AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING MISLEADING MAILERS SENT TO BROWARD VOTERS In recent weeks, thousands of Floridians – including many in Broward County – have received misleading letters at their homes regarding their voter registration status. For the record, these letters are the product of a private Philadelphia based non-governmental organization and did not originate from nor had anything to do with any Supervisor of Elections or any other public official. Many voters in Broward and elsewhere have bitterly complained about this practice to their County Supervisors. They have called to express the alarm occasioned by these letters which pertain to themselves or family members - both alive and deceased. These scare tactics by private actors are both despicable and grossly unfair, particularly to our seniors. These activities – offensive and confusing – are beyond the reach of State officials under current Florida law. Accordingly, if you have received such a notice and are offended by these deplorable practices, please call the organization directly at 877-255-6750 or 202-420- 3034 and ask for Jennifer L. Carrier, or Jessica Brown to lodge your complaint. This office is watchful and vigilant to these types of voter scare tactics and if you ever have a question about your status as a voter, you need merely call 954-357-7050 to get the facts

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