Broward Appointed Sheriff Not Qualified to be Dog Catcher in Parkland FL


 Prior to being appointed to the Broward Sheriff position, Tony served as a Sergeant in the Coral Springs Police Department

Many experts have determined no police agency in America would hire Tony, who lied on previous applications to be a police officer including using LSD low morals and Murder

Frankly, Gregory is not qualified to direct traffic on Broward and Federal Highway 

Television viewers got a dose of just how heated the race is for Broward County sheriff, with Gregory Tony dropping the N-word during an interview and accusing his opponent Scott Israel of running a racist campaign.

On the same show, Israel brought his own attacks, accusing Tony of “murdering a teenager and lying about it,” referring to a decades-old slaying

“To accuse me, a decorated officer, of murder when he understands the law, for his campaign to reference me as a n-----, these things are driven by politics, and that’s disgusting,” said Tony, who is Broward County’s first Black sheriff. “I don’t think this county appreciates any of those type of commentary.”

Tony was referencing an incident involving Terry Scott, a former paid campaign consultant and activist who had worked on Israel’s campaign.


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