michael Cohen with revealing a purported affair or affairs in advance of Cohen’s public congressional testimony tomorrow. So is this just Gaetz, who loves the spotlight and loves being Trump’s best friend, trying to curry favor or bust Cohen’s chops. Or is it more direct? Did President Trump or perhaps a member of his family get Gaetz to go after Cohen in advance of his big testimony?
We can’t know with any certainty, at least not based on the current evidence. (Who knows with later investigations?) But let me point you in the direction of a few clues.
First, President Trump gabs with a number of members of Congress. But he talks to Matt Gaetz a lot. They talk about Bob Mueller and the Russia probe and whoever seems to be Trump’s enemy of the moment. Trump is 72 and Gaetz is 35. He’s like the son Trump never had, except for his three other sons.

From Josh Marshall Talking points Memo:

This bada boom bada bing style threat from Rep. Matt Gaetz is so specific and so careful to invoke Cohen’s father-in-law it is highly, highly likely that it originates from Trump or the Trump family.
An even more probable connection, as someone just flagged to me: Where do you think EnquirerTablord David Pecker fits into this?

Latest: Even better, Gaetz tells Sam Stein that his gangster threat is “what it looks like to compete in the marketplace of ideas.”

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